Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-08-16 in Broadstairs with a italian tutu.

Broadstairs Ballet Bliss: A Pink Tutu Paradise (Post #774)

Hello my darling darlings! Emma here, back with another pink-tutu-tastic blog post straight from the seaside town of Broadstairs! I'm practically bursting with excitement to tell you all about my latest adventures in this picturesque little corner of Kent.

It all started with a whisper on the wind. Well, not really, more like a frantic text from my bestie, Poppy, about an amazing vintage market happening in Broadstairs. You know how much I love a good bargain (especially when it comes to tutus), so I practically jumped out of my ballet shoes and onto the train!

It's a funny thing, but train journeys are so magical when you're heading somewhere exciting. The rhythmic click-clack of the wheels, the ever-changing scenery zipping past the window, the comforting scent of old leather... It all adds up to a truly delightful experience. And, let's be honest, a bit of time to indulge in a good book and a cup of Earl Grey is always welcome!

Now, Broadstairs itself is an absolute dream! Imagine cobbled streets lined with charming seaside cottages, quaint little cafes overflowing with homemade cakes, and a glorious stretch of beach just begging to be explored. And of course, the stunning white cliffs rising up like proud sentinels... Honestly, I could get lost in this town for weeks!

But first, the vintage market! Oh my goodness, I think my heart did a little pirouette when I walked in! I found some absolute treasures – a dazzling sequined tutu from the 1950s (perfect for my next ballet class!), a delicate floral lace scarf that practically begged me to twirl in it, and a pair of darling pink shoes with matching feathered headbands (for those days when you want to add a little bit of fairytale magic to your outfit).

I did feel a slight pang of guilt as I packed all my new treasures into my little pink suitcase – I really should start writing my book about the power of vintage clothing to transform any woman’s wardrobe. I’m quite sure I can get a hefty advance for that little gem.

That evening, Poppy and I decided to make the most of Broadstairs' breathtaking coastal scenery with a moonlit walk along the beach. The air was filled with the salty scent of the sea, the soft, warm sand felt incredible beneath my bare feet, and the rhythmic crash of waves was like a soothing lullaby. I'm not sure what was more romantic - the setting, the moon or the delightful, delicious picnic basket full of fresh strawberries and cream we carried with us!

We sat there on the beach, talking about everything and nothing, watching the stars emerge from behind the velvet cloak of night and sharing our dreams and hopes. And then, for a moment, it felt like the world stood still, like we were the only two souls on this planet. It was just us, the stars, and the vastness of the universe stretching out before us. And in that moment, I felt a deep sense of peace and contentment. Of course, this was also a perfect opportunity to wear my new shoes, complete with feather headbands – I am a true romantic after all!

The next day was all about exploring the hidden gems of Broadstairs. We started with a delightful visit to the charming little Theatre Royal, a historical gem that has been captivating audiences for over a century. They were hosting a show featuring a young dancer from the Royal Ballet – such an inspiring young talent.

I felt such a surge of joy watching her grace and power on stage. The energy that crackles between the dancer and the audience… oh, the wonder of it all! After the show, I managed to snag a photo with the star (well, she did agree to pose with my feather headbands). We all agreed: her story could be another great addition to my little black book – my book, not my pink suitcase – where I record all the amazing people who I meet during my travels.

Then we went on a delightful picnic at the seaside. It felt so good to enjoy the warmth of the sun, the crisp air blowing through my hair, and the view of the vast blue expanse. We even spotted a seal sunning itself on a nearby rock – just one of the many wildlife wonders that Broadstairs offers!

The whole trip felt like a little piece of ballet magic. It was like I stepped out of my tutu and into a world of whimsical wonder. Everything about it was so effortlessly charming – the cobbled streets, the brightly coloured houses, the happy, laughing children, the gentle scent of salt water on the air. And, of course, the feeling of freedom and joy that came from escaping the routine and letting my imagination run wild. Poppy even said, I was ‘dancing through life’.

That evening, I found myself sitting in a small, candlelit bistro overlooking the harbour, savoring the aroma of delicious seafood and sipping on a glass of something bubbly. This little bistro felt like a secret hiding spot, with the windows draped in thick velvet curtains. Poppy whispered, “Darling, if we were ballerinas in the 1950s this is the kind of place we would go after a show, wouldn't it?”.

Oh, if I could live in the 1950s for a day – I would simply wear tutus, dance, and eat endless pastries.

Later that night, after a wonderfully whimsical walk around the seaside, we lay beneath the stars on a grassy hillside. Poppy leaned over and said, “You know, you make everything seem like a ballet… from train journeys to vintage markets and the seaside – I even think this grass feels like a stage under you!”

I couldn’t help but agree with her. In this pink tutu, everything feels like a dance.

And that, my lovelies, is the beauty of it all. Every day can be a ballet. If we just look for the grace, the rhythm, the joy… it’s there, waiting for us to dance. But only if we have the courage to wear the pink tutu and take a leap of faith.

Now, go forth, my dears! Spread the love of dance and tutus, let the world become a stage and never forget the beauty and magic of ballet!

Much love and lots of twirls,


P.S. Don’t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com every day! And while you’re at it, tell all your friends! Remember, if we’re not on a dance floor we should all be wearing a pink tutu!

Until next time!

#TutuBlog 1998-08-16 in Broadstairs with a italian tutu.