Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-12-29 in Folkestone with a yellow tutu.

Folkestone Frolics: A Tutu Tale for the Ages (Post #909)

Darling dears!

It's Emma here, your pink-loving, tutu-touting friend, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the seaside haven of Folkestone.

Let's just say, darling, my little pink tutu and I had a right old time! It's the perfect place to unleash your inner ballerina, even if you're just, like, me. Not an actual ballerina in the professional sense. But don't worry, it's all about that feeling. That graceful, twirling, tutu-filled feeling. And let me tell you, darling, Folkestone gave me a right dose of it!

My journey began in my beloved Derbyshire. Nothing beats hopping on the train, watching the countryside whizz by, a steaming mug of Earl Grey warming my hands. I know, a little bit "country mouse" but it's what makes my heart tick! My tutu was already packed, of course, a bright bubblegum pink that brought a smile to my face - it was a sunny day and a matching vibe was definitely called for.

Upon arriving at the station, Folkestone itself welcomed me with open arms (and some slightly bracing sea air). The moment I set foot in this charming seaside town, I could feel the magic brewing! The cobbled streets, quaint boutiques bursting with colour, and a certain seaside charm made me feel like I'd stepped into a whimsical fairy tale.

But hold onto your tiaras, darling! The pièce de résistance of my Folkestone adventure wasn't the seaside views (though those were certainly lovely!), nor the delectable fish and chips (yes, you know I indulged!), but the Folkestone Ballet Company performance at the Leas Cliff Hall!

You're probably thinking, "Emma, surely you didn't wear a tutu to a professional ballet?" Well, darlings, my darling pink tutu is versatile, alright? Think of it as my personal expression, a splash of whimsy in an already enchanting experience. The ballet itself was utterly stunning. I mean, imagine those graceful leaps, those delicate pirouettes, that ethereal music – pure magic, darling!

Afterwards, I grabbed a cheeky coffee (pink latte, naturally!), with some fellow tutu enthusiasts I met at the performance. These amazing ladies were local and truly lived the "Folkestone Ballet Life"! They had a deep passion for dance, not to mention incredible tales of their own ballet adventures. We talked all things ballet: from legendary dancers to that perfect, comfy pink leotard. It's amazing how tutus, even pink ones, can be the perfect icebreaker. It's a sign, darlings, a sign!

Afterward, feeling completely inspired, I decided to get in on the ballet action myself! With a bit of sunshine and a calming breeze, I found a secluded little cove near the harbour. I had it all to myself, the crashing waves as my soundtrack, a chorus of seagulls cheering me on. And, of course, I took a moment to unleash my inner ballerina with my beloved pink tutu. The wind danced through my hair, the seagulls were my cheering section, and it felt, well, heavenly. Just pure, simple joy.

The evening descended on Folkestone, casting long shadows over the beach, but my day wasn’t over. The air was cool, the moon bright, and it seemed the perfect night to find the elusive "folkestone pharaoh." (Let's just say this mythical creature makes for a much better Instagram post than "seagull"). I’m not going to lie, it took a bit of time to spot the cheeky little guy (did I tell you I have a fascination with birds and wildlife? - who knew a little tut-w wearing blogger would have a thing for nature? ) But alas, after a little searching and with my trusty pink tutu as my good-luck charm (they can really work for a range of occasions, you know! It's like a portable dose of magic!) – we were face-to-face.

We spent a while gazing at the stars, that little guy and me (and I’ll be honest, that adorable cat on my new cashmere jumper!) – feeling a quiet kind of peace. It’s not everyday you share a moonlit beach with a little “pharaoh” you know? But these little magical moments happen all the time when you let go of what you think you should be doing, embrace your pink tutu and dance your own little heart out.

So, my darlings, whatever your passion is, whether it’s ballet, bird watching, or anything that makes your heart sing, follow that passion with all your being! Let your spirit soar like a tutu in the wind! And don’t forget: wear pink!

Until next time, stay stylish and never stop twirling!

Yours always,


P.S. If you want to find out more about how Folkestone became my perfect “tutu getaway”, just pop by www.pink-tutu.com and check out the rest of my blog! I also do regular live sessions on Instagram – you’ll never guess what my tutu of the day will be! 💖

#TutuBlog 1998-12-29 in Folkestone with a yellow tutu.