Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-05-17 in Bridgwater with a random tutu.

Bridgwater Bound: Tutu Adventures and Pink Dreams

Post 683


Oh, hello lovelies! Emma here, back with another installment of my pink-tutu filled life. Today's adventure? Bridgwater, a charming little town in Somerset! I'm travelling by train, naturally - what's more glamorous than hurtling through the countryside in a beautifully appointed carriage, a chic vintage travel case at my side and my pinkest tutu packed for a day of ballet bliss?

The train journey itself was a whirlwind of delight. I spied a family of deer bounding through the fields as we zoomed past, a vision of graceful nature echoing the grace and beauty of the ballet. A fellow passenger, a delightful old chap in a tweed suit, offered me a piece of his homemade shortbread - so sweet and so British! We even had a lovely chat about the ballet, his daughter having been a dancer in her younger days.

And what about the tutu? Oh, darling, this one is a stunner. It's a frothy, confectionary dream of layers of tulle, in the most delicate shade of lavender, sprinkled with glitter like fairy dust. It shimmers and sparkles under the sunlight pouring through the carriage windows, practically begging to be twirled. I couldn't help myself, a little pirouette here, a little fouetté there, just for good measure, naturally. After all, who needs the carriage space for bags when you have dancing feet?

Arriving in Bridgwater, the town was bustling with life - market stalls overflowing with vibrant flowers, quaint shops tucked away on charming little lanes, and the most charming antique bookstore I’ve ever seen, just waiting to be explored. You could practically smell the romance and history hanging in the air. And speaking of history, the local theatre here, The Bridgwater Arts Centre, is simply stunning. It’s got that old-world charm with its red brick facade and the most elegant, towering archway – perfect for my kind of girl, wouldn’t you say?

Tonight’s the highlight of my trip – a performance of "Giselle" with the Somerset Dance Company. I'm giddy with excitement. I'm hoping to meet some fellow tutu enthusiasts and maybe even catch a glimpse of the choreographer, a young man with a passion for ballet who I heard is an absolute darling. If only he knew I was coming, I would have worn the most glorious pink tutu for the occasion - I'd even put on my prettiest pearl earrings for a touch of sparkle! But then again, there's always a new outfit for tomorrow, right?

After the ballet, a leisurely supper at a charming little cafe is in order, followed by a moonlit stroll along the canal. Nothing says perfect night quite like the twinkling lights reflected in the water, the scent of the night blooming jasmine filling the air, and a sense of calm washing over me. I can almost imagine the little ballerina in me, twirling under the moonlight, as the world fades into a happy blur of music and dreams.

You know, darling, it's moments like these that make me think - what's life without a little pink? And what's life without a tutu, for that matter? My goal? To get everyone wearing a pink tutu and to make everyone discover the joy of ballet. It's infectious, you know? The feeling of gliding across the stage, the way the world fades away as your body takes flight... I want everyone to experience it! It's an experience that can change lives, a chance to express yourself and tap into a wellspring of creativity, a journey of self-discovery and artistry.

And the good news, darlings, is that it’s not too late! If you're thinking of joining me on my pink-tutu journey, pop by my website www.pink-tutu.com and let’s start this glorious ballet adventure together.

Until tomorrow, stay sparkly and don’t forget to twirl!

Love, Emma x

#TutuBlog 1998-05-17 in Bridgwater with a random tutu.