Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-10-31 in Newtownards with a white tutu.

Newtownards, Northern Ireland: Tutu-ing around Town! 🩰✨ (Post #485)

Hey my darling dance devotees! It's Emma here, reporting live from the enchanting town of Newtownards, Northern Ireland. As you all know, I live for adventure, and this weekend was no exception. It's been a while since I last ventured outside of the UK (don't worry, Paris, I'm coming for you soon!), but Northern Ireland was calling, and I just had to answer.

Now, if you're thinking "Northern Ireland? What could possibly be so exciting there?", well, darling, let me tell you: charm, history, and… yes, you guessed it… an excuse for a fabulous pink tutu!

But let's rewind a bit. My journey started in the Peak District, my beautiful Derbyshire home. I boarded a lovely train (nothing beats a journey on the rails, wouldn't you agree?), and as I sipped my Earl Grey tea and dreamt of pirouettes in emerald green fields, the hours flew by.

The train journey was idyllic. I couldn't resist indulging in some proper British etiquette and chatting with my fellow passengers. Turns out a lovely lady named Sheila was heading to Belfast for a niece's birthday. She was absolutely smitten with my pink tutu and said, "It’s so inspiring, dear! You make me want to twirl!" I told her, "Darling, you should! Anyone can dance!" And the delightful old soul went on to tell me about how she took ballet as a young girl. Now isn't that just wonderful? I do believe she's secretly my soul sister!

The sun was shining when we arrived in Belfast, the fresh air made me want to run out and leap across the city like a joyous ballerina! After a short taxi ride, I arrived in Newtownards, where my little haven awaited me. A darling Bed and Breakfast owned by a lovely lady named Moira, who couldn't have been more welcoming. Moira told me all about her family's history in the area and her childhood growing up in Newtownards, which is known for its beautiful Georgian architecture.

Oh, darling, the streets here are a real treat for the eyes. I felt like I'd stepped back in time. Moira had even kindly gifted me a fresh, blooming bouquet of peonies. How's that for an idyllic welcome?!

My first mission, naturally, was a good walk to soak it all in. The sunshine, the vibrant colours of the local flower market, the birds singing their cheerful melodies. Everywhere I looked, there was beauty! It was like something out of a romantic fairytale. But you know what else made this town truly special? The friendliness. Every single person I met, from Moira, to the florist, to the gentleman walking his golden retriever, everyone said hello with such warmth. It was honestly the most charming thing, darling!

The following day, I had to try some local fare. Moira recommended the little cafe near the harbour, The Quayside Kitchen, which was an absolute delight. The owner, a man with twinkling blue eyes and a genuine smile, made me the most delicious lobster mac and cheese I've ever had. It truly was heaven on a plate. While I enjoyed the seafood feast, I spotted a beautiful little swan paddling in the harbor. They do say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but this little feathered friend had an elegance about him, as though he was gliding on a miniature lake, with all the poise of a ballerina, and that's why he immediately stole my heart.

For a delightful afternoon stroll, I meandered through the town's picturesque gardens, a tranquil paradise amidst the bustling town. The scent of honeysuckle filled the air, a symphony of buzzing bees played a constant melody, and a colourful display of butterflies danced gracefully amidst the fragrant blossoms. The air was so clean and fresh that I felt utterly relaxed.

Of course, no trip is complete without some shopping. I discovered a hidden gem nestled amongst the charming boutiques: a little vintage shop called The Peacock's Nest. Inside, I was delighted to discover a fabulous array of antique lace, beads and silk. It just called out to me to be transformed into my next couture ballet dress! Don't worry, you'll be the first to see it. I promise.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Newtownards, is that it’s right by Strangford Lough. What's that, you say? Strangford Lough is a stunning sea lough with fascinating history. It was so mesmerising I almost felt the need to pack up my pink tutu and set up my own performance by the water’s edge! I had to resist that urge, however, as the last thing I wanted to do was upset the beautiful bird life!

Speaking of the birdlife, did I tell you about the wild geese? Oh, they were everywhere! I couldn't help but admire them. Graceful and elegant as they were, I had the most magical moment with them: They glided in formations overhead like tiny, majestic dancers in the sky. As they floated effortlessly, I thought of all my beautiful ballet performances, and all those dancers who had graced the stage.

But enough about me. It was time to visit the jewel of Newtownards: the beautiful Castle Ward. With its imposing facade, winding stone corridors, and grounds filled with vibrant foliage and hidden nooks, it's a time capsule of the past and truly enchanting. I took my time to stroll around the courtyard and take in all the views, which were absolutely stunning. It truly was like a dreamland! The beauty of it, the peacefulness of it, made me want to find the nearest stage and just lose myself in the dance, wearing, of course, a sparkling pink tutu, to bring the joyful vibrance of this special place into my moves!

And that’s it, darlings. My wonderful trip to Newtownards, Northern Ireland! There’s really something so special about the Northern Irish spirit! Their charm and kindness, it's contagious. If you're looking for a little slice of tranquility and authentic charm, I highly recommend adding it to your travel list. But remember, darling, bring a pink tutu, because dancing your way around town is always the perfect way to spread a little joy!

See you next time for another exciting blog post!

And don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com every single day, darling. Because you know that the magic of dance is something to be celebrated daily, so join me and we'll dance our hearts out.

Until then, keep your spirits bright and your twirls strong!

Lots of love,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 1997-10-31 in Newtownards with a white tutu.