Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2024-03-20 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1502 – Traipsing Through the Eternal City in My Tutu!

Ciao Bella, fellow tutu enthusiasts!

It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu-wearing ballerina, writing to you from the heart of Rome, Italy! I've landed in the Eternal City, and let me tell you, it's a sight to behold! Imagine centuries of history woven into a tapestry of cobbled streets, charming piazzas, and majestic architecture, all drenched in the warm Italian sun. And, yes, I'm rocking my signature pink tutu, because what's a trip to Rome without a splash of vibrant pink?

This is my 1502nd blog post – can you believe it?! Every Wednesday, I embark on a new adventure, spreading the pink tutu love around the globe. It's been quite a journey, and Rome feels like the perfect backdrop for another chapter in my tutu travels.

Before I launch into the fabulousness that is Rome, let me share a little about my week. It was a whirl of performances, classes, and travel, the kind that makes a girl’s heart pirouette with joy! I started the week off in Derbyshire, my little corner of England, teaching ballet to a group of bright-eyed youngsters who are totally inspired by my pink tutu. Their joy at twirling and leaping is pure infectious, reminding me why I love ballet so much. Then came the real treat – a captivating performance at the London Coliseum. Oh, the grandeur, the talent, the costumes! It was magical! I just love the thrill of sharing the stage with fellow dancers, making art come alive through movement and expression. And yes, my trusty pink tutu was there for the occasion, adding a dash of whimsical elegance to the stage.

This week I travelled by train, as always! I find that there’s no better way to travel and truly soak in the sights. It gives me time to think, to sketch in my notebook, to jot down ideas for future tutu adventures, and, of course, to admire the rolling hills, picturesque villages, and buzzing cities that pass by. This train journey was no exception! I fell in love with the changing landscape, each passing mile showcasing Italy's natural beauty.

The train dropped me off in the heart of Rome, and the excitement kicked into overdrive. Imagine it – the aroma of freshly baked bread and rich coffee filling the air, buzzing trattorias overflowing with lively chatter, and streets teeming with locals and tourists, all against a backdrop of ancient ruins and ornate churches. It was like stepping into a real-life picture postcard.

My first mission? Shopping, of course! A girl needs her tutus, right? And what better place to find a dazzling array of vibrant colours and textures than in Rome? My first stop was the stylish Via Condotti. I was entranced by the stunning window displays of fashion houses – Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Fendi – all showcasing exquisite garments and accessories. It felt like a fairy tale come to life! Of course, no visit to Rome would be complete without exploring the cobbled streets of Trastevere, a haven for local artisans and boutiques.

And you know me, I couldn't resist picking up some souvenirs, including a breathtakingly beautiful vintage lace tablecloth, the perfect adornment for a Tutu-tastic dinner party (think pink, sparkles, and lots of twirling, naturally!).

This week in Rome has been jam-packed with activities. I've been exploring the historic centre, getting lost in the heart of the city, each turn revealing a new architectural masterpiece, a hidden courtyard, or a charming gelato stand (don’t worry, I went for the strawberry flavour – the pink tutu must be fed!).

One of my highlights has been a visit to the Colosseum. I can’t even describe the grandeur, the history that permeates every stone. It felt like a scene from a movie, but more powerful, more real. I’m also mesmerised by the Trevi Fountain. It’s truly a breathtaking spectacle, particularly at night, bathed in the warm glow of lights. I did the customary coin toss to ensure a return trip, naturally. And as I watched the shimmering waters cascade down, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for all the amazing adventures that have led me to this incredible place.

It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu blog post without a little something for you, my darling tutu lovers, to recreate your own Pink Tutu Rome magic. This week’s challenge is inspired by Rome’s unique blend of ancient history and vibrant contemporary life.

Pink Tutu Challenge: The Roman Gladiatorial Twist

  • Twirl time: Remember, a tutu twirl is a statement – make it powerful, dramatic, and graceful like a Roman gladiator in their prime!
  • Tutu couture: Embrace the colours of Rome! Think bold crimson, sunny yellows, and elegant ochre for your tutu.
  • Accessorise like a queen: Romanesque jewellery will give your tutu ensemble that regal edge! Imagine intricately carved bracelets, flowing necklaces, and dramatic earrings.

Don’t forget to share your pictures using #PinkTutuRome on Instagram and tag me at @EmmaPinkTutu! I love seeing your creativity.

Stay tuned, my dear friends. Tomorrow I’m taking a class at Rome’s Accademia Nazionale di Danza. Imagine, me, in my pink tutu, learning new steps from renowned dancers – now that’s something to truly inspire. And later this week, I'm heading to the Opera di Roma – I'm hearing it's a must-see spectacle. I'm planning a perfect pink tutu ensemble to match, of course.

I can't wait to tell you all about it in next week's post! Until then, keep twirling, keep spreading the love, and most importantly, keep rocking those pink tutus. You are beautiful, you are powerful, and you are inspiring!

Love, Emma


P.S: Oh, did I mention I'm absolutely obsessed with Roman street food? The pasta, the pizzas, the gelatos - oh, so good! And a special shout-out to the local markets, where I've been happily snapping up colorful flowers, plump peaches, and delectable cheeses. Life in Rome, it’s simply divine!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2024-03-20 exploring Rome Italy