Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-05-21 in Dunstable with a german tutu.

Dunstable Darling! (Post #687)

Oh my darlings, how are you all?! This is going to be a whirlwind of a post, because guess what? I’m in Dunstable, darlings! Yes, that’s right – I hopped on a little train this morning and off I went for a little adventure to this beautiful town. Dunstable – I know you might be thinking "what's so special about Dunstable?" Well, you might be surprised!

It's got a certain je ne sais quoi – an air of charm, a little bit of countryside whimsy, all tied together with a bow of delightful history.

Anyway, I must confess, the true reason for my Dunstable escapade? Tutus of course! You know I can’t resist a good tutu outing! Today's particular fancy involves a lovely German tutu that I’ve had my eye on for ages - oh, you know how I love a little something a bit different and a little bit out there.

Let me tell you, this tutu is something else! It's a gorgeous pale pink (my favourite!), with delicate, swishy layers and these lovely, tiny, hand-stitched flowers, which are absolutely adorable. It's the perfect combination of classic and contemporary, and I knew it was destined to be twirled in a quintessentially English setting, which brings us back to Dunstable.

You know me – I’ve got this absolute knack for spotting potential photo opportunities! This morning, before my grand tutu reveal, I had the most amazing breakfast at the cutest little cafe, all bright and sunshine-y with rows and rows of delicious cakes! Think little floral tables, comfy wicker chairs, and a good old fashioned English fry-up – yum! They even had little teapots for just me!

My afternoon was spent exploring the beautiful Dunstable Priory with a tutu-ful stroll around the ruins and gardens, a truly peaceful experience, punctuated with the joyful twirling and the satisfying "whoosh" of the tutu as I moved, of course! I managed to get a few pictures there that I’ll be sure to share on Instagram – I absolutely love taking my photography on the road.

Speaking of pictures, this gorgeous old place makes me want to get back in the studio for some dance-inspired photographs, I’ll be working with some amazing dancers who’ve also come to love all things tutu! I've been thinking about incorporating a bit of this countryside beauty into my next photoshoot.

But, my lovelies, my travels weren't just about tutus! You know how much I adore a bit of wildlife – and Dunstable didn’t disappoint! On my way to the priory, I spotted a pair of adorable rabbits hopping through a meadow. The look on their tiny little faces - pure unadulterated joy - well, it really brightened my day!

You know me and my unwavering love for the animal kingdom. It just melts my heart. I had to be sure to take a few photos of those fluffy bundles. Maybe I'll even do a wildlife-inspired photoshoot. I’m just so passionate about sharing my love for wildlife and its vital place in our lives!

So, in the evening, as the day started to wind down and the golden light streamed through the clouds, I found myself at the charming Dunstable Downs with a perfect picnic in tow – a truly divine strawberry tart and a pot of strong tea (always!), nestled among wildflowers with a perfect view of the rolling hills. It felt so peaceful – just me, the warm sunshine, a delicious strawberry tart, and the soft whoosh of my tutu. Perfection!

Before returning to Derbyshire, I felt the urge for one final waltz on Dunstable’s High Street with my tutu shimmering under the streetlights, you know how it is, a bit of last-minute twirling, like a proper ballerina in full flight. Just look at the pics – I'll post them on www.pink-tutu.com later this evening!

My loves, if you're ever feeling a bit adventurous and are looking for a day out, or simply want to try a tutu tastic adventure, I wholeheartedly recommend taking a little trip to Dunstable! This little town might not seem like much on the map, but trust me, once you discover its charm and beauty, you’ll fall in love with it, just like I have.

And who knows, you might just find yourself with a little bit of your own Dunstable story!

Until tomorrow, my darlings!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my latest pictures on Instagram! It’s @Emma_TutuAdventures – I love seeing your comments, too!

Love and glitter, Emma

#TutuBlog 1998-05-21 in Dunstable with a german tutu.