Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-02-11 in Saint Albans with a european style tutu.

Saint Albans: A Whirlwind of Pink and Plié 🩰💕

Post 588

Hello, my darling dancers! It's Emma here, writing to you from the charming town of Saint Albans, just a hop, skip, and a train ride from my Derbyshire home. The air is crisp, the sky is blue, and the streets are lined with Tudor buildings – the perfect backdrop for a ballet-obsessed soul like me.

I’m embracing my inner whimsical princess today, sporting a European-style tutu – a cascade of layers of tulle, just begging to be twirled! And, of course, a splash of pink, the colour of love, joy, and most importantly, the undeniable spirit of ballet! Pink really is the colour that lifts your mood, doesn't it? You can just feel the confidence flowing when you step into a pink tutu - and in my humble opinion, the world needs more of that!

As you know, my latest adventure took me on a magical train journey to Saint Albans. Now, I'm all about travelling in style, and the train is definitely the way to go. You get to see the beautiful English countryside whizzing by, all the while getting a moment to daydream about graceful pirouettes and arabesques. It’s pure escapism and it’s just a lovely way to de-stress! Of course, my ultimate mode of transport will always be on horseback - but alas, it doesn’t really suit trips to a busy town like Saint Albans!

Speaking of St Albans, I must say, it’s a real treat for a ballerina at heart! I mean, just picture this: cobbled streets lined with antique shops, adorable cafes, and the magnificent ruins of St Albans Cathedral – oh, the history! It's almost enough to make you wish you were a medieval noblewoman, whirling through a royal court!

Speaking of history, the reason for my visit to this delightful town is none other than a historical dance performance at the Verulamium Museum. It’s set in the Roman ruins - it's a truly fascinating mix of historical backdrop and dynamic storytelling through dance! I simply couldn’t resist this unique combination. And what a fantastic performance it was, with such passionate energy from the dancers - a real inspiring treat for a girl like me!

Before the show, I decided to get in my daily dose of pirouettes with a ballet class at the town's charming dance studio. You see, staying fit is crucial for a ballerina on the go – not to mention all those gorgeous leaps and landings. I do believe there’s a place for everyone to feel the power of movement, and dancing really is a form of therapy! It doesn’t matter whether you're a seasoned dancer, or simply starting out on your pirouette journey, everyone needs a good plie to bring a smile to their face, am I right? The instructor was truly inspirational, guiding us with grace and encouraging every single one of us to go beyond our perceived limitations. This really made me appreciate the value of community, not just in the world of dance but in life, in general.

My evenings in St Albans were filled with a perfect balance of sophistication and whimsical fun! One night, I found myself at a truly lovely restaurant, indulging in delicious, organic food and a glass of champagne - an absolute delight after a busy day of ballet class, and a historical performance! You see, dancing needs good nutrition – I really think we all need to celebrate those who are nourishing and invigorating our bodies, just as they are our souls! The next day, I indulged my sweet tooth by sampling local honey - I am always in search of healthy, natural treats, so I was particularly excited to try some St Alban’s honey - pure liquid gold, if I do say so myself!

On my way out of Saint Albans, I was determined to visit the magnificent Verulamium Park - it was the perfect ending to a lovely stay in this picturesque town. Now, I have a real fondness for parks, with their beautiful greenery and chirping birds - you see, there's just something about nature that inspires my dance movements. It’s as if every whisper of the wind, and the flit of a bird's wing translates to graceful balletic expression! I was so fascinated watching a playful squirrel scrambling around a tree - they seem to have so much confidence, just like a ballerina!

But back to Saint Albans - this quaint town, steeped in history and brimming with charm, really captures the spirit of England, don't you think? And it certainly inspires me to see beauty and wonder in even the smallest of details! Whether it’s the intricately carved archway on a Tudor building or the bright smile of a passerby, life's beauty can be found in the simple joys, the subtle pleasures – just like a perfectly executed pirouette! It’s the small things, and how you make them into something larger than life!

That’s why, I want you all to remember, you don’t need a grand stage or an ornate tutu to be a ballerina at heart! As long as you keep moving, keep dreaming, and keep twirling - the world will always be your stage, my dearest dancers! After all, it's a world full of pink tutus waiting to be discovered!

Until next time, keep twirling, my friends, Emma


#TutuBlog 1998-02-11 in Saint Albans with a european style tutu.