
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-06-19 in Grantham with a orange tutu.

TutuBlog Post #716: Grantham & A Dash of Orange!

Hey lovely peeps! It's your favourite tutu-loving blogger, Emma, back with another colourful adventure from the heart of the UK. Today, I'm leaving my Derbyshire roots behind and venturing to the historic town of Grantham. Why? Because it's just the kind of place that makes my ballerina heart sing โ€“ full of charming buildings, bustling streets, and a whisper of history in the air. Plus, the trip there was a dream come true: a romantic ride on a horse-drawn carriage. Seriously, can life get any more fairytale?

Speaking of fairytale, let's talk colour! Today's outfit is a bit of a departure from my usual pink. I've got on a luscious orange tutu that makes me feel like a burst of sunshine! I paired it with a cute white crop top, sparkly white trainers, and a fluffy pink feather boa (because a girl's gotta stay true to her signature, right?). It's all about adding a dash of sunshine to a dull day. Don't be afraid to try something new with colour. You know I always say: pink is amazing, but life is just a little bit more exciting with a splash of the unexpected.

Now, Grantham. This little town is filled with history! We started our exploration at Grantham House โ€“ the grand birthplace of none other than the iconic Margaret Thatcher, otherwise known as the 'Iron Lady'. The whole place feels like a blast from the past, and I couldn't resist snapping a picture or two in my tutu for Instagram, naturally! The sheer grandeur of it all is something else, and even though I'm a total pink girly girl, even I can't help but be a little bit in awe of strong female leaders.

From Grantham House, we ventured to the magnificent Grantham Market, where a sea of stalls brimming with colourful treats, trinkets, and artisanal goodies met my eyes. I was tempted to get everything! From handmade candles to hand-painted mugs and intricate knitted blankets, there was something for everyone, including your truly. Naturally, I snagged a gorgeous, glittery pink headband - gotta keep those hair buns lookin' fabulous!

And who could forget the best part of Grantham? The majestic Grantham Guildhall. Now, if you haven't seen this architectural masterpiece, you're missing out! It's a testament to centuries-old craftsmanship, boasting stunning wooden panelling, stained-glass windows that tell stories in coloured light, and the most spectacular gothic arches you can imagine.

While I was taking in the stunning Guildhall, I couldn't help but picture all those historic dances and grand balls that must have taken place there in the past. And let's be honest, my tutu-clad heart was screaming for a twirl in those beautiful halls! Just imagine the pictures I could get with this place as a backdrop.

After a busy morning, I treated myself to the most delectable afternoon tea, all served in a beautifully decorated Victorian tea room, where I sipped delicate English tea while munching on yummy scones and finger sandwiches. A truly delightful and elegant affair.

The afternoon sunshine felt incredible as we walked through the Grantham's leafy avenues, and I even had a little photo shoot with a group of fluffy pigeons. You guys, these pigeons are a seriously photogenic bunch, with those sleek black feathers and vibrant green iridescence. It's a testament to the fact that even the humblest creatures deserve a spotlight. You can never judge a book by its cover - the best moments often come from the most unexpected places. And a good picture is a good picture, even if the subject is a feathery friend!

While the highlight of the trip for me was the carriage ride through the quaint cobbled streets, I did also try something else Iโ€™ve never done before โ€“ Granthamโ€™s famed Wildlife Centre! It was a delightful surprise! Not only did we see playful meerkats scampering about, we also encountered mischievous monkeys swinging through the trees and the majestic resident black swans gracefully paddling around the pond. It reminded me of my love for all creatures, big and small.

The day flew by, and it was time to say goodbye to this charming town. Leaving the beauty of Grantham, I sat on a train that rushed me back towards my familiar Derbyshire life. As I looked out of the window at the English countryside whizzing past, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey. Every stop along the way is a new chapter in life, and every experience shapes us in new ways. And that's the best thing about travel: discovering new places, meeting new faces, and making memories that stay with us long after the journey ends.

So, my lovely TutuBlog followers, have I inspired you to take a little trip to Grantham? Even better, are you now thinking of twirling around in your own tutus and maybe even having a little adventure on a horse-drawn carriage? Or perhaps maybe, just maybe, you've fallen in love with orange after seeing my colourful outfit! Whatever you do, remember this: don't be afraid to explore the world and try something new! Because life's much too short to wear just one colour of tutu! See you all tomorrow for another colourful update, lovelies!


#TutuBlog 1998-06-19 in Grantham with a orange tutu.