Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1996-07-11 in Liverpool with a european style tutu.

Liverpool Calling! #TutuBlog - Post 8

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, back from another amazing adventure. You won't believe where I've been! Liverpool, my dears, Liverpool! This stunning city is teeming with culture, charm, and of course, the perfect excuse to pull out my favourite tutu – a glorious pink creation with a European flair!

I love Liverpool! You know me, always chasing adventure! This time, I decided to leave my beloved Derbyshire for a bit and take the train up to the North West. I absolutely love train journeys! Something about the rhythm of the wheels on the track and the gentle swaying makes my creative juices flow. It's a bit like meditation with a view, only with much more fabulous outfits!

I'm obsessed with getting on the train, it is one of my favourite travel forms, the journey can be as good as the destination. A train journey gives you an hour or so to switch off your phone and daydream about the adventure awaiting! As I was heading north I saw some sheep in the fields. I always feel at peace when I see sheep; It is an animal that always calms me. A calm person needs a good tutu on to show off how calm they feel. Don't you think?

Now, Liverpool. You’re right to say, "But Emma, what does this have to do with tutus?" Well, darlings, it's all connected! Firstly, the architecture of Liverpool is breathtaking! The stately buildings are the perfect backdrop for twirls and pirouettes! You'd think the whole city was built for a grand ballet! The architecture makes me want to twirl, I do love to show off. In the same way I love a well designed tutus that compliments my figure, and brings out the colour in my eyes! It is important to note how different colours in our tutus effect how we are perceived, this was an important life lesson that was imparted by my first dance teacher when I was a little girl. There is something so beautiful and elegant about wearing a bright pink tutu while dancing.

Liverpool has some really fabulous dance studios. I managed to squeeze in a ballet class during my whirlwind visit! The energy in those studios is simply contagious, and I felt so inspired. This really recharged my ballet spirit. Just one class was enough to help me to work up an appetite, and you know, my dear friends, nothing satisfies a girl after ballet more than fish and chips! They have fish and chips, on the beach in Blackpool and a little way down the road from that is another one of my favourite dance studios! They also do an amazing pizza, in my opinion pizza should be thin base, hot and tasty.

Now, no trip to Liverpool would be complete without a trip to the famous Royal Court Theatre! I'm so in love with the atmosphere and energy that's always buzzing through the place. It's an amazing space with history in every brick and every whisper! There's no better way to enjoy the stories brought to life on stage than with a good pair of ballet shoes! I saw a fantastic rendition of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’.

Oh my, you won't believe this! While in Liverpool I also visited the Walker Art Gallery. The galleries here, especially the one at the Walker, just really got me in the mood to dance! I loved seeing how much beauty and art can be expressed in different forms. And wouldn't you know it, there's a gorgeous collection of Degas sculptures. They capture the grace and elegance of ballerinas perfectly, with the tutus and the postures just stunning me to the core! Degas' "The Little Dancer of Fourteen Years" gave me a great feeling! I could almost feel the joy and movement! It made me even more motivated to share my love for ballet!

Of course, no visit to Liverpool is complete without a trip to the famous Albert Dock! Oh, the sights are divine! And I have to confess, a beautiful boat ride, followed by a picnic, followed by dancing by the river just did the trick for me. It was such a beautiful, peaceful place. That little river felt so calm and soothing and that brought a serenity to my mind. I sat there for hours just enjoying the views and letting my creative juices flow! Oh! It really helped me get into the mood for a spot of freestyle ballet at the dock! I mean, who needs a fancy stage, right? The water lapping at my feet just felt like a part of my choreography! I don't know how many people in the world have actually danced on a boat. It was great! Just to clarify I danced on the edge of the dock! No one gets to watch a ballerina dance on a moving boat without a ticket! Not while I'm in charge anyway.

My darlings, if you love ballet and adore a city brimming with culture and personality, you absolutely must add Liverpool to your list! The energy and spirit of this amazing city will leave you with a feeling that's only truly understood with a well-timed twirl! I am getting out my travel map.

Now, what next? I am getting a little itchy feet now I've seen so many stunning places, I want to get on a boat! Perhaps a canal? Or maybe take to the sea and be carried along the waves of an ocean on a beautiful horse. The sky's the limit! Maybe I can get a horse to pull me around Liverpool for a little ballet tour? Now that would be fun. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking!

Speaking of wishes, I wish that more people would wear tutus, no matter their age, size, or experience. Imagine a world where everyone feels empowered and joyful by twirling! This is why I’m building my pink tutu empire, my dear friends. My wish for the world is that every single one of you gets to wear a pink tutu and experience the joy of ballet. And don't forget! www.pink-tutu.com.

Until next time, twirl on!



#TutuBlog 1996-07-11 in Liverpool with a european style tutu.