Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1996-07-12 in Leicester with a red tutu.

Leicester: Tutu Time in the Heart of the Midlands - Post #9

Hello lovelies! It’s Emma here, back from a fab little trip to Leicester and bursting to share all the pink-tutu-licious details with you! You know me, a bit of ballet, a dash of travel, a whole lot of pink – what more could a girl want? This is post number 9 on www.pink-tutu.com and I’m starting to feel like a proper blogger!

Now, I know you might be thinking "Leicester? Isn't that a bit..." well, I'm not going to lie, Leicester might not be Paris or New York, but there’s something undeniably charming about the place! It's all brick buildings and bustling markets, and with its friendly people and vibrant atmosphere, it made the perfect destination for my latest ballet adventure.

The train journey, of course, was a delight. Who needs planes or cars when you can travel in style on a comfy, vintage train? I even spotted a fluffy little rabbit on the platform – they really do have the most adorable ears! Rabbits always remind me of fluffy tulle tutus… speaking of which, I was determined to make a grand entrance in Leicester, so I wore my new scarlet tutu. Imagine a fire engine, but prettier, with swirls of scarlet, pink, and silver sequins! Oh, I must get a photo with that adorable rabbit! Perhaps in my tutu...

From Railway to Theatre: My Ballet Ballet Odyssey

First stop, the theatre! The Royal Opera House was magnificent, with a grand exterior that made me feel like I was stepping back in time. Inside, the air buzzed with anticipation, the smell of fresh popcorn hung in the air, and I could already hear the lilting music.

Tonight’s performance was a classic – "The Nutcracker", but with a fresh twist! I can't divulge any secrets, but the dancing was stunning! I was completely mesmerised, especially during the Snowflakes pas de deux - oh, how they soared! And of course, the Sugar Plum Fairy’s tutu? A symphony in pink! I swear it shimmered even from my seat. I was literally mesmerised.

Stepping out of My Comfort Zone: Ballet in a Studio

After the show, I was bubbling with excitement. "How do they make it look so effortless?" I wondered as I made my way back to the train station. But ballet isn’t just about watching, it’s about DOING! So, I thought, what’s a tutu-loving blogger to do but head for a ballet class? And boy oh boy, was it exhilarating!

I admit, I was nervous. It felt a bit strange being a grown woman in a room full of teenage girls, but I quickly realised everyone was just focused on perfecting their pirouettes. After all, we're all here to celebrate the beauty of dance! We stretched, we leaped, we pirouetted. My muscles screamed with exertion, but it was such a fantastic feeling! To quote my beloved Dance Moms "I'm like a little butterfly, I'm fluttering." The only difference is that I'm a bit more confident in my red tutu and ballet shoes now!

Leicester’s Hidden Gems: Shopping and Snacks

Of course, no trip to Leicester would be complete without exploring its charming high street! You really need to visit The National Space Centre to get your stargazing fix and admire the exhibits that are literally out of this world! There are some lovely vintage shops in the city too, bursting with retro finds and perfect for my inner pin-up queen.

Oh, and did I mention the food? We had afternoon tea in this charming tea room on Friar Lane and I enjoyed some lovely scone with clotted cream. That’s right - clotted cream - yum! It really topped off my day.

The pink-tutu-licious Conclusion

And that was Leicester - a truly enchanting place where ballet, vintage shopping, delicious snacks, and just a hint of wild rabbits came together! If you’re looking for a lovely little trip filled with charming quirks, history, and plenty of opportunities to embrace your inner ballerina (and your inner wild child) I can highly recommend a visit!

Before you go, I wanted to say something to you - you, yes you reading this blog! I hope you are wearing a tutu now. If you're not - please get one! It doesn't have to be pink - but it should definitely make you feel wonderful, confident and beautiful! Life's too short not to.

Until next time, remember:

  • Pink is always the right colour.
  • Everyone can dance, it just takes a bit of practice.
  • Tutus are more than just dance wear.
  • Keep dreaming, darling!

Lots of love and pirouettes,

Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 1996-07-12 in Leicester with a red tutu.