Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-09-28 in Borehamwood with a purple tutu.

Borehamwood Bound! A Purple Dream Come True (Blog Post #452)

Hey darlings! It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, bringing you all the latest from the wonderful world of ballet. As the saying goes, “Every day is a new adventure” – and today was no exception. It's a big day for me – my trip to Borehamwood, which feels like it's been years in the making!

But let's back up a bit. It's the middle of September – a gorgeous crisp autumn day, leaves just beginning to turn in their glory – the sort of day you'd feel inclined to jump up and down in… well, a tutu, obviously. Derbyshire felt positively magical, as the light streamed through my bedroom window. But even in my charming little cottage, it was time to pack up and head for the Big Smoke! My adventure starts with a train journey. It's just me, a book, a glass of lemonade and a good ol’fashioned chocolate hobnob (I always feel a bit guilty having one but who am I kidding – it’s a good hobnob!) There’s something truly satisfying about watching the countryside blur by, each green field a picture perfect painting of Autumn’s charm. I'm off to Borehamwood for a ballet workshop with my favourite company – the dream-team! They are some of the most brilliant and inspirational dancers in the UK, and I'm so lucky to be a part of this journey.

Just imagine the day, darling – ballet moves, a stretch, a graceful turn… the entire afternoon lost in the world of dance, with all the delightful chit chat with my new dance besties. What more could a girl ask for?! I've been practicing diligently for this day, wearing my pink tutu in my Derbyshire garden, practicing pirouettes with my furry companion, Freddie. (He's a delightful black cat who occasionally gets roped into my training! Luckily, he just takes it all in his stride). And today’s ensemble? It’s my absolute favourite. My bright purple tutu, a splash of lilac on a crisp autumn day – if there’s ever a place for such vibrancy, it’s in the ballet studio.

Anyway, I’m off! Once I arrive in Borehamwood I’m planning to head to the theatre. It's so wonderful to see ballet on a real stage, that anticipation… the rustling of the velvet seats, the spotlight and those first dramatic chords as the curtain rises... The magic, I tell you, the pure magic. Of course, no outing to the theatre is complete without a little bit of retail therapy. And darling, what is more iconic than a trip to the London West End? We all know the place – those wonderful streets alive with the echoes of song, vibrant music drifting down alleys, the atmosphere buzzing with excitement... This evening’s treats are going to be well-earned! A gorgeous, extravagant new pink tutu to add to my collection - I've been planning it for ages, and I'm in desperate need of a good old-fashioned shoe-shop treat! Imagine, the silky smooth satin, the soft, pink layers of tulle - it just makes me blush thinking about it!

While my journey to the theatre and beyond might include trains and the occasional ride in my trusty horse and carriage (sometimes, the country girl in me can’t resist the chance to ride under the moonlight, surrounded by those gentle giants, horses!), the main destination is always my favourite place - the theatre. As the curtain opens on that magical world, and the stories begin to unfold, I often lose myself completely in the magic.

For tonight, it's a trip to the theatre to see the new rendition of Swan Lake – how could you possibly say no? A timeless masterpiece, graceful and dramatic with the story of the Swan Queen and the noble Prince forever echoing within us. The sheer power of such performances – they remind me why ballet is my true passion! The perfect combination of discipline, grace, emotion and theatricality – it never fails to take me by surprise! And for a few magical hours, it’s just me, lost in the world of beautiful dancers, and the wonderful energy of a live performance.

To top it off, it's the perfect chance to catch up with my ballet friends from the studio. After the performance we always indulge in a late-night cappuccino and slice of lemon meringue (nothing beats that traditional theatrical indulgence!), gossiping about the performance, sharing news and stories about our dancers’ journeys. Sometimes we have the best times, simply relaxing in the beautiful atmosphere of a late night in the West End!

This trip will be full of exciting events and unforgettable moments, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Of course, I’ll make sure to post photos – plenty of those twirling photos to set you up with inspiration! Until next time, darlings. Remember – everyone deserves to feel a little bit magic – go and try ballet! Or wear a pink tutu! Or maybe both!

And always… live life with sparkle and a dash of pink, just like a ballerina!

Catch you later,

Emma x


#TutuBlog 1997-09-28 in Borehamwood with a purple tutu.