Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-05-23 in Strood with a pink tutu.

Strood Calling! Pink Tutu in Kent (Post 689)

Hello lovelies! Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire dancing diva, ready to bring you all the pink and twirling goodness straight from the heart of… Strood!

Now, I know what you're thinking. Strood? Isn't that just a place on the map? Well, yes and no, darlings. This little Kent gem is quickly becoming a real hotspot for a girl on the go! Let's dive into why!

The Journey

Instead of my trusty steed this time, I hopped on a charming steam train from my home in the Peak District, soaking in the emerald green fields as we whizzed by. I felt like a princess in a period drama, which was just the fuel I needed for a day in the heart of British history.

First Stop: Rochester Castle

Rochester Castle, standing proudly like a pink tutu-clad ballerina on a stage, is pure history magic! It's so fascinating to picture all the lives that have crossed these ancient stone thresholds, and all the stories hidden within those thick walls. And you know what? My pink tutu, shimmering against the backdrop of this grand medieval masterpiece, looked rather fitting, don’t you think?

Lunchtime at The Little Cafe

Speaking of princesses, I can’t resist a proper sit-down lunch in a dainty cafe. After all, a dancing girl needs fuel! "The Little Cafe" served up a delightful spread of freshly made soup and the most tempting carrot cake. Now, if you know me, you know carrot cake is my weakness, especially when accompanied by a pot of pink-hued rose tea. Perfect!

Dancing on the Streets of Strood

Did I mention that Strood has the most vibrant street scene? I just love the charming little shops and cafes that line the cobbled streets. Even better? A live band playing right on the main square! I swear, the minute that infectious melody kicked in, I just HAD to dance! My pink tutu became the star attraction, twirling to the music and inspiring a little impromptu ballet moment for passersby.

The River Medway

Later, I found myself strolling by the serene River Medway. The peaceful views and the fresh breeze were just what I needed after the energy of the day. As the sunlight dipped down behind the trees, painting the river gold, it was as though nature itself was setting the stage for an enchanting ballet.

A Ballet Performance, Of Course!

What would a trip be without some ballet magic? I ventured out to the lovely Rochester Corn Exchange for a charming performance. It wasn’t your typical West End show, but that was what made it so special! The intimate venue felt incredibly welcoming, and the company was filled with such passion and talent. It was like a small piece of ballet heaven!

The Strood Wildlife Trust

As a girl who has always felt a special connection with nature, the Strood Wildlife Trust was a MUST on my list. There’s something heartwarming about walking through meadows and watching beautiful creatures go about their day. I had the joy of witnessing a rare breed of wild horses, their long manes flowing in the breeze – what a beautiful spectacle!

Sunset in Pink

The final moments of my Strood adventure were bathed in a dreamy pink glow. The sky above turned the most exquisite shades of pink, a magical end to a truly memorable day. As I stood on a nearby hilltop, pink tutu swirling, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the gift of travel and the beauty found in the unexpected corners of the world.

The Tutu Inspiration

Look, darlings, if Strood could inspire me to put on my pink tutu and dance in the streets, imagine what it could inspire in YOU! So what are you waiting for? It's time to embrace your inner ballerina, travel to some hidden corners of the world, and maybe even put on a pink tutu while you're at it! Remember, my dears, life is too short to be anything but fabulous!

Until next time, my pink tutu loves!

xx Emma


#TutuBlog 1998-05-23 in Strood with a pink tutu.