Dearest Tutu Lovers,
Merry Christmas! I hope you're all having a wonderful festive season filled with mince pies, tinsel and the joy of dancing, because honestly, that's what Christmas is all about, right? For me, Christmas is all about spending time with loved ones, indulging in the most delicious food, and of course, dancing! This year, Santa brought me a magnificent new pink tutu, which is practically screaming to be worn, so guess where I decided to take it for its maiden voyage?
Yep, you guessed it - Great Yarmouth!
This charming coastal town, with its quaint Victorian charm, is a bit of a hidden gem in Norfolk, you know? I always love a good train journey, and this time I chose to travel by rail, as there is nothing more exciting than peering out of the window at the English countryside, all snowy and sparkling under the winter sun, and it's just so wonderfully romantic, wouldn't you say? Plus, it meant I could take up my spot in a comfy first class carriage with a delicious hot chocolate and a stack of magazines about all things ballet! (Naturally).
Now, you may be wondering, what is a ballerina doing in Great Yarmouth? Well, as you all know, my passion for ballet extends beyond just dancing, my darlings. I'm also incredibly fond of the theatre, the historical architecture of old towns and coastal towns, and well...everything pink!
So, I arrived in Great Yarmouth and was greeted by a seagull that landed on the top of my head! It nearly stole my tiara! Well, my hat. My sparkly, pink feather-trimmed hat! They really are quite mischievous creatures, but in the cutest way! And let's be honest, wouldn't you agree that every ballet dancer's life needs a bit of bird-related excitement from time to time?
As I walked down the bustling promenade, all my senses were overwhelmed with the sheer loveliness of it all. The fresh, salty air filled my lungs, the cheerful music from the shops and cafes filled my ears, and the charming seagulls chirping at me from above gave me an unadulterated joy! It was simply exhilarating! Even more exhilarating because I was twirling around in my new, most glorious tutu, that whispered "You go girl!" with every step.
Now, as I mentioned, this holiday season is all about giving back and spreading that holiday spirit. So, as soon as I arrived, I decided to put on a surprise tutu workshop at a local school. Let me tell you, those children were a sight to behold. Full of enthusiasm, boundless energy, and just the purest joy imaginable. It filled my heart to see so much raw potential, and it truly reminds me of my own journey. After the workshop, they performed the most darling rendition of "The Nutcracker," complete with homemade costumes and a tiny, but very valiant, mouse king. My heart nearly burst with pride! I believe the school's annual play may now feature a pink tutu wearing mouse! This is just what I have been trying to do with "Pink Tutu" - to spread this sense of joy, of love, and of passion!
I also decided to do something a little bit extra special for the Great Yarmouth Theatre. I found out they were in desperate need of a refurbishment, and you know, with all those pink tutu sales and my amazing "Tutu-for-Good" charity, we have quite a lot of money tucked away waiting to do good in the world! So, I arranged a big donation for the Theatre, which made everyone there so excited. Not only was it my way of thanking them for inspiring a love of performing arts in me all those years ago (you see, Great Yarmouth Theatre holds a special place in my heart, with a certain legendary production of “The Swan Lake” that I still dream about today), it also helped bring a little bit of that "Pink Tutu Magic" to their lives, because they truly deserve to be treated to something special.
To celebrate the success of the donations and to mark the Christmas holidays, I decided to spend the rest of the day wandering through the little shops in Great Yarmouth, searching for a quirky Christmas ornament for my “Pink Tutu” Christmas tree. Now, when I say quirky, I mean quirky!
I spent a wonderful hour at a little seaside antiques shop, and oh my god, did they have the most exquisite, fabulous items! I found a collection of ceramic dancing mice (yes, they even have tiny tutus!), and an enchanting porcelain ballerina with a beautifully flowing pink dress. I was truly delighted! You know, a good find in a dusty, cluttered shop is just the kind of "pink tutu-ness" I crave!
Of course, no trip to a coastal town would be complete without a visit to the beach, especially when it’s dusted with sparkling frost! My toes did, of course, insist on getting their very first ever, "frost bite." ( I didn't actually feel the pain though... probably because I had on these fabulous fluffy pink "booties". They make all the difference! They are very stylish - and look just fabulous with a tutu, if I do say so myself!.)
After my stroll along the shore, my darling friend Sarah (a dear fellow dance aficionado from my old Derbyshire days) who came with me on this adventure, and I sat in a local café and tucked into the most scrumptious festive cakes. With the sound of seagulls, laughter, and festive tunes playing in the background, we reminisced about our days at the Royal Ballet Academy, laughed until we cried, and exchanged tips for new tutus - we are truly kindred spirits, my darling!
Honestly, I can't describe just how happy, content, and utterly fulfilled I feel when I'm surrounded by such beautiful people, beautiful sights, and beautiful memories.
The rest of the evening was spent indulging in the most incredible traditional fish and chips. It is such a timeless treat and made me smile ear to ear! I know some of you may be wondering, but yes, I definitely managed to slip my tutu over my lovely thick winter coat and still had a dance! What’s the point of owning such fabulous dancing wear, if you can't dance at every moment! And I can truly assure you that everyone on the beach thought it was pretty marvelous!
So, there you have it, my dears. Another delightful chapter in my tutu chronicles. Great Yarmouth has stolen a piece of my heart! And trust me, it wasn't a tiny, insignificant piece, I’m going to have to keep revisiting this gem again and again - a lovely reminder that life is about experiencing it all! With my Pink Tutu.
Now, do go out and put on a pink tutu, have a twirl, and let the joy of movement wash over you! Until tomorrow my sweet tutu loves, be sure to keep on dancing!
Love always,
P.S. Remember, my darlings, if you’re planning on getting out your pink tutu for a dance this festive season, be sure to let me know!
PinkTutu #TutuTime #TutuLove #DanceAllDay #ChristmasMagic #GreatYarmouth #TravelTheWorldInATutu #BritishRail #MerryChristmas