Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-12-25 in Croydon with a pink tutu.

Croydon Calling! (Post #540)

Hello my lovelies!

It’s your favourite Derbyshire girl, Emma, here, reporting live from Croydon. And guess what? It's Christmas Day! I know, I know, I almost didn't post, I'm just so good, but then I realised how utterly rude it would be to leave you hanging, my darling tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed bunch.

Anyway, as you know, I've got this ridiculous Christmas Day tradition – I go all out in my pinkest tutu (it's sparkly!), grab my travel journal and my well-worn copy of The Nutcracker, and head off on a ballet-themed adventure! I mean, seriously, what better way to celebrate the joy of the season?

This year, it was Croydon. Croydon, with its charming high street and its…well, okay, not quite a ballet theatre. But who cares! The excitement was in the journey. The train, chugging along, my tutu bouncing happily against my seat, the scenery whizzing past my window… Honestly, I could just stare out for hours!

The highlight of the day was definitely meeting a pair of adorable fluffy lambs. Yes, lambs on Christmas Day. They were on a little farm by the railway line, and let me tell you, they were even more smitten with my tutu than I was with them. We even had a little ballet-esque frolic in the field! Okay, it was more like I pranced around while they looked on in puzzled delight, but hey, who needs an audience, right?

Oh, and speaking of ballet, did I mention that Croydon’s got a cracking little dance school, tucked away on a side street? They held a Christmas workshop in the afternoon, and let’s just say my heart practically exploded with joy.

First of all, the little ones – they were adorable, with their wide eyes and tentative little leaps. I mean, seriously, they were radiant. Then, there were the teenagers, already shaping up into incredible dancers, with such a raw passion. And, the best part? They all absolutely adored my tutu! It’s practically got a following of its own at this point, haha!

The whole experience made me feel like a little kid again. All I could think about was how much fun it would be to have a Tutu-Christmas Party for the whole dance school next year! Imagine – the children all wearing bright, sparkly tutus, learning a festive routine… it would be magical!

But you know, this trip wasn't just about the pretty pink outfits and twirling – it was about sharing the love of ballet, my darlings! It’s about spreading the message that ballet isn't just for “serious dancers”. It’s for everyone – whether you’re a grandparent, a tiny toddler, or a Christmas-obsessed, tutu-loving, pink-loving adventurer like me.

You wanna try a class? Go for it! Don’t even think twice! You wanna rock a tutu? Girl, you got it. You wanna celebrate Christmas with a sprinkle of magic? Jump on a train, find a dance school, and get ready to sparkle.

Honestly, I can’t wait for next year's Tutu Christmas! Maybe it’ll be a trip to Brighton, or even further afield. Who knows? What I do know is that no matter where I go, my pink tutu is coming with me. And you know what? So should you, my dear friends, So should you!

Until then, keep dancing, keep smiling, and most importantly, keep twirling!

Your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma


#TutuBlog 1997-12-25 in Croydon with a pink tutu.