
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1996-09-06 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.

Hartlepool Calling! A Cyan Tutu Adventure (Blog Post #65)

Hello my darlings!

It's Emma here, back from another adventure and ready to spill the tea - literally, because darling, the tea at this little cafe in Hartlepool is divine. I'm still in a little bit of a daze, to be honest. Iā€™m not even sure if I'm in England any more! It's so incredibly picturesque, just the sort of place that you imagine stepping out of a Jane Austen novel into.

Now, I'm not going to lie, the journey was a little bit more...intense, than I was anticipating. A friend of mine, the fabulous Florence, was going to join me, but her dear horse got a bit of a fright in the stable, so the poor thing decided it needed a little time off from its touring life.

So I, in my usual, spontaneous, "live life to the fullest" manner, hopped on a train with the hopes that it was bound for Hartlepool! Of course, because this is Emma, a delightful and totally not awkward, chat with the guy next to me yielded the "this is the last stop, you're on the wrong train" nugget of wisdom. Luckily, there was a connection in Middlesbrough - you've got to love those good old British train routes!

Anyways, Hartlepool greeted me with open arms - or, in the very least, a perfectly lovely train station with an impressive floral arrangement in the window! From the station, I snagged a cab straight to the adorable hotel I booked. Oh my, it was a sight for sore eyes, you guys! Letā€™s just say itā€™s perfectly in the style of the ā€œEmily in Parisā€ chic, except instead of Parisian style itā€™s seaside charm, right down to the delicate lace curtains and pretty flower prints! I seriously considered wearing a tulle skirt over my pyjamas and strolling down the street. Maybe next time, I thought to myself, sinking into a luxurious feather bed for a delightful snooze before embarking on my tour of Hartlepool.

Speaking of my tutu - because, darling, you just know this is going to be the most important part, right? I decided to go with something a little more dramatic, a little more eye-catching, in keeping with the vibrancy and quirkiness of my adventure! Think turquoise, think glitter, think dramatic, think CYAN - it just had to be a cyan tutu. Now, this colour just shouts "I am fabulous and ready to dance!" (or, if you're anything like me, "I am fabulous and ready to explore!".)

And darling, explore is exactly what I did! I spent the first few hours just soaking in the town. Imagine cobbled streets that have seen centuries of history, harbour walls kissed by seagulls, and quaint, little shops spilling over with trinkets and souvenirs. I found myself absolutely captivated, just strolling around, enjoying the tranquil calm of the seaside. There was even a quirky shop filled with seashell art that almost caused my heart to skip a beat, you guys. Of course, the day would not be complete without the perfect afternoon tea! *Naturally, I went to a little tea room that called itself *The Tutu Tea Room! * How perfectly perfect! A teacup of delicate Earl Grey tea, a lovely little cake with the finest rosewater filling (I love roses), and of course, the absolutely *adorable scones served with the fluffiest whipped cream. I may have ordered an extra serving - maybe two. Because darling, who can resist fluffy, right?!

In the evening, I finally had the opportunity to see the iconic Hartlepool Headland - I just had to be by the water in my cyan tutu - that's how I roll! Itā€™s truly spectacular, offering the most magnificent view of the vast, turquoise expanse of the sea! I took photos until I nearly froze! It felt surreal and beautiful, almost magical. The only thing missing was a troupe of ballet dancers, perfectly positioned against the stunning sea backdrop - a beautiful juxtaposition between grace and rugged coastline. Imagine! Maybe one day!

The next day, it was off to the amazing Hartlepool Museum for some culture - they even have a "Hartlepool Lifeboat" exhibition - talk about adventure! If you've ever dreamt of venturing out to sea, well this exhibition was practically the next best thing! It felt incredibly authentic, with artefacts that gave me goosebumps just from touching them. They even had one of those tiny houses they put on a ship in the 17th Century - for those that like to squeeze, there's space for at least 2 people, maybe more! And the best part? No internet - now that's my kind of holiday!

Now, a little tidbit for the fashion lovers: Hartlepoolā€™s Victorian charm lent itself perfectly to the classic, sophisticated looks of 19th century silhouettes - the flowy lines, the gentle pleating, and oh, that high-waisted elegance - a true dream. I just couldnā€™t help but take a peek inside a couple of vintage boutiques ā€“ it felt so amazing! Just stepping into those stores and imagining how stylish you could look by just tweaking your skirt or throwing a vintage shawl on your shoulders, was pure inspiration! Oh, I do love a good dose of fashion nostalgia.

And while I might be known for my passion for pink tutus (because darling, how could anyone not love the universally charming pink?), Hartlepool made me question it! With its captivating scenery and that ever-present vibe of serenity, this place calls for something more ethereal - a pastel shade - like my cyan tutu - *but thatā€™s the beauty of exploring, isn't it? Letting ourselves be surprised by the endless palette of life, of colour and style. * It's all about pushing our boundaries and challenging ourselves to see the world through new eyes - with a newfound appreciation for both the familiar and the unusual!

To end this blog, my dearies, I want to leave you with one last piece of advice - a tiny piece of Emma wisdom, as you might call it - always say "yes" to an adventure, even if it involves the wrong train or a slightly scared horse! This incredible journey wouldnā€™t have happened if I'd just stayed at home. Thereā€™s something to be said for letting yourself go with the flow - after all, lifeā€™s an adventure waiting to happen, and with a little bit of magic in the air, even Hartlepool, darling, can transform into a beautiful story to be told. And what is life without stories!

Thatā€™s all for today! Remember my lovelies, Pink Tutus and adventure await!

P.S: Remember to stay up to date with all of the latest news on the fabulous www.pink-tutu.com! I will be writing up this fantastic trip into a gorgeous, beautiful travel diary - so make sure to stay tuned. See you on the other side of the internet. xoxo


#TutuBlog 1996-09-06 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.