
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-11-15 in Chingford with a yellow tutu.

Chingford Calling! Post #865: A Yellow Tutu Adventure

Hey darlings!

It's Emma here, your pink-tutu-loving blogger extraordinaire, bringing you another day of all things dance, fashion, and fabulousness. Today, we're travelling by train (a lovely steam one at that!), to Chingford. This lovely little corner of Essex holds a special place in my heart, filled as it is with charming streets, historic buildings, and even a friendly little wildlife park. What's more, Chingford has a very special connection to my dance life - I had a very important ballet exam here in the mid 90's that really gave my career a kick-start. So, what better place to go in a yellow tutu?

The train journey itself was a treat! Imagine, steaming through the English countryside, a charming old-fashioned engine, sunshine peeking through the clouds, and yours truly, looking perfectly elegant in my sunny yellow tutu. Itā€™s no secret that I believe in finding the joy in everyday things, and thereā€™s simply no better way to do it than wearing a tutu. As the landscape sped past, I felt a wave of that pure, unbridled joy that only ballet and a perfect tutu can bring.

My first stop in Chingford was the aforementioned wildlife park. There was something truly heartwarming about watching the cheeky monkeys scamper around, their playful antics a stark contrast to the stately deer, grazing with quiet grace. It made me reflect on the beauty and diversity of nature, and how similar we are as humans ā€“ all of us wanting to find joy and connection, to express ourselves and move through life with confidence. I mean, who better to embody this spirit than a dancer, and who embodies the joyful confidence of a dancer than a ballerina wearing a tutu?

After my wildlife adventure, I ventured into the quaint, cobblestone heart of Chingford. I explored the shops ā€“ a treasure trove of vintage trinkets and beautiful handicrafts. Then I enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the historic King George V Playing Fields, a peaceful haven filled with verdant grass, the cheerful sounds of children playing, and the smell of fresh air, perfect for allowing me to ā€œbreatheā€ both metaphorically and physically!

Now, the heart of any trip is the food, of course, and I found a truly charming tea room tucked away on a quiet side street. I treated myself to a delightful pot of tea (earl grey, naturally!), some dainty scones, and, to my absolute delight, they had a display case filled with the most exquisite cupcakes Iā€™d ever seen ā€“ pink, of course, with intricate decorations, each one a little work of art! Itā€™s moments like these that make my life feel like a perfectly staged ballet, every little detail chosen with care, every moment a delight to savour.

Of course, no trip to Chingford would be complete without paying homage to its illustrious history. The house where Elizabeth I supposedly lived and, on a different day, the All Saints Church ā€“ which I couldnā€™t resist a little dance around as a thank you for the beautiful and peaceful place it provided - were real highlights. You can just feel the weight of history there, canā€™t you? Thereā€™s nothing like standing on hallowed ground, taking in the sights and sounds, and reflecting on all the stories that unfolded in those very places, a feeling of connectedness across time and space. Itā€™s as though a soft but clear voice whispers to me, "Youā€™re not the first one to feel the magic here," which always makes my heart sing.

But itā€™s not all tea, cakes, and history, though the tripā€™s focus was decidedly leisurely and romantic in a slightly whimsical sort of way. You see, the other reason I made this trip to Chingford, well, that was the dance, darling! Chingford, in case you didnā€™t know, was home to the wonderful Dance Attic - a truly spectacular studio! And as Iā€™m a firm believer in spreading the love of dance, this visit wouldnā€™t have been complete without a little class to reconnect me to the heart of what makes me, me. Iā€™m absolutely thrilled to say they have an open floor plan with full length mirrors, great lighting and an overall lovely, professional, positive vibe!

Honestly, I could rave all day about how amazing it was to be back in the dance studio! I donned my beautiful yellow tutu and flew through those graceful, rhythmic movements, every stretch, every pliĆ©, reminding me of why I love dance so much. Itā€™s a world of beauty, strength, and self-expression; itā€™s a language spoken without words, understood by anyone who opens their heart to the power of movement. And isnā€™t that something we could all use more of in the world, that pure, uninhibited expression of joy and beauty?

Iā€™ve been doing my little bit to inspire this joy with the help of #pinktutulove on Instagram, where Iā€™m encouraging everyone to give dance a try. Iā€™ve had the best messages from dancers young and old, beginners and seasoned professionals, each one embracing their own love for dance in their unique way.

Dance, you see, is something for everyone. I find the movement, the expression, the passion of dance a profoundly inspiring and liberating force. And you know what? It all starts with a tiny step. So, dear readers, whatā€™s holding you back? Get your pink tutus ready! Find a class, a studio, or even just some space in your living room, put on some beautiful music, and let your body sing. The world is waiting for you to move!

Until tomorrow, darlings! Remember, every day is a new adventure, every moment an opportunity to embrace joy, grace, and the magic of movement.

See you soon!



#TutuBlog 1998-11-15 in Chingford with a yellow tutu.