
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1996-10-31 in Streatham with a random tutu.

Streatham Sparkle: Tutu Adventures in the Big Smoke 🩰

Post #120

Good morning darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire tutu-wearing adventurer, coming to you live from… wait for it… Streatham! πŸŽ‰ I know what you're thinking: Streatham? Really, Emma? But trust me, you wouldn't believe the adventure I've had in this charming little corner of London!

It all started with a sudden urge to ditch the routine, jump on a train, and let the whimsy take me away. Now, I'm not just talking about any train, darling, I'm talking about a vintage steam train. πŸš‚πŸ’¨ You know how much I love those! And since a bit of me always dreamed of a London escapade, I bundled myself, a suitcase full of twirly goodness, and, of course, my favourite pink tutu (because what's an Emma adventure without a splash of pink?), onto the train and set off for a weekend of adventure.

First stop: The National Theatre, where I was absolutely mesmerised by the production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. The stage was buzzing with life, the music was a dream, and the costumes were out of this world! It almost made me want to dust off my pointe shoes and take to the stage myself. Almost! πŸ˜‰ Let's be honest, my dear readers, it's the watching rather than the doing I enjoy when it comes to ballet! That being said, it really does inspire me to get my tutu twirling going when I watch a performance!

And oh, speaking of twirling, the afternoon saw me embark on the most gloriously serendipitous adventure in Streatham! It's like fate played a role in bringing a perfectly pink tutu into my life. You see, I popped into this quirky little vintage shop on Streatham High Street, you know the sort where they have everything from old postcards to antique jewellery, and bam! There it was, hanging on a rack just waiting for me! The most glorious shade of rose pink, delicate lace, and an absolutely irresistible skirt length.

My fellow tutu lovers, you know how this story ends… I tried it on, twirled in front of the shop mirror (just a little, okay? The shop assistant did think I was quite the character, though!), and purchased it with glee! I’m not even exaggerating, it was the perfect little pick-me-up after an already perfect morning of theatre magic.

The afternoon was just starting to roll though! And what did this adventurous little tutu-lover do next? Why, she hopped aboard a magnificent, open-top horse-drawn carriage! I swear, London is brimming with surprises! Imagine my joy at gliding down Streatham High Street, soaking in the charming views and feeling the fresh air on my face! It felt like stepping into a Jane Austen novel. You could say that with the addition of my pink tutu it added an extra dash of a whimsical twist!

We, of course, had to stop at a little cafe to indulge in a delectable slice of Victoria sponge, topped with the sweetest little strawberry (pink, of course!), before venturing to a charming local park. There, the setting sun painted the sky with an array of colours – a fitting end to my most extraordinary day in Streatham. πŸŒ‡

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention! I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a majestic fox wandering the streets at dusk, tail bushy and eyes gleaming like tiny amber jewels. 🦊 Isn't that something? Just proves that Streatham's got it all – culture, quirkiness, history, and even a dash of the wild! Who would have thought, right?

I must confess, darlings, I was a bit skeptical at first about the Streatham trip. My little ballerina heart is usually drawn to the bright lights of the West End, the bustle of Covent Garden, or maybe even the green countryside of Derbyshire, my home county!

But Streatham has completely won me over. This little corner of London is bursting with hidden treasures and captivating stories waiting to be discovered. So, for my fellow tutu-loving explorers out there, my advice? Step outside your comfort zone, don your favourite twirling attire, and venture into the unknown! You never know what delightful surprises you'll find – like a beautiful vintage tutu, a steam train adventure, or a charismatic fox, all wrapped up in a single magical day.

And that, darlings, is exactly why I think we all need a little more pink in our lives. A little bit of twirling, a dash of whimsy, and a whole lot of adventure! 🌸

*Remember, you can follow my daily tutu escapades on my blog - www.pink-tutu.com - and join me on my mission to spread pink tutus and ballet love around the world! See you tomorrow! *

Lots of love,

Emma ❀️

#TutuBlog 1996-10-31 in Streatham with a random tutu.