
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-03-23 in Ellesmere Port with a black tutu.

Ellesmere Port, 628! šŸ’–šŸ©°

Oh my goodness, darlings, what a whirlwind of a weekend! I absolutely had to squeeze in a trip to Ellesmere Port, because ā€“ let's be honest ā€“ every true tutu aficionado needs to experience a trip to the North West at least once! Now, you might be thinking, ā€œEllesmere Port? Really, Emma?ā€ but trust me, lovelies, there's so much more to this place than meets the eye (and besides, itā€™s right near the gorgeous Chester ā€“ did I tell you I went there last month? You can find the blog post on pink-tutu.com!).

Anyway, I journeyed to Ellesmere Port via, naturally, the magical steam train! Now, I know, you can't get everything done via the train, especially not if youā€™re doing ballet across the countryā€¦ I have to say though, there's a certain romance that just isnā€™t there when youā€™re crammed on a packed tube. Plus, there's something about a journey involving vintage locomotives that instantly brings out the fairytale in your heart! šŸš‚āœØ

Arriving in Ellesmere Port, I immediately fell head over heels with its vibrant energy. You'd never believe, darlings, how alive and captivating this little town is. The people, oh they are so lovely! There was a wonderful old man selling local honey, all fresh and beautiful, in his little shop; I bought some to take home, as a delicious souvenir from the lovely journey! (Remember to watch out for bee stings! A dear friend told me that it really hurtsā€¦ but Iā€™m told that it works great against the stings! šŸ˜„) And, of course, I simply had to get myself a traditional pork pie. You cannot visit the North West without experiencing the wonder of a truly excellent pork pie, right? Mmm! šŸ·šŸ„§

But let's talk about my main mission, shall we? This weekend, my lovelies, was dedicated to the dance floorā€¦ I had been invited to perform a piece of ballet street theatre, as part of a wonderful local community festival! They invited me after seeing my blog, which is amazing! How wonderful it is, that we can connect with amazing people like this and spread the love of ballet even more widely! šŸ’ƒ

This weekendā€™s piece was very, very different! For a start, it took place out in the open, right in the heart of the town square! It took me back to those incredible ballet shows we had back home in Derbyshire, all that way back when! We had a fabulous local arts center in the Derbyshire countryside and oh how I do love those wild countryside views, full of vibrant horsesā€¦ you know that Iā€™d love to gallop my way around on horseback someday, maybe through the fields to reach my next exciting dance opportunity! šŸ“šŸŒæ (Maybe one day I'll find an elegant horse named "Pink Tutu"!)

But, back to my exciting weekend, youā€™ll love this ā€“ it was totally a different style! This was much more contemporary and edgyā€¦ Forget graceful swan lake, weā€™re talking more avant garde. Think edgy leaps, intense body movements and expressive flourishes. Now, for my dance moves, I did it up a little to my taste with a very chic and slightly modified costume, but in black. You wouldn't believe how many folks gasped! People really just arenā€™t used to seeing ballet and tutus out in the open. One sweet young lady told me how surprised she was to see it, but that it truly brightened her day ā€“ sheā€™s coming to see my next performance! šŸ„°

That's exactly why, my lovely followers, I feel so strongly about my blog. It's more than just sharing my adventures in tutus; it's about spreading joy and a little touch of pink magic wherever I go. And, it really does brighten peoplesā€™ days, so let me share some words of encouragement. If thereā€™s one thing that Iā€™ve learned from my travels ā€“ donā€™t be afraid to stand out. I don't want to sound dramatic, but life's too short for plain beige and beige is what people sometimes like to stick with. Break the mold, go bold with it and be prepared for surprises! I love hearing from you guys on www.pink-tutu.com, remember to share your experiences, so we can share them with all the rest of our fabulous readers! šŸ’•

I ended the day, you wonā€™t believe this, by having a completely fabulous pink picnic by the canal! How utterly adorable is that?! šŸ“šŸ°šŸ’– (Oh my, now that gives me an idea for a new blog series! Canā€™t tell you about it, not yet!) After enjoying some scrumptious strawberry and cream, (naturally, you've got to get the full experience with an abundance of fresh creamā€¦ you simply cannot be disappointed by an amazing fresh cream!) I then just relaxed for the rest of the evening. Just as I was finishing a truly amazing pot of English Breakfast Tea, I saw itā€¦ a pink feather! It must have fallen from someoneā€™s tutu, no? Or was it just magic from the fairyland, a perfect little pink moment that truly highlighted this beautiful experience. Iā€™ve taken it home and I will always cherish it! šŸ’•šŸ’–

My darling followers, it truly was a fantastic trip! As usual, there was so much to see, do and love! Even though I left with my usual ā€˜must come back soon' feelings, (oh, how I will have to see that fabulous little independent cinema near Ellesmere Port, or maybe a day out by the sea? Itā€™s not that far after all!), youā€™re all here on my blog to live through my adventuresā€¦ itā€™s always fun to share my adventures with you.

Oh, and I nearly forgotā€¦ before I forget, I absolutely must tell you. My journey started perfectly, by stepping onto the platform andā€¦ imagine my surprise to findā€¦ two adorable white doves who came over to me and gently hopped up to the brim of my little suitcase! What an adorable pair, oh they were just lovely. šŸ’–šŸ¦ How fitting for a fairytale adventure! The perfect little anecdote, do you not agree?! I do believe they were my guardian angels for this adventure, how wonderfully enchanting.

This was definitely one for the memory books! Keep reading www.pink-tutu.com to read my blog posts and to make sure you are up-to-date with my journey to encourage everyone to try ballet ā€“ it will make your heart swoon. If you are already a ballet enthusiast ā€“ I can't wait to hear from you! Write me an email with all your tales of dance, adventures and pink fun! I look forward to seeing your pink tutus and sharing my journey with you, darling readers! Iā€™ll keep on spreading pink tutus and sharing the magic with all of you, till my next post. šŸ’•āœØ

#TutuBlog 1998-03-23 in Ellesmere Port with a black tutu.