Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-04-21 in Leith with a german tutu.

Leith, Scotland: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Post 657

Hello, my darlings! Emma here, and you know what makes a day just divine? A journey to a new city, a whiff of adventure in the air, and of course, my trusty pink tutu! Today, I'm writing to you from the charming city of Leith, just outside Edinburgh, a place brimming with history and charm, just like a fairytale!

Remember how I told you about my love for a good train journey? This time, I embraced the magic of the Scottish railway network. The journey itself was an enchanting adventure. Sunshine dappled through the window as we chugged past green rolling hills, and I felt a tingle of excitement in my toes, not from the chill, but from the promise of an amazing day ahead.

Now, you might wonder, why Leith? Well, this darling city has been on my must-visit list for ages, and when I heard about the Ballet Leith company, my heart did a little pirouette! I simply had to see what they were all about. It’s not everyday you get a chance to enjoy the artistry of ballet in such a vibrant and historically rich setting.

Speaking of vibrant, have I mentioned my new tutu? Oh, my dears, it’s simply sensational! I found this gorgeous German-made tutu, all billowing tulle and intricate embroidery in a symphony of soft pastels – blush pink, a touch of baby blue, and the most delicate lavender, absolutely perfect for a city as charming as Leith. It feels like it was made for twirling under the sky!

My first stop was the historic Royal Yacht Britannia - it was such a beautiful and fascinating place, filled with grandeur and memories. I almost imagined I could hear the Queen herself dancing across the polished floor in a stately waltz. A perfect setting for a fantasy, I just knew I had to strike a pose in front of the magnificent yacht! The tutu really did pop against the stark, grey granite backdrop of the dock, and the photos just oozed vintage glamour. You'll see them on Instagram later!

Then, a leisurely stroll through the bustling, cobbled streets of Leith itself, a treasure trove of quirky shops and welcoming pubs. I just adore finding local gems. A shop full of antique clocks ticked me right back to the Victorian era. Another filled with hand-crafted soaps was a treat for my senses.

After an afternoon spent exploring, I headed for the heart of Ballet Leith's world, the magnificent Leith Theatre which was actually a Victorian music hall. Can you believe it? To think of all the laughter and joyous songs that must have filled this space for decades... Now, it's a hub for all things artistic. The stage was waiting for its moment, I just knew I was going to see something special.

I sat in the theater with all those beautiful, vibrant faces around me, watching as dancers poured their heart and souls into each movement, each pirouette. They moved with such grace and elegance, their bodies transforming into ethereal beings telling their own stories through dance. You could see the passion and the joy radiating from every inch of their movements. My heart soared, my feet tapped.

I left the theater with my soul dancing and a newfound appreciation for the magic of dance. The way these performers could bring joy, sadness, longing, and hope all in one fluid moment, with not a word spoken - just the power of expression in movement... it really took my breath away! It's not just a dance - it’s a form of language, an art, a symphony.

There’s magic to be found in every corner of this beautiful world. And sometimes, the best thing you can do is pack your pink tutu, take a train ride, and allow yourself to get lost in the adventures of a new place. I just love being surrounded by nature, and here in Leith, I even spotted a gaggle of beautiful geese by the harbour, as majestic and graceful as any ballet dancer!

This trip to Leith has filled my heart with sunshine and dreams of new pirouettes. I promise to tell you all about it on our Pink Tutu page (don’t forget to follow @PinkTutu on Instagram!)

So, my dears, what are you waiting for? Go on! Pack a tutu, a picnic, a big heart and go get lost in the beauty of a new city! You never know what wonders you might discover!

Until next time, Emma.


#TutuBlog 1998-04-21 in Leith with a german tutu.