Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-08-15 in Westhoughton with a german tutu.

Westhoughton: Where Dreams Dance in Pink (Post #773)

Hello my darling dance-loving dears! 🩰✨

It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind adventure that took me all the way to Westhoughton, a little gem tucked away in the North West! I can't tell you how much I've been wanting to explore this part of England, and this trip didn't disappoint.

Now, I'm not going to lie, getting to Westhoughton was a bit of an ordeal. I decided to embrace my inner romantic and travel by train, which turned out to be a charmingly slow-paced journey through the rolling hills. Of course, I couldn't resist a bit of sartorial flair, arriving in style with my trusty pink suitcase adorned with a smattering of twinkling fairy lights. After all, one must always travel in style!

The train journey itself was an adventure. I spent the whole time scribbling in my diary, capturing my thoughts about ballet (the true love of my life) and brainstorming new ways to spread the pink-tutu gospel. Oh, the things I dream up when my feet are comfortably resting on the plush crimson seats!

And then, after what felt like hours of scenic charm, the train pulled into Westhoughton station. The first thing I noticed was the charming little tea room just across the road, bursting with pink floral wallpaper and vintage china. Needless to say, I had to stop for a cup of Earl Grey and a slice of their exquisite Victoria sponge cake. It was practically a necessity for a discerning dancer!

My first stop in Westhoughton was a ballet studio hidden away on a quiet street. Imagine my delight when I discovered a whole class dedicated to “Ballet in a Pink Tutu”. Turns out the local dance teacher, a sweet woman named Doreen, shares my passion for tutus! She said they just felt so empowering, so beautiful, and frankly, who wouldn’t agree?

Now, you've got to imagine, it's not every day that you find a fellow tutu-enthusiast in a little village like Westhoughton. But Doreen, bless her heart, embraced my love for pink tutus and invited me to join the class. I must say, even if I had arrived in the most casual attire, Doreen’s infectious enthusiasm would have made me want to bust out a twirl or two!

She had us learning all sorts of incredible moves, even a fancy footwork combination she called “the Westhoughton waltz” – quite charming, actually! And I must admit, my dancing was quite delightful that evening. Maybe it was the inspiration of my new pink polka dot tutu – oh yes, I bought a new one! Or maybe it was the shared joy of twirling and leaping with fellow dance enthusiasts, all decked out in our tutus! It doesn’t matter what, all that mattered is I was so happy!

For dinner, I found a hidden gem of a restaurant called “The Twirling Teapot” with a menu inspired by all things ballet. I indulged in a delightfully pink beetroot risotto, and even the bread was shaped like a dainty ballet slipper. Oh, the wonders of Westhoughton!

I wasn’t in Westhoughton to only dance though – it was also about exploration! The next morning, I spent hours wandering through the quaint shops on Market Street, soaking in the friendly atmosphere.

And I stumbled across a sight that stole my heart! An amazing vintage store filled with lace, velvet, and an incredible array of second-hand tutus, oh so many! I had to buy myself a vintage pink tutu with ribbons galore, a perfect statement piece for a budding ballerina! The shop owner told me that the shop had been there since the late Victorian era, and was known locally for its incredible collection of theatrical costume. You bet your bottom dollar I bought a beautiful silk emerald green velvet dress that matched my new pink tutu – two birds, one stone.

Later that afternoon, I explored the sprawling grounds of Westhoughton Park, the kind of park that is made for whimsical promenades in a billowing tutu. It was truly the perfect backdrop for a photoshoot with my new vintage treasures – you can expect those on my Instagram tomorrow, be prepared!

While exploring the park, I stumbled upon a beautiful bronze statue of a ballerina, perched delicately on the edge of a pond. She was wearing the most magnificent pink tutu, and even though she was made of bronze, her grace was just breathtaking. It reminded me that there's a ballerina in all of us, waiting to be set free.

As I finished up my adventures in Westhoughton, I realised that this little village truly has a special kind of magic. Maybe it’s the way the streets shimmer in the sun, or perhaps it’s the warmth of the people. But whatever it is, Westhoughton definitely captured my heart, and it made me fall in love with pink tutus all over again!

Oh, I mustn't forget to share my wildlife encounter in Westhoughton. In a hidden corner of the park, a family of deer, so elegant and serene, gazed at me from the shade of a giant oak. It was like they were acknowledging the shared love for grace and beauty we both hold in our hearts.

I will admit, the day after my Westhoughton adventure, I went home on a train adorned with little plastic horses, after a particularly lovely ride on a pony at the Westhoughton Stables. I can’t tell you what a delightful experience that was. And that just goes to show the kind of fun and whimsy I experience in my little pink tutu world.

So, if you're ever looking for a dose of charm and wonder, Westhoughton is calling your name. You might even discover a ballerina inside you just waiting to be let out! Now, get out there, and find your own pink tutu. The world needs more ballet!

Yours in Pink Tutus, Emma xx www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 1998-08-15 in Westhoughton with a german tutu.