Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-12-28 in Stratford with a green tutu.

Stratford Upon Avon - Post 908

Hello my darlings!

It’s Emma here, back with another daily dose of all things pink and twirly. Today I’m whisking you away on a delightful trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon. Oh, how I do love the countryside! The crisp, clean air, the rolling hills, the sight of cows grazing in fields… it all makes my heart sing.

I journeyed there by train, of course, what else for a sophisticated lady? You’d think the journey would be a drag, but it wasn't! I settled into my seat in a beautiful, floral sundress (oh, the compliments!) and let the world flit by. My companion for this adventure was my trusty little green tutu. It just felt right for a jaunt through the countryside.

Arriving in Stratford, I couldn’t wait to feel the cobblestones beneath my feet and admire the timber-framed houses, each one seemingly steeped in history. I wandered around for hours, drinking in the atmosphere and enjoying a cuppa with a delicious slice of Victoria sponge in a quaint little café.

My primary goal in Stratford? You guessed it, the theatre, of course! After all, this is Shakespeare country, and a performance was an absolute must! And you know I never travel without my trusty tutu, which happens to be this vibrant green one. A nod to the Emerald Isle, if you will! The whole audience must have been delighted, just like my favourite flower, the pink rose.

It wasn't any ordinary play; it was the 'Twelfth Night or What You Will.' The whole production was fantastic! They weren't ballet dancers, but I saw something that looked suspiciously like a plié in there and the energy was electric, I must say.

Then came the moment of truth! It’s what I’ve been saving up for: ballet class. A quick google search brought me to Stratford Ballet Academy, and I must say it looked simply divine. As soon as I walked in, I could practically feel the energy and hear the soft tinkling of the piano! This is how they did things in the days of yore, you know, it just felt so sophisticated. I couldn’t wait to don my pinkest tutu and twirl around the studio with all the grace I could muster! Oh, how I wish I could bottle this feeling, it’s sheer perfection! I managed to get some brilliant Instagram photos for all of you - I posted the best one right there on the front page of Pink-Tutu.com! Check it out darlings!

Of course, the evening wouldn’t be complete without some food! A traditional roast, which I savored as the setting sun cast a beautiful orange glow across the countryside. This whole experience was truly divine!

As I hopped back onto the train for my return journey, my heart was overflowing with joy. There is just something magical about visiting Stratford Upon Avon; it’s like stepping back in time. And that green tutu of mine? It fit right in. It's my belief that everyone can make an entrance in a tutu. Whether you're in Stratford, at a theatre, on a stroll, or on your own dance floor! So what are you waiting for, darlings? Join the pink tutu revolution! And don’t forget to let me know about your latest ballet adventures, my dears!

Love always,


P.S While I'm on the subject of adventures, did you know that a local animal sanctuary has been giving ballet classes to their rescued horses? Now, I love that they are integrating animals and the art of dance! It's the most wonderful idea! So of course, I signed up. We are all so wonderfully graceful when we are at ease! Imagine how elegant we can be with our little four-legged friends! The joy of it is radiating! It’s wonderful what the art of ballet can inspire. You can find all about it on the Pink-Tutu.com site – have a lovely day everyone!

Some fun facts for all my lovely followers:

Did you know that Stratford Upon Avon was founded in 600AD? And did you know it has two theatres in its small town centre? I have only visited one, but will get to the other in time! Well, I should have left earlier if I wanted to get back for the ballet class with the horses. It just wouldn’t be my day without a pink tutu adventure!

#TutuBlog 1998-12-28 in Stratford with a green tutu.