Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-02-12 in Burnley with a german tutu.

Burnley Bound! Ballet, Bonnets & A Pink Tutu

Post #589

Hello my darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad, ballet-obsessed blogger, reporting live from… Burnley! Yep, you heard me right. This Derbyshire girl swapped her rolling hills for the industrial heartland of Lancashire. Why? Because, well, the world of ballet is always calling me on an adventure!

The Journey to Burnley

I couldn't possibly arrive in Burnley without a glamorous entry, so naturally, I chose the grandest mode of transport imaginable: a train journey. Picture this: me in my blush-coloured cashmere coat, my trusty tutu bag slung over my shoulder, and a delicate rose-gold brooch catching the light as the steam engine chugged us through the countryside. Oh, the romanticism of it all! I even managed to catch a glimpse of a family of deer prancing in the dappled sunlight - a sure sign of good things to come.

A Touch of German Glamour

But before I share my ballet adventures, a confession! You might be wondering about the “German tutu” mentioned in the post title. Well, dear readers, I've just come back from a glorious trip to Berlin, a city pulsating with creative energy. And what better souvenir to bring home than a handcrafted, Bavarian tutu! Imagine - it's the most delicate shade of pistachio green, with delicate white embroidery and delicate hand-stitched floral motifs. You wouldn't believe the flutter it gave me! And oh, the look I received on the train, full of a delightful combination of curiosity and envy. I’m sure those people were already heading to their nearest ballet shop!

Ballet by the River

But now back to Burnley. The reason I was so eager to come here? A simply divine ballet performance set amidst the glorious scenery of the River Calder. Can you imagine? Ballet beneath a willow weeping by the waterside! Oh, the beauty and drama! This show was no ordinary performance. It was a whimsical mix of classic ballet and folk tales, and as the dancers twirled amidst the reeds and reeds, I swear I could feel the spirit of the old stories dancing with them!

The Unforgettable Cast

The show's director, a man named Barnaby (what a dashing name!), has this brilliant eye for detail, which shows in everything from the costumes, right down to the lighting. And let's not forget the dancers! Their talent is absolutely breathtaking! There was Abigail, who floated across the stage as graceful as a willow in the breeze. And Tom, whose leaps and turns were pure magic. It was like watching stories come to life.

Tea, Tutue and Two-Stepping

After the show, I had the most wonderful conversation with Barnaby. It turns out he's just as enthusiastic about ballet as I am. He confided that he had this crazy dream – he wants to bring the world of ballet to every single town in England, just like the way he’s brought it to the heart of Burnley! This gave me all the more reason to cheer. My heart almost leapt out of my tutu.

You know what? This whole experience got me thinking. Why shouldn't everyone wear a tutu? I mean, think about it! A pink tutu is like a symbol of freedom, of joy, and a little bit of magic. You just feel invincible in a pink tutu! So here's to Barnaby's dream and to all of us having a little more "pink tutu" in our lives. After all, why not make the world a more magical, pink, and twirling place, right?

Back to Derbyshire!

Speaking of magic, Burnley will be remembered in the Pink Tutu archives as a wonderfully whimsical place! Now it's back to Derbyshire, to catch a performance at our local ballet studio and share all the beautiful memories from my trip.

Until then, my loves, let your spirit twirl and your joy dance!
Emma xx


#TutuBlog 1998-02-12 in Burnley with a german tutu.