Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-10-29 in Carshalton with a red tutu.

Carshalton Calling! Tutu Time Adventures in Pink (Blog Post #483)

Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite tutu-loving blogger, writing to you from the charming town of Carshalton in sunny Surrey. It feels absolutely divine to be back on the rails - a train journey is such a quintessential British experience, and so much more romantic than the tubes! Don't even get me started on the views from the carriage window - I could spend hours watching the world roll by in a blur of green fields and quaint little villages.

This little trip is all about a special ballet performance that I'm super excited to share with you! Carshalton is, believe it or not, a hidden gem of ballet history, hosting some pretty impressive theatre productions right in the heart of the town. And trust me, you'll want to mark your calendars for next year because this one's a real treat. I can't spill the beans on the details just yet (secrets are a girl's best friend, after all!), but I promise you won't be disappointed.

Now, before we dive into the ballet drama, let's talk about the pinkest, most fabulous aspect of my trip: my outfit! I chose my beautiful red tutu for this adventure - it's the perfect splash of colour against the charming, old-world backdrop of Carshalton. It twirls so effortlessly and reminds me of those beautiful red-flowered poppies that dance in the wind. Did I mention my new pink handbag? I bought it from a little boutique in Derbyshire and it matched my new sparkly ballet shoes perfectly! You see, even in my daily life, I try to sprinkle a little bit of ballet magic everywhere I go.

Oh, speaking of Derbyshire, I've been thinking about my beloved home recently. It's been ages since I went horseback riding across those sprawling green hills! I can just imagine myself galloping across the fields, the wind whipping through my hair and my trusty steed carrying me along, feeling as graceful as a swan taking flight. I’m planning a visit very soon - I’m actually considering bringing my pink tutu to see if I can find a pink-tutu themed horse riding outfit.

And, on that note, let's talk about something I absolutely love: wildlife! One of the highlights of this Carshalton trip was definitely my afternoon at the local wildlife park. There were adorable deer frolicking in the meadow, and I got the most wonderful photograph of a majestic hawk perched on a branch. Their natural grace reminded me so much of ballet! Just picture it: A graceful swan poised on a shimmering lake. Or, a majestic eagle soaring through the air. Ballet and wildlife have so much in common! It's all about fluidity, strength, and a deep connection with nature.

Before I get carried away with my musings on the natural world (it is a passion of mine, after all), I want to quickly share my latest dance discovery with you. It's called ballet street! It's this wonderful fusion of street dance and classical ballet and honestly, it’s captivating. The dancers are so talented, their bodies move like silk as they navigate the streets with grace and poise. It reminds me how beautiful ballet can be when you push those traditional boundaries and embrace something a little bit bolder and more exciting! It's proof that ballet can truly shine in any environment, whether it’s a grand theatre stage or a busy city street.

Now, let’s get back to Carshalton. My friends were right! Carshalton really is a beautiful and charming town! It's bursting with a kind of understated charm that I just adore. After my ballet outing, we went to this fantastic café with the most adorable floral wallpaper and pink-patterned china. I mean, it was practically designed with me in mind! It was the perfect ending to my delightful afternoon!

This post has flown by! So, that’s a wrap for my little Carshalton adventure. But remember, I’m always ready to explore new towns and share them with you. Who knows what delightful experiences I’ll stumble upon next!

Until next time, darlings, stay fabulous, keep your tutus twirling, and remember: The world is your stage.

With love and sparkles,


#TutuBlog 1997-10-29 in Carshalton with a red tutu.