Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2024-08-28 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! #1525

Wednesday, 28th August 2024

Buongiorno, darlings!

This week, I'm twirling my way through the enchanting streets of Rome, where the history is as captivating as the gelato is delicious! I've traded my trusty Derbyshire cobbled streets for ancient Roman cobblestones, and believe me, the change in scenery has my creative juices flowing!

My arrival was as dramatic as one might expect for a pink tutu-clad ballerina. The sleek, silver train whisked me from Florence in record time, leaving me utterly mesmerised by the rolling hills and shimmering Tuscan landscape. It's these little moments of travel that fill my heart with joy, transporting me beyond my everyday life and straight into a storybook setting.

Now, my darlings, you know Rome isn't just about pasta and the Colosseum (though let's face it, they're pretty spectacular!), it's a symphony of sights and sounds that just begs for a ballerina like myself to experience it all. The energy here is electrifying - a vibrant, joyous, almost chaotic concoction of laughter, music, and a zest for life that reminds you to stop and appreciate every single moment.

First stop: The Vatican!

Of course, any trip to Rome wouldn't be complete without a pilgrimage to this incredible holy city. I'm not exactly known for my religious zeal, but the grandeur of St. Peter's Basilica simply took my breath away. Its soaring ceilings, exquisite artwork, and the sheer scale of the whole place were utterly awe-inspiring. Even a pink tutu felt quite fitting amongst the marble statues and Renaissance masterpieces. Let's just say, I had to channel my inner-dancer to fully appreciate the artistic magnificence of the place.

Now, for a little bit of culture and some fabulous shopping.

On Tuesday, I found myself enchanted by a ballet performance at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. The story unfolded with such emotion, every step and pirouette drawing me into the narrative. The costumes were spectacular, the music breathtaking, and it really made me appreciate how ballet can truly transcend languages and cultural differences, captivating everyone in its ethereal beauty.

Afterward, my ballet-themed journey continued into the charming streets of Trastevere. This enchanting district feels like a treasure trove of vintage shops and little boutiques filled with unique clothing. And let me tell you, I didn't leave empty-handed. I found a vintage silk scarf and a delicate pair of silver earrings that are the perfect accessory for my tutu and my new-found Italian flair. The beauty of travel is discovering treasures both tangible and intangible.

Rome's secrets...and my next performance!

Speaking of secrets, I stumbled upon this gorgeous hidden courtyard nestled amongst the bustling streets. Sun-dappled and quiet, it offered a peaceful refuge from the midday chaos. I couldn't help but imagine what untold stories these ancient walls held within. I mean, can you imagine the secret romantic liaisons or daring artistic gatherings that might have unfolded in this very courtyard? This, darlings, is what I adore about travel – the way it unlocks doors to untold stories and expands your imagination.

Tomorrow, I'm dancing on stage in Rome for a private event. A stunning villa overlooking the city - think a secret garden hidden in the heart of bustling Rome. It’s the kind of magical setting that makes even my pink tutu twirl with extra delight.

From cobblestones to catwalks...

One of the highlights of this Roman adventure was an incredible vintage clothing market held on Sunday, just outside the Colosseum. It felt like I'd stepped into a time capsule. Imagine, darlings, so many stunning gowns, elegant jackets, and vibrant dresses, all from a different era. You can't beat a vintage piece for adding a dash of whimsy to any look, especially when you're rocking a pink tutu. I picked up a gorgeous floral headpiece that's going to look simply divine on stage this weekend!

P.S. Don't forget to join my 'Pink Tutu Challenge' on Instagram!

I've been inspired to spread the pink tutu love all over Rome. The locals have been such delightful sports about joining my #PinkTutuRome campaign. We’ve got a bakery owner, a street vendor, even a couple of Italian tourists all decked out in the prettiest pink tutus imaginable! I've found that tutus, with their graceful and fun energy, really connect with people of all ages and nationalities.

I’ve realised that pink isn’t just a colour - it's a symbol of joy, confidence, and above all, living life to the fullest! It's all about being bold, standing out from the crowd, and, of course, expressing your inner ballerina! Join the challenge! Tag me in your #PinkTutuRome pics and let's show the world the transformative power of a tutu.

Stay tuned for more adventures in the Eternal City, my lovelies. Ciao for now!

Love and pink tutus,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2024-08-28 exploring Rome Italy