Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-05-18 in Newbury with a pancake tutu.

Newbury, darling! A pancake tutu adventure (Blog post #684)

Hello my beautiful ballet bunnies! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed adventurer, Emma, checking in from sunny Newbury! As always, I'm ready to spill the tea on all things tutus, travel, and of course, ballet.

You see, I woke up this morning feeling like I was in a ballet fairytale, so I knew this day was going to be absolutely fabulous! I had planned a little day trip to Newbury, which has a lovely little station where the trains go “chuff, chuff” as they come in.

I love train travel, especially in the English countryside! It gives you the chance to really savour the scenery and indulge in a good book (currently on my list is ‘The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo’). And speaking of savouring, a delicious Cornish pasty and a large glass of elderflower cordial are the perfect companions for a train journey.

Anyway, my train journey was divine - filled with fields of wildflowers, gentle sheep baa-ing in the sun, and just the perfect amount of gentle rocking to lull me into a relaxed state.

Upon my arrival in Newbury, I realised I needed a plan, so, in my best Marie Antoinette manner, I simply twirled and twirled and twirled, like the grand clock in the train station’s tower. Suddenly, inspiration struck! It was time for the “pancake tutu” – a delicate creation of layers and layers of lace. The key to this masterpiece? It has to look like a stack of fluffy pancakes, and trust me, this creation made me feel as light as air, a true confection of whimsy!

Newbury's charming streets and quaint cafes beckoned me in for an exploration. The aroma of freshly baked pastries was in the air and filled me with glee! It felt like a perfectly crafted movie set – you know, the type with vibrant bunting and friendly shopkeepers, with smiles as bright as the daffodils popping up in their gardens. The vibe? Totally fabulous, my dears!

But before we delve deeper into the wonders of Newbury, let's talk about my love of tutus, the inspiration behind my pink-tutu adventures. Ever since I was a little girl twirling in Derbyshire, I’ve had a passion for ballet and tutus. There's something magical and exhilarating about them! To me, it's a celebration of beauty, femininity, and sheer joy! It's a reminder to embrace life's little twirls with passion and grace! I wear my tutus everywhere; on the train, to ballet class, on shopping trips... It's my way of reminding the world to get in touch with their inner ballerina. My mission? Get everyone to try a tutu and rediscover their inner beauty! And of course, embrace that love of pink! It's a colour that symbolises joy, passion, and life! And you know what? Pink tutus can make everything better.

Speaking of passion, did you know I’ve been inspired to create my very own tutu shop? 'The Pink Tutu Boutique' - It's going to be a sanctuary for all things tutus! Imagine, tutus for everyone! It's going to be filled with colours, sparkle, and endless possibilities. I can practically hear the ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ already. But more about that in another blog!

Back to my fabulous Newbury adventure! It just wouldn’t be a perfect day without some ballet magic! You see, Newbury has a fabulous local ballet studio called ‘The Dance Academy’. I walked right in, my pancake tutu looking positively scrumptious, and guess what? I signed myself up for an adult beginner's class. You see, no matter how old you are, you are never too old to start or continue doing something that makes you happy, and ballet, well, it just makes my heart soar! It was a little intimidating, at first, but honestly, the best decision ever. It was absolutely fantastic – I learnt some fab new moves and even got to twirl with the local ballet students! I must say, it was such a thrill and, I think it would’ve made a great ballet street show. I’m totally going back.

So, let’s chat about my current ballet show obsession! You see, I’ve become rather enthralled with the Newbury Theatre's current ballet production of Swan Lake! You know me, always a ballet fanatic. The choreography, the costumes, the music, just heavenly. The theatre itself had an old-world charm about it. And as for the Swan Queen, oh, her grace and the beauty of her moves... just sublime! It gave me the urge to perform a grand arabesque on the street outside - but maybe next time!

It wouldn't be a blog about my day out if I didn't tell you about the wonderful local pub we discovered – The "Old Swan" . We stopped by for a delicious afternoon tea. It was all very ‘British’. Sandwiches, scones with clotted cream, and plenty of lovely cakes. And of course, a cuppa! We even saw some lovely ducks and swans waddling by the little pond in the back of the pub. They made me smile. Animals always have that effect on me.

So, all in all, my dear ballet bunnies, it was another spectacular day! It was all about exploring, embracing the joy of movement, discovering new passions (that tutu shop!), and just indulging in the pure fun of living! So, tell me, have any of you been to Newbury, and what are your favourite pink tutu looks? I would love to know, leave a comment on my blog www.pink-tutu.com. Don't forget to wear your tutus, darling, and go ballet crazy!

Until next time, twirl on, my darlings!

#TutuBlog 1998-05-18 in Newbury with a pancake tutu.