Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-06-28 in Trowbridge with a german tutu.

Trowbridge: Pink Tutu Travels, Post 725

Oh my darling tutu-lovers, I hope this post finds you twirling and leaping through life with the grace and elegance of a ballerina! I’m currently sitting on the station platform at Trowbridge, waiting for a train to carry me onward to new adventures in the ballet world!

Trowbridge is such a delightful little town, a far cry from the bustle of London. But you know what? Even in the smallest towns, there's always something wonderful to be found - in this case, it's a little shop brimming with handmade, brightly coloured tutus! And, naturally, I just had to treat myself to a new one. Imagine, a tutu in a delightful shade of pink with little silver stars, a true princess number.

Speaking of princesses, did you know that Trowbridge is home to the world’s oldest known fairy tale? The manuscript is dated 1240! Can you imagine that? Centuries ago, folks were telling stories of fairies, dragons, and heroes. Just goes to show that storytelling is magic, and maybe a little twirl and a pink tutu could help!

Anyway, after I was properly fitted into my new tutu - because you always need to make sure your tutu fits like a dream - I had a quick spot of lunch at a cafe in the centre of town. The sun was streaming in through the windows, and it was so wonderfully peaceful! They even had pink lemonade. My kinda place!

Speaking of wonderful finds, did you see that delightful pair of shoes I spotted in a vintage shop? A little more modern, and with a slightly edgier feel than my usual ballet slippers, they were still super comfortable, perfectly embodying the perfect balance of ballet street.

I do love ballet street, blending ballet moves into street wear is a way of expressing ourselves and having a touch of ballet magic in our daily lives. So easy to adapt into everyday life - imagine taking the bus and slipping into a gentle pique while you're waiting at the stop. I think it’d give those stuffy bus drivers a chuckle and a little sunshine in their day.

And what better way to celebrate this beautiful day and my new tutu than with a performance of Swan Lake at the town hall? I saw it as a child, and this is a beautiful performance with some incredible choreography. It just reminds you of the timeless elegance and beauty of ballet.

After the show, I spent some time walking around town, admiring the Georgian architecture and soaking up the calm of Trowbridge's charm. You can just feel the history and the stories woven into the streets and buildings here. It’s as if the old town whispers about days gone by - I'm sure it has stories of pink tutus, ballet street, and beautiful Swan Lake performances in its heart. I have to say that it reminded me a bit of home, the sleepy charm of Derbyshire - maybe that's why I feel so peaceful in Trowbridge!

Tomorrow, it's onto new adventures, onto another charming town with its own hidden treasures, but until then, let your imagination take flight! Don't be afraid to embrace the twirling magic that lies within. Dance with your hearts!

Keep twirling, Emma


#TutuBlog 1998-06-28 in Trowbridge with a german tutu.