Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-08-09 in Hampstead with a orange tutu.

Hampstead Heaven in a Hot Pink Tutu (Blog Post #402)

Hello, my darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the enchanting streets of Hampstead. It's been a whirlwind week – full of pirouettes, picnics, and a splash of sunshine (not to mention a generous dose of pink, of course!).

This week's adventures started with a gloriously sunny Friday morning, and the call of the open road. Yes, you guessed it – I swapped my trusty ballet shoes for my riding boots and set off for a blissful hack across the rolling Derbyshire countryside. The scent of fresh hay, the feel of the wind whipping through my hair, and the gentle thudding of hooves on the ground… sheer magic!

There's something about riding that just takes you back to your childhood – carefree laughter, wild abandon, and the feeling of pure exhilaration. I may have forgotten a few steps in my grand ballet days, but the art of a perfect canter never fades!

Later that afternoon, after a well-deserved (and entirely necessary!) afternoon tea at my favourite tearoom, I hopped on a train for London. The journey always feels like a mini escape, especially when it's the evening train, bathed in the glow of a golden sunset. The scenery rushes past my window, like a series of miniature paintings, each frame more beautiful than the last. I spend the journey lost in my daydreams, imagining the wonders London holds for me…and what fabulous outfit I’ll wear to each event!

The weekend in Hampstead was nothing short of a fairytale. Saturday morning started with a glorious ballet class at the Royal Academy of Dance. The studio buzzed with excitement and energy, and the beautiful sounds of the piano echoed around the room, transporting us all to another world. It felt so good to move again, to stretch my muscles and let my body express the joy that dance always brings.

The highlight of the weekend was undoubtedly a visit to the beautiful Hampstead Theatre, tucked away on a quiet cobbled street. We watched an exquisite performance of "The Importance of Being Earnest", which was pure delight – laughter, wit, and clever social commentary all wrapped up in a bow.

It was after the theatre, while sipping a delightful gin cocktail in a cozy little pub, that I had a truly 'pinch me' moment. A woman stopped by our table to tell us she absolutely adored my tutu – my vibrant, shocking pink, ruffled beauty! She had been inspired by my blog, and even confessed to taking a dance class herself this week, much to her daughter's delight!

It’s these moments that make everything worthwhile. The way my little pink passion project inspires people, connects them, and even motivates them to try something new – it fills me with the most delightful sense of purpose.

Sunday dawned, bright and breezy. It was time for a lazy stroll through Hampstead Heath, where I discovered a whole colony of adorable squirrels! These little fluffballs were just as cheeky and inquisitive as my Derbyshire foxes – I could watch them scurry around for hours. Their bushy tails wagging, their eyes sparkling with mischief, these tiny creatures just brightened my day.

As the evening sun set over the city, I packed my bag with memories and headed back to my little cottage in Derbyshire, my pink tutu gleaming under the soft twilight sky. This weekend was all about feeling feminine, feeling bold, and feeling truly alive – and that’s exactly what a good dose of pink and a dash of dance magic can do.

Remember, darling, you can always find a little bit of magic in everyday life. Just don’t forget to wear a pink tutu while you do! Until next time, keep dancing!



#TutuBlog 1997-08-09 in Hampstead with a orange tutu.