Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-11-14 in Rugby with a green tutu.

Rugby Ramblings: Tutu Tales & Tartan Tummies #864

Dearest darlings!

I'm back in the saddle, literally! After a rather bumpy journey down from Derbyshire, I've finally made it to Rugby. It wasn't all bad, you see, because the train journey allowed me to whip out my trusty tutu-sized bag, laden with essentials - you know, lipstick, hairspray, extra layers of tulle (you never know when you might need a spontaneous twirl) and, of course, my trusty travel sketchbook. I love the view from a train window - so much inspiration! Especially in autumn, with all those fiery colours, so much like my beloved ballet shoes!

But before we get to the reason I've ventured all this way, let me tell you about my journey, because, darlings, it was an absolute adventure! I mean, who else could possibly think to bring along a whole herd of fluffy, soft-as-cottonwool, fluffy sheep with them for company? (Yes, you read that right! Fluffy sheep.) They were such sweethearts - not a baah in sight! (Only because I forgot the marshmallows!). They kept me company as we rattled through fields of green, a symphony of countryside colours stretching as far as the eye could see. It reminded me of a balletic scene - so graceful and yet so wild!

As we passed through villages and towns, I just couldn't help myself but do a quick peek through the windows to see if anyone was doing anything balletic. Well, darling, let's just say that you would have to be as mad as a March hare to not at least think about twirling around like a ballerina when you have this beautiful, green and gold, autumn-kissed countryside scenery around you.

Tutu Time at the Rugby Show

Right, enough about the journey, it's time for the highlight of the trip, Rugby's biggest annual event: The Rugby Show! They tell me it’s like an open-air theatre filled with food, entertainment, and everything Rugby! You wouldn’t believe it but this is a huge celebration of, wait for it...agriculture! Honestly, how fabulously British is that? So many interesting stalls and people with tartan skirts and wellies. Now you may be thinking that doesn't exactly sound like a ballet dancer's cup of tea, but, let me tell you, I've had a total blast!

What’s really special about the Rugby Show is that, yes, they have all the cows and pigs and sheep and all the farming stuff, but they also have amazing wildlife displays and demonstrations, including, wait for it, a whole section dedicated to owls! Honestly, can you believe it? My favourite thing about owls is their quiet dignity. They sit there so poised, so elegant. Reminds me of the final pose in a ballet performance - a moment of absolute stillness and perfection! I got the chance to learn all about the owls, how they fly, how they hunt and all sorts, and even had the chance to hold one on my glove! This is my new hobby. How fabulous are they? All fluffy and graceful with bright little beady eyes! And don’t even get me started on their feather colours, so beautifully elegant. You just want to spin around in a full pink tutu, twirling and diving and mimicking them in the sunshine.

After all the feathered fun, it was time to get a spot near the stage. They were having some fabulous live music, some lovely singing, all the good stuff! Honestly, it all made me want to leap up and take the stage myself - imagine, me, with my pink tutu, doing a ballet version of "God Save the Queen!"

There were sheepdogs herding their little flocks - what a delightful sight that was, especially since sheep dogs are very often dressed up in matching red coats and collars, which are kind of like my beloved tutu in colour and style. Of course, all the dogs looked so proud of themselves and it was just a complete delight to see. They are so good at what they do - it's almost like they are dancing on a stage as they guide their sheep around - an adorable version of our beautiful ballet performances!

Of course, what is an outdoor event without amazing food? And trust me, this event certainly did not disappoint in the delicious food department. I found this absolutely amazing little stall serving up steaming plates of bacon sandwiches, which of course, I devoured! They even had fresh strawberry and cream desserts (you know, I always have to fit a little ballet-themed treat into every occasion) and, let me tell you, it was divine.

Ballet By The Wayside

What else happened in Rugby? Well, apart from watching the owls dive into the skies above and getting my tummy absolutely stuffed with bacon, cream and strawberries, I also had a chance to sit down by the River Avon. I had to make time for a little Ballet by the Wayside, naturally. With the sun casting such warm hues on the leaves and the water flowing serenely, it felt like an ethereal stage setting for my impromptu solo.

Oh, darling, it just doesn’t get better than a spontaneous twirl by the side of the river with a magnificent river view. I think everyone should have a twirl now and then. You’ve just gotta love how ballet can magically transform an ordinary moment into something beautiful! You’ll have people doing a double take as they try to figure out where that heavenly music comes from as you turn around, because everyone should get the chance to see a twirl in pink!

I had some lovely chats with some people about what we do. I always feel a little apprehensive talking about my life, my love for ballet, and my passion for the pink tutu life. But honestly, the more we talk about it, the more it becomes a shared journey - because there is nothing like shared joy. The smiles are worth it. The energy is infectious, and the positive vibes keep me going. The truth is that we just all need a little more joy, don’t we, darlings? And what better way than to do that than by adding some colour, elegance, and maybe a tiny bit of sparkle to our everyday life? It really is as easy as donning a pink tutu, and, maybe, taking a twirl by the riverside on a warm afternoon in Autumn.

From Rugby With Love!

I know this post has been a little all over the place. From cows to sheep dogs, owls to ballet by the river, but that's what my world is like. I don't just get up and do my ballet steps in the morning; I get up and do life in a tutu.

Well, darlings, I’m going to be leaving Rugby and heading back to Derbyshire tomorrow morning. This little town is full of life and, just like me, I know it has a sparkle in its soul that is ready to burst out into a beautiful show for all to see! But before I go, I have a question for you darlings! If you had a chance to choose an owl for a day, which kind would it be and what would you do together? Tell me all about it in the comments section below, darling, I can't wait to hear your adventures.

Until next time, let's get those pink tutus out and go spread the joy!


#TutuBlog 1998-11-14 in Rugby with a green tutu.