
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-04-20 in Scarborough with a european style tutu.

Scarborough: Pink Tutus on the Coast! πŸ’–πŸ©°

Post Number 656

Hello lovelies! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger Emma here, back with another daily dose of tutus and twirls. Today's adventures took me to the stunning seaside town of Scarborough! I just had to visit, the combination of stunning cliffs, bracing sea air, and history just called to me.

Let me tell you, this post is packed with pink-tutu fun. Think picture-postcard views, dramatic coastlines, and me in a tutu that made even the seagulls envious.

I couldn't have chosen a better day for my visit - sunshine streaming down, the air buzzing with the happy sounds of holidaymakers, and a gentle breeze whispering stories of days gone by. The very first thing that greeted me on arriving in Scarborough was the unmistakeable scent of the salty sea, oh how I love the seaside. I hopped out of the train with a spring in my step and, for once, a slight twinkle in my eye. After all, this isn't my everyday, mundane, boring train journey. Not by a long shot. This journey was for pure pleasure - the kind of pleasure only a trip to the coast, in a fabulous outfit, and the prospect of seeing some incredible dance can bring.

The first place I headed was the iconic Scarborough Castle - it's perched atop those famous cliffs, gazing out at the sparkling sea like a seasoned old sailor watching for land. Now, I have to confess that it took a lot of willpower not to twirl right on the ramparts of the castle. It felt like the perfect place to unleash some serious ballet moves! However, in the name of not scaring the other visitors I had to contain myself (sort of)!

After a good old dose of history and seagull gazing, I had a wander along the beach, oh, I felt just like I did when I was a child, so full of joy, it's something you just don't lose as you grow older. Then, I stopped for a leisurely fish and chips lunch, because you simply can't go to a British seaside town without doing just that. Let's just say my tutu remained intact (although, there were some hairy moments)! Luckily, I was a seasoned professional with chips!

Of course, a trip to Scarborough wouldn't be complete without visiting the iconic Grand Theatre! It was once home to some of the most incredible entertainers, actors, musicians, dancers. A history that really inspires and motivates me to do the best I can and make the most of the time we're given. This theatre holds a very special place in the hearts of so many people. There are a thousand stories woven into the very fabric of those grand, red velvet seats and within those ornate plasterwork ceilings. You can really feel the spirit of those artists, so incredibly inspirational, really gives you goosebumps, you know?

However, it was on the way to the theatre that my afternoon took a rather interesting turn... It involved a very determined-looking horse... and me, in a tutu, trying to get away from it.

I'll paint the scene for you. I'm strolling along, in a pink, swirling tutu, matching my lovely floral hat - it’s perfect, feminine, elegant and the ultimate way to enjoy the sun and the sea breeze, if I do say so myself. The only issue being, the horse wasn't keen on my fashion sense, and he really let me know. It's quite extraordinary when you really think about it, there are thousands of people around me, and only the horse chose to give me a glare and a really forceful whinny. It gave me such a fright. The best thing was how it actually turned into quite a humorous incident. Everyone was watching, thinking I'd probably get trodden on by the horse, I certainly did think my days were over - but then I remember the one thing I learned from my days training at the Royal Ballet, quick-footed, controlled movement, just the same way as we practice and learn those barre steps. As the horse rushed forward, I darted to the side and before it even knew it, I'd whisked around, in one graceful motion, back to the road. I know, my ballerina side never disappoints me. It saved me! I just need to remember to say a prayer that those ballet moves get used when I need them most! I mean, they sure helped me today! My tutu survived, my hat remained firmly in place. I know, some may have found this frightening, but my heart actually pounded with adrenaline. The feeling of escaping a potentially perilous situation and remaining unscathed. Well, it simply added more memories to this great day in Scarborough!

One last thing. I absolutely had to do a photoshoot in front of the Scarborough spa. I couldn’t resist the lure of its Victorian charm. All those intricate details, those breathtaking views of the coastline, I simply had to snap some shots for the blog! I felt like I'd stepped into a time capsule, an era of beautiful, elaborate architecture and seaside glamour, just the kind of environment my heart truly relishes!

Speaking of which, it's time to catch the train back home. Tomorrow is another day of ballet classes and more inspiring adventures! Keep your tutus twirling, lovelies!

P.S. Be sure to pop over to my website, www.pink-tutu.com. Every day, there's a new blog post, new adventures and lots of inspiration! πŸ’–πŸ©°

#TutuBlog 1998-04-20 in Scarborough with a european style tutu.