Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2023-08-23 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! - #1472

Buongiorno, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the Eternal City – Rome! It feels like just yesterday I was twirling through the streets of Paris, and now here I am, soaking up the sun, the sights, and the most delicious gelato (which, I have to tell you, is an entirely different beast to what we get back in Derbyshire!). This is my first time in Rome, and oh, it's living up to all the hype!

For you lovely lot, Wednesday is all about Rome. My weekly Wednesday post takes you on my travels and shares my love for all things pink, tutu-licious and wonderfully girly! As you know, my quest is to bring pink tutus to the world - one twirling, giggling girl at a time! I've found that even the most stoic Italian nonnas crack a smile when they see my pink tutu! And let's be honest, what could be more charming than a bit of whimsical sparkle?

So, grab a cuppa (or maybe a prosecco!), settle in, and let me paint you a picture of my Pink Tutu Rome adventures...

A Journey on Wheels

Travelling by train, always a highlight for me! The journey from Paris to Rome was an adventure in itself. I couldn't resist a bit of pre-travel outfit prep! Of course, the perfect pink tutu made its debut, paired with a black sequined top and my trusty pink floral head scarf – just a touch of the Dolce Vita, wouldn't you agree? Fellow passengers gave me the biggest smiles as I strutted through the carriages – what a great way to brighten someone's day! (Just try and resist a giggle when a well-dressed man asks, “Are you going to the ballet?”!)

The Pantheon: A Time Machine of Pink

Rome! The very name is synonymous with history, glamour, and oh, so much to explore! My first stop, and honestly, my new favourite spot on the planet? The Pantheon. It's a masterpiece, truly. Just the way the sunlight beams through that breathtaking oculus, casting a warm, golden light upon everything, is incredible. And wouldn’t you know it, there’s a delicate pink hue that suffuses the whole building when the light shines through – it felt like the heavens themselves were showering this city with their blessing, wrapped in my favourite colour! I couldn't help myself, I twirled right there in the heart of this historic monument. It was magical! I even convinced some tourists to join in. It turned out they were American students who were studying classical ballet! Now you wouldn't think it, but tutus in the Pantheon, what a hit it was! The air was electric!

Ballet under the Roman Sky

My mission in life, of course, is to get as many people as possible wearing pink tutus! (How many times must I tell you? But seriously, I wouldn't have it any other way!) So, what could be more fun than a balletic rendezvous? I booked a lovely studio in the Trastevere neighbourhood. I've discovered that even the most serious ballerinas adore the fun factor! In fact, after a little twirl and chat about how ballet can be more than a rigid tradition, they’re all wearing a pink tutu! How fantastic!

Later that evening, I saw the most breathtaking performance at the Teatro dell'Opera. It was an elegant ballet adaptation of a classic Roman legend, and I was so caught up in the emotion and artistry! I particularly loved how the costumes played with colour and shape. Even without the tutus, there was something very, very “Pink Tutu Rome” about it all – a touch of magic, a touch of grandeur. It just goes to show, elegance and whimsy are perfect partners in a fabulous dance.

Shopping for Roman Treasures

The most enjoyable part about coming to Rome, as I have to say it, is the shopping! Rome's shops are bursting with exquisite clothing and accessories - just perfect for creating a wardrobe fit for a ballet princess! This city is an endless treasure trove!

In the afternoon, I wandered through the boutiques and designer shops around Piazza Navona. I snagged the most gorgeous scarf, adorned with the cutest pink floral designs – naturally! Of course, what is a shopping spree without indulging in a delightful dose of afternoon tea? I stumbled upon the most darling little cafe, nestled in a courtyard just off a narrow cobblestone street. Afternoon tea with clotted cream and dainty pink finger sandwiches was a must-have, to complete my very own pink-tutu tea party! (Next year I am booking a table for afternoon tea here for all you guys).

A Feast for the Senses

I've eaten so much delicious food in Rome – it's a culinary paradise! And that brings me to tonight. A night out to celebrate my trip. There is nothing I love more than a beautiful restaurant, gorgeous evening dress and sparkling drinks. As soon as I had arrived, I booked a table at a classic, well-established Italian restaurant (more on that tomorrow), complete with beautiful views across the city.

It seems that everyone agrees that Italian food and wines are simply a part of a beautiful life - La dolce vita as they say. The aroma of fresh pasta cooking and the chatter of diners - pure happiness in every bite! It's definitely a great place to come and truly unwind after a day of explorations.

As I sit here in my hotel room, looking out over the rooftops of Rome, I'm so grateful for the memories I've made. Each adventure, each encounter, and each moment in this wonderful city has added a splash of pink and a touch of twirling joy to my journey.

Coming Soon - More pink, more tutus!

Next week, more delicious recipes and more twirling, with insights into a truly delicious Roman evening, my fabulous stay at a 17th century convent and tips for shopping! And of course, more tutu adventures. You wouldn't want to miss my upcoming guest post: a renowned costume designer from the Italian National Opera sharing some incredible insights about ballet and tutus in a gorgeous interview!

Until next week, darlings!

Much love,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2023-08-23 exploring Rome Italy