
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-06-20 in North Shields with a cyan tutu.

North Shields - Pink Tutu Diaries #717

Hey lovelies! It's Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire ballerina, bringing you a new post from the beautiful seaside town of North Shields. I know, I know, I'm usually a city girl, but sometimes a change is as good as a holiday!

This weekend has been a whirl of fun, ballet and, of course, tutus! I was lucky enough to be invited to a lovely summer festival in North Shields and there's nothing I enjoy more than watching talented dancers in the sunshine, so this trip was right up my street! I popped on my brand new cyan tutu - just the shade for a seaside adventure, wouldn't you say? - and let my hair down for a weekend of dancing and exploring.

My journey was half the fun, naturally! I couldn't resist hopping on the train down to North Shields. There's something so romantic about travelling by rail, wouldn't you agree? My journey was accompanied by the sounds of seagulls and the rhythmic clickety-clack of the train on the tracks. Pure magic, darling!

Speaking of magic, the festival itself was just a dream! I watched an incredible performance by the North Shields Dance Academy, filled with talented dancers, soaring leaps and breathtaking moves that would leave even seasoned ballet aficionados speechless! And did I mention their beautiful pink tutus? Oh, darling, I could have spent hours simply admiring them! I have to confess, I may have let slip a little 'oooh' and 'ah' during the performance. My secret, my little ballerina hearts!

Of course, I couldn't leave North Shields without exploring its charming seaside town! The smell of fish and chips mixed with the salty sea air was simply divine, not to mention the stunning view of the coastline! There were bustling markets and friendly faces wherever I went. Honestly, the place just buzzed with positive energy. I swear, darling, I could practically hear the twinkle of fairy lights in the air!

But here's the thing, you lovely lot, there was more than just pretty dresses and tasty fish and chips to my weekend. My love affair with wildlife continued during my time in North Shields. I discovered a beautiful hidden beach just outside of town. Just me, the soft sand and the vast, open sky. And guess what? A flock of wild birds joined me for my moment of peace, singing a symphony of sounds and enjoying the afternoon sun just as much as me. I could have stayed there forever!

Talking about nature's own beautiful ballet, this brings me to a subject close to my heart: encouraging you all to take up this incredible art form! It's not about perfection, darlings, but about finding the beauty in your own movement, expressing yourself through graceful movements and learning how to listen to your body! Honestly, dancing has brought me so much joy and happiness. I wouldn't be the ballerina I am today without all those early morning classes and hours spent practicing at the barre. I'd encourage every one of you to take that first step (no pun intended!) and sign up for a beginner's class. Trust me, you won't regret it!

As for me, my lovely ballet buddies, my trip to North Shields wasn't just a chance to appreciate talented dancers, enjoy a beautiful seaside town and get in touch with my inner bird-watching enthusiast. It was a chance to reflect on what truly matters: the beauty of movement, the magic of dance and the simple joy of wearing a tutu, no matter the colour!

Stay tuned, darlings! I'll be posting a video from the performance in North Shields on www.pink-tutu.com. Just be sure to pop over and take a peek! In the meantime, keep dancing, keep dreaming and, most importantly, keep on being wonderfully, brilliantly, unbelievably YOU!

Until next time,

Your eternally pink tutu-wearing, dance-loving, wildlife-admiring Emma.

#TutuBlog 1998-06-20 in North Shields with a cyan tutu.