Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-08-10 in Sutton in Ashfield with a cyan tutu.

Sutton in Ashfield - A Tutu-ful Day Out! 🩰

Post 403 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger, and today I'm taking you with me on a fabulous trip to the lovely town of Sutton in Ashfield!

This charming place is nestled in Nottinghamshire, just a hop, skip, and a train ride from my Derbyshire home. You know how I adore travelling by train - the clatter, the chuffing, the rhythmic swaying – it’s just the most romantic way to journey. It sets the perfect mood for a day out, and it truly feels like a little adventure!

And my adventure today involved the ultimate dancewear: a brand-spanking-new cyan tutu! I know, I know – my usual go-to is the vibrant pinks and blushing reds, but I couldn't resist the lure of this sky-blue beauty. I tell you, when that silky tulle twirls in the wind, it's a sight to behold!

Now, let's get down to the real reason I chose Sutton in Ashfield: the National Coal Mining Museum! This extraordinary place truly captured my heart.

While I don't deny, I was drawn to the fascinating historical exhibits (I adore a good museum!), what really grabbed my attention were the beautiful horses. Those magnificent creatures – some as elegant as they were strong, others with a mischievous glint in their eye - were absolute charmers! They played such a crucial role in the mines, hauling coal with their incredible power, and seeing them up close gave me a profound appreciation for their contribution to this vital industry.

For all you budding ballet dancers out there (or anyone who ever dreamed of being a graceful ballerina), let me tell you - this is a fantastic place to get some inspiration! The sight of those majestic creatures in action, the sheer physicality of their work, is almost like a dance routine. Imagine the sheer strength and poise needed to navigate those narrow mine tunnels. It's a constant reminder of the power that lies within us all, a powerful reminder to stretch our limits and push boundaries.

And don't even get me started on the incredible mining history this museum unveils. We delved into the past, from the perilous lives of the miners to the awe-inspiring engineering feats that shaped this industrial landscape. Seeing firsthand how our ancestors persevered through incredibly challenging conditions made me incredibly grateful for the comfort and ease of life today, while still remembering the important lesson of resilience.

The museum itself is truly a work of art – so beautifully maintained and brimming with educational displays that bring the history to life. And the grounds – ah, the grounds! Lush greenery, charming ponds where you can spot the resident wildlife (hello, fluffy ducks!), and the gentle hum of history buzzing through the air - it’s truly an enchanting setting for a day trip.

For the ballet aficionado, this isn’t just about admiring the elegant horses. The museum has an expansive outdoor space which can double as the perfect stage for a spontaneous ballet routine. Can you picture it? Tulle twirling in the breeze as we showcase a delicate dance inspired by the strength of the miners, the grace of the horses, and the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding countryside? It would be the perfect homage to both the grandeur of the past and the joy of dance!

Of course, after all that history and nature, my tummy was grumbling like a disgruntled coal seam. Time for some food! Now, this is where Sutton in Ashfield truly surprised me. Not just any food, no sir! They had this cute, little café tucked away in the heart of town that served the most delectable scones, the fluffiest, butteriest treats you’ve ever tasted! And a pot of freshly brewed tea, of course. It was pure comfort food heaven, especially paired with a beautiful panoramic view of the town square from their sunny window table.

You know, I was thinking – as I enjoyed my delicious afternoon treat - that Sutton in Ashfield is a lot like my beloved Derbyshire: warm, welcoming, and brimming with character. It's the kind of place where you feel comfortable settling in and soaking up the atmosphere. It's where the charm of history rubs shoulders with the excitement of future possibilities – and I just can’t get enough of that energy!

After the perfect ending to my delicious scone, I hopped back on the train – another satisfying clinking, chuffing journey back home. The afternoon sun bathed everything in a golden hue, leaving me with the most tranquil feeling of calm and joy.

I truly encourage everyone to explore Sutton in Ashfield – for those with a thirst for history, the love of nature, a deep respect for the humble horse, and for any aspiring ballet dancer seeking inspiration, this truly is the place to be!

So until next time, darlings, remember: wear your pink tutus with pride, dream big, and keep twirling!

Until tomorrow, Emma x

#TutuBlog 1997-08-10 in Sutton in Ashfield with a cyan tutu.