Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-10-30 in Bulwell with a black tutu.

TutuBlog #484: A Pink Tutu Adventure in Bulwell! 🩰💖

Hello lovelies! It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad adventurer Emma here, and boy, oh boy, do I have a story for you!

As a Derbyshire girl at heart, I’m used to the rolling hills and picturesque villages of my home county. But this week, I found myself venturing a little further afield – all the way to the vibrant, industrial heart of Nottinghamshire: Bulwell!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: "Emma, Bulwell? That's hardly a place known for its ballet scene!” And you'd be right, my darlings, but that's precisely what makes it so exciting! You see, my goal in life, aside from looking fabulous in my pink tutus, is to bring the joy of ballet to every corner of the globe (or, at the very least, the UK). So, off I went to Bulwell, armed with my trusty pink tutu and a determination to spread the love of ballet!

My journey started with a scenic train ride – the rumble of the tracks always gets my creative juices flowing. And yes, my fellow tutu lovers, I did wear my pink tutu for the train journey! What's the point of a tutu if you can't strut your stuff in public?

I have to confess, upon arriving in Bulwell, I wasn't exactly greeted by a ballet studio. Instead, I was greeted by the magnificent sight of a vast industrial estate! But this is where the real adventure began, darlings. Forget grand opera houses, it was time to turn an industrial landscape into a ballet stage.

My mission: to find a suitable spot to practise my pirouettes. Now, you might think that a deserted factory floor isn't the most ideal place for a tutu-clad dancer, but let me tell you, the echoing sounds of my movements, the rustle of my tulle against the gritty concrete – it was truly magical!

There was, however, a small incident. Picture this: me, doing my grand jeté in the shadow of a towering crane, and then... crash! Turns out the crane was being moved. I was so distracted by my pirouette, I hadn’t noticed. But don't worry, darlings, I landed perfectly! Luckily, no cranes were harmed, and my tutu survived, looking as good as new (a quick spin in my portable ballet dryer took care of any wrinkles!).

The adventure didn't stop there! You see, while Bulwell isn't famous for ballet, it does have a charming park filled with lush green lawns and beautiful flowers. The perfect spot for some outdoor ballet, right? So I settled down on a sun-drenched bench, threw on some light jazz music from my trusty cassette player, and got to work!

I practiced some pliés, arabesques, and even managed to execute a beautiful, albeit slightly wobbly, grand jeté. Let's just say it wasn't all perfect, but the joy and laughter of a group of local children watching from a distance, clapping along with the music, made it absolutely worthwhile. The little darlings even started trying to mimic my movements, and I'm telling you, there were some natural talents in the bunch! I swear, by the time I left Bulwell, every child there knew the meaning of a grand jeté!

And guess what? In the park, I bumped into the most wonderful local lady, Maggie, who just loved the pink tutu! Maggie told me about the local community centre and the weekly line-dancing group, which, in her words, was "just about as energetic as any ballet class." She invited me to join the group, and although I may be a little nervous about my lack of "line dancing" experience, I think it might be a fun way to spread my love of movement!

So, as you can see, my dear readers, the pink tutu is a powerful tool! It can take you from a Derbyshire hillside to an industrial estate, it can bring a smile to a child's face, and it can open doors to new friendships and adventures. The world needs more pink tutus!

Oh, and by the way, my adventures don't end with ballet. On the way back to Derbyshire, I got to visit the Nottingham Wildlife Park! The pink tutu proved just as effective among the wildlife as it does in the dance studio. I swear, the little monkeys went bananas for the tutu! I even had a photoshoot with a friendly kangaroo!

Stay tuned for my next post, darlings, where I'll be taking my pink tutu to a local barn dance. Let's see what kind of adventures I can find in the world of hay bales and square dancing!

Until then, remember to always stay pink and twirl with a smile!

With love,


P.S. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for all the latest updates on my pink tutu adventures!

#TutuBlog 1997-10-30 in Bulwell with a black tutu.