Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1996-11-22 in Yeovil with a italian tutu.

TutuBlog #142: Yeovil – An Italian Tutu Adventure!

Hello my dearest TutuLovers!

Today's blog is a little bit different. I’m writing it from the quaint little town of Yeovil in Somerset! I know what you're thinking: "Yeovil? What's so exciting about Yeovil?" Well, I'll tell you! I discovered a hidden gem in this sleepy corner of the UK, and it’s all about… a tutu!

I know, you might be thinking I'm going a little over the top, but you see, I stumbled upon a delightful Italian ballet costume shop tucked away on a cobbled side street in Yeovil. Just imagine my delight - I’m a complete sucker for beautiful costumes and tutus especially. I’ve been trying to source the perfect tulle for a new DIY tutu project, and it's been proving rather challenging - finding just the right quality, the perfect shade of pink.

My journey here started in Derbyshire, the heart of the Peak District. I took a scenic train ride down south - I adore a train journey - you can lose yourself in the countryside whizzing past and look out of the window dreaming up new Tutu Adventures. And as we flew through the beautiful rolling hills of the South West, my heart skipped a beat - a big, pink ballet-loving, tutu-esque heart, I tell you! The vibrant green and luscious yellow fields made me feel like I was on the set of a beautiful ballet!

Yeovil, the town itself, was as charming as you could possibly imagine. Cobblestone streets, a magnificent old clock tower standing proud, and quaint tea rooms that smelt like sugared lavender. I loved the feel of history woven through this little town. I popped into the tea shop and, you guessed it, treated myself to a delicious pink and vanilla cupcake. It's simply essential when on a tutu adventure.

The Italian shop was tucked away down a lane just off the main square. The windows were brimming with sparkly tutus in all the most magical shades and colours, I thought I was in a dream! When I finally stepped inside, I was greeted by the aroma of fabric softener and sawdust, the scent of a tutu paradise.

The shop assistant, a kind lady with a bright, twinkling smile, took me on a whirlwind tour of the shop, explaining the differences between each style and type of tulle - chiffon, net, voile - it was all too overwhelming, and so exciting. After a lengthy and delightful chat about the joys of ballet and, of course, tutus, I was finally ready to make a decision.

You'll never guess what - I picked the most luxurious, perfectly-structured, gorgeous pink tulle you've ever seen! The weight, the soft texture, and the shimmer – this tulle is a dream for a tutu! It even comes with a story. I’m obsessed with history, so I was told by the owner (a very kind, elderly lady with a passion for ballet), that this tulle came all the way from the ballet factories in Italy! Just like a princess from a fairy tale, right?! It was like discovering a secret - I was buying history.

So, my lovelies, my next tutu creation will be extra special, and I can't wait to show you what I create with this incredible Italian tulle. I have all sorts of ideas in mind: a fluffy, sparkly, grand ball gown tutu, a daring and contemporary creation - I'll keep you all posted!

Speaking of posting - make sure you keep up with my daily blog posts! Head to www.pink-tutu.com and join me for the ride.

Oh, and while I’m talking about posting - make sure you tag me on social media using #pinktutu and #tutublog, if you are sporting a tutu, no matter what colour, anywhere in the world, or if you’ve found your perfect tutu. I absolutely love seeing all your pink and rainbow coloured tutus and knowing that the Tutu Love is spreading!

Don't forget, life is better in a tutu!

Yours, in tulle and whimsy,

Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 1996-11-22 in Yeovil with a italian tutu.