Hello, my darlings!
Well, I've finally made it to Huyton! I know, I know, you're probably thinking "Huyton?! Emma, what on earth are you doing in Huyton?". And to be honest, darling, I wondered that myself until I received an email a few weeks back about a wonderful new ballet school that has popped up just outside Liverpool, which apparently, is just a hop and a skip away from Huyton. I had to see this, don't you agree?
I travelled by train of course, the wind whipping through my hair, sunshine warming my face. The countryside was a picture of beauty, and I just couldn't resist the urge to imagine myself as a graceful ballerina dancing amidst the fields. I just need to convince those little fluffy sheep to wear pink tutus - just imagine! A whole field of pink fluff! It's like a dream come true!
As soon as I got off the train in Liverpool, I found the most charming little cafe. I indulged in a pot of delicious Earl Grey tea and a slice of the most divine Victoria sponge - honestly, darling, it was like stepping back in time! You'd think I was still in Derbyshire!
Anyway, back to Huyton. The ballet school, "Dancing Daisies," is nestled amongst a beautiful row of Victorian terraces. It's charming! A quaint building with the most adorable little flower boxes lining the windows. Stepping inside was like being whisked away to another world. The air was filled with the sweet scent of polished floors and the sound of music - so inspiring!
Now, darling, this new school has a fantastic program for beginners. You see, their founder is passionate about encouraging everyone to experience the magic of ballet, and I love that! Imagine the world filled with more ballerinas! So I decided to take a beginner's class. They have amazing teachers and even better, the costumes! Now, these tutus aren't the kind you see in the professional companies - they're American style. Honestly, darling, they're absolute DREAMS! Fluffy and beautiful, perfect for twirling and leaping - my inner ballerina went absolutely wild!
They have this wonderful routine that has them mimicking a school of penguins, the tutus with their tiny ruffles just fluttering around their little legs! So adorable! They do a beautiful pirouette sequence, just like swans dancing on the water! You'd think they've been dancing all their lives!
You know, there was this one young girl who really captivated me. She was a little timid at first, but once the music started, her face lit up! You could see the excitement building in her eyes and her smile! Honestly, it was truly magical. This girl was on a mission to conquer ballet! I'd be a lying, no, that's a horrible word - I'd be wrong to say I wasn't touched by this sweet girl and her big dreams.
My heart just melted, darling. It’s moments like these, moments where I witness that raw passion for dance, that truly remind me of why I love ballet. Ballet, it's more than just pirouettes and pointe shoes, it's about joy, expression, and pure bliss.
Speaking of pure bliss, the whole day was simply heavenly! We're talking full on princess, darling. Not only was there ballet, there was a wonderful horse drawn carriage waiting for us after our lessons. It felt like I was right out of a fairytale, a magical ride through the picturesque countryside. And wouldn't you know it, the carriage had these amazing pink linings and a white feather boa draping around the side like a fairytale chariot for a ballerina! And it even had a pink and white horse! Just brilliant, darling.
The carriage took us to this quaint little cafe nestled by the water's edge. We enjoyed delicious afternoon tea, cakes and scones - everything I'd ever dreamed of and a glass of pink fizz - because honestly darling, what else is a girl supposed to drink with afternoon tea? A cup of tea? That's just so ordinary. We toasted to our passion for ballet, to the magical world we’re so lucky to live in.
There’s something special about dancing under the sky, in a field with a cool breeze caressing my face, surrounded by nature's beauty. Every movement becomes more elegant, each step more graceful. And all those little fairies - who can resist some magic? The dancing was almost mesmerizing and for a few brief moments, everything felt just right!
Honestly, darling, Huyton was the perfect little stop for a Pink Tutu girl. It just proves that you don’t need to be in a big city to have a fabulous ballet experience, all you need is passion and a touch of pink tutu magic!
As I boarded the train, heading back to the hustle and bustle of London, I realized how grateful I am for this little detour. The smiles on those little faces and the sparkle in their eyes - well, it simply melts my heart.
But it made me reflect a little bit, as I watched the scenery rush by me on my train journey, and how can I, a professional dancer, do my bit to make ballet accessible for more people - just like in Huyton?
It made me realize that my life is about more than just performing, and that every girl, whether you are 4 or 40, deserves the chance to twirl in a pink tutu. To discover the joy of ballet. And maybe even make new ballet friends along the way, all dressed in pink tutus of course! So it’s definitely going on my list to start a pink tutu community! To inspire people all around the world to grab a pink tutu and go for it, even if they're not planning a ballet career! What's your passion, darling? Maybe we could get people to embrace ballet even in unlikely places, like, oh, I don't know...perhaps Derbyshire!
Now, who wants to join me on this journey of spreading joy, elegance and pink tutus?
And remember, if you've ever wanted to try ballet, no matter your age, don't wait, just do it! Who knows what adventures you might have in store!
Keep your tutus fabulous and your hearts filled with grace!
*P.S Don’t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for daily ballet blog posts and news about the new Pink Tutu Community launch. It's coming soon, darling, and it’s gonna be brilliant! *