Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-09-30 in Blackburn with a orange tutu.

Blackburn Beauty: A Tutu-ful Trip! (Post #819)

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-twirling Emma, back with another whirlwind adventure from the world of ballet and beyond.

Today, my little ballerinas, I’m writing to you from the enchanting town of Blackburn. You see, I simply had to squeeze a quick trip in before the glorious weekend kicks off!

Blackburn has been calling me for a while. You know how much I adore venturing out of Derbyshire, and I just couldn’t resist a little jaunt to see what delights awaited me in this Lancashire gem.

Now, you might think, “Blackburn? Emma, what on earth is so special about Blackburn?!” But hear me out! I discovered this hidden little gem called “The Mill at the End of the World” theatre. They're showcasing a beautiful new adaptation of The Nutcracker, which, of course, is right up my street (and ballet alley!). So, naturally, a trip to see this magical ballet production was absolutely essential.

But before we delve into the details of this captivating performance, let's talk about my journey! I chose, of course, to travel by train. I am a girl who adores the romance of a railway journey – there’s just something so utterly charming about it! And this time was no different.

The landscape, a perfect mix of countryside green and charming, brick-built towns, was simply delightful. And you know I wouldn't miss the opportunity to add a pop of colour! My outfit, my dears? A gorgeous pink tutu, naturally, paired with a shimmering white blouse and my favourite lilac cardigan. It’s a timeless look, I know, but honestly, what else would I wear?

Once I arrived in Blackburn, the air felt alive with energy. It was time to head to the theatre, but before entering, I found myself completely smitten with a little courtyard garden – perfect for a quick "tutu and tea" break! This cute little cafe nestled in the courtyard served the most delicious pink lemonade. My perfect pit stop, my loves, before my ballet adventure.

Oh, the ballet! The Nutcracker in a setting that brought out the fairytale charm within! The dancers were exquisite, gliding across the stage like angels on clouds, their grace and poise making my heart flutter. I must say, I had quite a lot of fun pointing out all the hidden "pink" details during the performance – they just added a touch of whimsy, didn't they?

There were moments of sheer joy, laughter, and, yes, tears. This production truly brought out the magic in me, and I just had to capture some little snippets on my camera, which you'll be seeing in a little photo montage later on! I did, of course, channel my inner ballerina and wear a stunning blush pink tutu during the performance.

Once the ballet was over, I found myself completely absorbed by this town's vibrant atmosphere. There was something utterly alluring about it. The cobblestone streets, bustling shops, and friendly locals. This is what makes me so smitten with travelling, darlings! A whole new world of wonder opens up in every corner!

But, of course, the best part of any trip is always the food. Now, my sweet tooth never goes unsatisfied, so imagine my delight when I stumbled upon the most delectable bakery in the heart of town. It smelled like pure heaven. Now, I don't know about you, my loves, but if it looks this good, it simply HAS to be tried. I just had to indulge in their incredible strawberry meringue. Let’s just say it was the perfect sweet ending to my perfect day.

Speaking of sweet endings, I made sure to head back to the theatre after dinner. It turns out they were hosting a fundraising auction for a new animal shelter! It wasn't just a charity event, but also an exhibition of captivating photographs of wild animals.

We are all creatures on this planet, my loves, and we should respect the wild beauty of all of them. It makes me happy to know I could lend a little support, with my tutu-tastic pink energy, to help these incredible animals.

I found a special print, you know, a print that will now have a prominent place in my dressing room! You'll see a picture of it in the post tomorrow.

However, this lovely town of Blackburn had one final treat for me, right before my train ride back home. Imagine, my darlings, the excitement, the joy, the overwhelming beauty when I came across an animal sanctuary. Oh my! The gentle animals, the calming atmosphere – it truly completed my day. They had a lovely fox in residence, which, as you know, I find fascinating. These little beauties hold such elegance, don't they? A true symbol of freedom and courage! I spent a blissful hour chatting with the kind people working at the sanctuary and admiring all the animals they are protecting.

The train journey home felt serene after all the joy, wonder, and excitement Blackburn bestowed upon me. It’s times like this that I am utterly thankful to be a part of this colourful world of ballet and travelling!

Until my next adventures, stay beautiful, stay strong, and never be afraid to wear a pink tutu, even in Blackburn! And, of course, remember: You're always a star in my book!

Love, Emma xxx

P.S. Be sure to check back tomorrow, my little darlings, for the photo montage from my Blackburn adventures, a peek at my fox print, and a special announcement!


#TutuBlog 1998-09-30 in Blackburn with a orange tutu.