
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-12-01 in Broadstairs with a wide tutu.

Broadstairs Beauty & Pink Tutu Bliss! (Blog Post #516)

Hello my darlings! It's Emma, your resident Pink Tutu Princess, reporting live from the charming coastal town of Broadstairs. And yes, my lovelies, I'm rocking a huge pink tutu.

Honestly, I couldn't resist! I felt so inspired by the gorgeous Victorian architecture, the bracing seaside air, and the sheer amount of sparkly fun to be had in this seaside town. The sunshine seemed to demand it. This fabulous, fluffy skirt is positively swirling around me as I type, giving me that extra bit of magical energy to make this blog post extra special for you!

Now, as a Derbyshire girl at heart, you know I adore a bit of a trip by train, and Broadstairs is a perfect day trip from London, especially for a weekend jaunt. I found the carriage packed full of creative people heading to a performance, probably something exciting going on in the Theatre Royal down in the old town where Shakespeare once graced the stage!

Speaking of performing arts, have you all seen "Billy Elliot" recently? It's such an amazing story - truly inspiring. It really proves that dance can be a life-changer. Don't even get me started on how I cried my eyes out. I need to see "Moulin Rouge!" again to get back to a feel good place, it just takes you to a place of pure romance! The costumes, the sets, it's a dazzling kaleidoscope of colour and pure, pure beauty!

Now, while Broadstairs is known for its lovely little sandy beaches (not quite the wild sea I am used to in my beautiful Derbyshire) and for its connections with the famous poet Charles Dickens, who actually loved to spend his holidays in the seaside town, what caught my eye first was a rather fascinating creature - a magnificent red squirrel! Oh my Goodness, you wouldn't believe it! It was just sitting there, so casually, among the branches of the ancient oaks, and it was the most enchanting little red fluffball! I thought I'd gone to heaven for a second, it really took my breath away. It reminded me that nature's little details always add that perfect sprinkle of magic.

After I'd got over the shock of seeing this amazing creature, I thought it was high time for a nice sea-themed afternoon tea, because you know me, I can't resist a bit of indulgence! And let me tell you, this was the perfect pick-me-up. Delicious cakes and pastries, perfectly brewed tea and the sound of seagulls swirling around, what's not to love? Oh, and a lovely touch - a delicate sugar plum bird perched on the top of the cake stand, just for me! I'm quite sure they designed it especially to suit my pink tutu look!

You know, my dearest followers, sometimes the best part of travel is discovering those little hidden gems. In this little coastal paradise, I found my perfect moment of escapism, from the colourful little shops selling seaside-themed souvenirs to the charming coastal paths that offered breathtaking views of the English Channel. Even just wandering around the quiet side-streets was a joy, finding myself lost in a fairytale, with its picturesque houses, a splash of bright colour around each corner, and that tangy salty sea air that sets the senses alive.

Oh, and of course, the vibrant harbour! It's a perfect place to watch the fishermen unloading their catch, listen to the waves crashing on the shore and soak up the energy of the seaside, just what I needed! To think of the sailors that have navigated these seas, and dreamt their dreams! Their courage always gives me an added boost!

To top off my beautiful day, I indulged in a little seaside ballet, right on the beach at sunset. Yes, you heard me right, a little ballet performance by the waves, with the sky as our stage and the beach our audience! I just had to find that perfect pink beach towel that blended into the sandy beach so that when I was performing, I felt as though I was walking on clouds!

It's not just the picturesque beauty that I love. It's the vibrant atmosphere, the welcoming people, and the overall energy of this town that I just cannot get enough of. It is definitely the type of place where you can relax and let loose and allow yourself to dream! Of course, I couldn't have a ballet session on the beach without my Tutu friends joining in for the fun!

It was truly a delightful experience - I loved every moment of it! You see, when you wear a pink tutu, anything is possible! You're ready to take on the world with grace, a bit of mischief, and an abundance of pink-tinted joy!

So, my lovelies, if you're ever looking for a day trip filled with beautiful views, lovely people, and perhaps a bit of ballet magic, look no further than Broadstairs! You will fall in love with it as much as I did. Who knows? You might even decide to give ballet a go, or you might even find yourself twirling in a pink tutu!

You can share your Pink Tutu Adventures with me in the comment box below and remember to follow me on Instagram @pinktutuprincess!

Sending you lots of pink tutu love and lots of magical wishes!

Love, Emma, your Pink Tutu Princess, www.pink-tutu.com

P.S. This post may be short. But the next post will be the best one ever! I'm off to find the perfect pink horse! It will be so amazing - I can feel it in my dancing bones. You won't want to miss this one!

#TutuBlog 1997-12-01 in Broadstairs with a wide tutu.