Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-04-15 in Folkestone with a nature themed tutu.

Folkestone Frolics: A Tutu-tastic Trip with a Wildlife Twist!

Post #651 - April 15th, 1998

Hello my lovelies! It’s your favourite Derbyshire-born ballet aficionado, Emma, back with another thrilling chapter in the pink tutu chronicles! Today’s post takes us on a magical journey to the charming coastal town of Folkestone, where the sea air whipped my tulle skirt into a flurry of pink, and the wildlife delighted my nature-loving heart.

I woke up feeling like a giddy schoolgirl, filled with anticipation for this long-awaited adventure. After a hearty Derbyshire breakfast of bacon, eggs, and a side of oatcakes (you can’t beat a good Derbyshire fry-up, darlings!), I packed my favourite pink tutu with a whimsical woodland pattern – perfect for the wild encounter I had planned. My travelling outfit? Naturally, a vintage rose-print dress and my trusty leather ballet flats - a little bit of rustic elegance for a countryside adventure. I was itching to leave and, as you all know, trains are the only mode of transportation that really do the job for me - all that swishing fabric while gazing out the window, feeling like a fairytale princess.

My train journey was full of delightful details – the bustling station platforms, the gentle chugging of the train, the sun-dappled landscape whizzing by. And let's be honest, what better opportunity to do some people-watching, you know? A few delightful chaps gave me the obligatory look of admiration when my pink tulle billowed outwards as the train rounded a corner, and some sweet grannies were giving me some rather curious looks. I mean, how could I possibly not stand out in a pink tutu? It’s just pure fun!

Once in Folkestone, I hopped on a horse-drawn carriage (how utterly romantic!) and was whisked away to the beach, the salty air tickling my nostrils. The sheer vastness of the ocean, the endless horizon, truly took my breath away. It was a spectacle that echoed the endless possibilities of life and of dance - both pushing us to explore new and exciting realms.

I felt my inner wildlife enthusiast buzzing as I strolled along the pebbly shore. The crisp sea air, the scent of salt, the rhythmic crash of the waves - it was all simply sublime. There were so many lovely seagulls flitting around - cheeky, little creatures, they are. They kept swooping down for snacks. Honestly, they looked like they were having more fun than I was!

Now, for my big plan - the wildlife encounter. My afternoon was spent wandering through the picturesque Folkestone Warren. I spent a little time marvelling at the impressive chalk cliffs, feeling like a miniature, twirling fairy. It’s so inspiring for a dancer to have such an awesome landscape around you, with all the cliffs jutting up in all sorts of dynamic poses! But the real stars of the show, though, were the local residents: a family of rabbits hopping playfully through the meadows, their white fluff a stark contrast against the green. The graceful dance of a bird of prey soaring above the cliffs, its wings slicing through the air in such a powerful, yet delicate way. The beauty of nature is an amazing source of inspiration for a ballerina. Each animal moved with a certain fluidity that made my heart leap - the rabbit's soft leaps, the bird’s smooth flight - truly a performance of their own. I felt a kinship with those beautiful creatures, a shared love of the beauty and rhythm of the natural world.

Of course, I had my sketchbook and pen with me, capturing all those fleeting movements in detail, just like a true artist. This trip wasn’t just about appreciating nature's wonder, though. It was also about infusing it into my own art. Those movements are all part of my own dance journey.

I returned to the charming town feeling refreshed and utterly inspired. Folkestone's combination of quaint streets, picturesque coastline, and fascinating wildlife offered the perfect escape for a ballerina like myself. And, naturally, I danced the day away in the most wonderful pub - I never miss an opportunity for some good, old-fashioned jig! My fellow pub-goers might have looked a little puzzled, but hey, it’s all part of my mission to get everyone to enjoy a bit of ballet, wouldn’t you agree?

Before catching the train back, I purchased a lovely seashell ornament from a charming local shop - a little reminder of this captivating day. It’s now pride of place on my dresser back at home in Derbyshire. And guess what? The lovely shop assistant gave me a charming compliment - she told me I looked "pretty as a picture," a perfect summary of this trip!

Now, my darling dears, this experience reminds us to explore, to embrace the beautiful things that surround us - from nature's elegance to our own inner rhythm. It also reminds us that we don't need a grand stage or fancy costumes to unleash the dancer within. Put on a pink tutu, hop onto a horse, go on a walk in nature and be the dancer you always were meant to be!

Until next time,

Your darling Emma xoxo www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 1998-04-15 in Folkestone with a nature themed tutu.