Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-02-05 in Strood with a yellow tutu.

Strood - Tutu-ing Around the South East! 💖🩰

Post Number: 947

Oh darling, you won’t believe what an adventure I had yesterday! Remember I was telling you about my love for trains, and how I’m always up for an exciting day trip? Well, guess where I went? That’s right, Strood, Kent! It’s not the most glamorous of destinations, but there’s something magical about wandering around unknown towns, soaking in the local atmosphere and discovering hidden gems.

I must confess, I wouldn't have chosen Strood for a ballet adventure if it hadn't been for my lovely Auntie Maggie. She's a real character - so flamboyant and full of life, a bit like me actually - and she just happens to live there. I was spending the weekend with her, and we were plotting out the perfect day for my “tutu and travel” adventures. Auntie Maggie swore she knew a delightful independent ballet studio in Strood that I had to see. Well, you know me - anything ballet-related, and I'm on board!

So, picture this: me, in my bright pink tutu and fluffy ballerina flats, stepping off the train in Strood. The weather was absolutely glorious, just like a picture postcard with sun-drenched clouds against the azure sky. It was the kind of day that made me feel as light as a feather, ready to float through the town. I even met a sweet little black and white cat that seemed just as thrilled by the sunshine as I was. The cat looked at me for a long time, curious, before leaping onto a wall with a playful purr and strutting away - a bit like a miniature ballerina in its own right, really. I felt strangely connected to this furry little feline – almost like it was encouraging me to get my tutu twirling.

Auntie Maggie, ever the local guide, knew exactly where to take me. It was called “Strood School of Dance,” tucked away in a little cobbled side street. The moment I stepped inside, I could tell this was a place bursting with passion and the sweet smell of polish and old-fashioned wooden floors. I felt right at home, just like in the studio back in my little corner of Derbyshire. The receptionist was so friendly and welcoming - she reminded me of my Gran in her youth. She greeted me with a sparkling smile, telling me to "enjoy myself."

Well, I did! I decided to treat myself to a class in ballet barre work. The instructor, a beautiful young lady with eyes full of warmth and grace, immediately put me at ease. We went through some classic steps, but also some modern, experimental moves. I always love pushing my own boundaries - ballet is all about moving your body, exploring new techniques, and feeling empowered! We did lots of stretches and beautiful flowing moves, working on the "penché", "à la seconde" and "attitude". You know, those really graceful ballet positions I'm always attempting.

And did you know, they're having a special ballet production coming up - a mixture of modern interpretations of classic ballets like “The Sleeping Beauty" and “Swan Lake”. I am so tempted to go, you can't even imagine! I could even write a whole blog post about it, which will include photos of all the dancers, and probably some photos of the pink tutu that I'll be wearing to the show (yes, I bought myself another one! I couldn't resist – the new design is utterly divine with little sequins, it’s going to look spectacular!).

Oh, but it doesn't end there. Auntie Maggie and I even decided to head out to see if we could find a local restaurant where we could continue our chat and eat some delicious food! Now, I have a soft spot for horse-drawn carriages. Whenever I travel, I'm on the lookout for one – they always seem to be so grand and elegant. To my absolute delight, I found a pair just waiting for their next journey – they looked so graceful in their harness, with their black, glossy coats. And what’s more, the driver was just as elegant - in fact, his velvet suit almost rivalled my tutu, haha. So, what could I do, other than offer the lovely horses a handful of apples and take a few snaps?

Now, I may not have witnessed an actual ballet performance in Strood, but I certainly found myself wrapped in the magic of dance in the most unexpected of ways. The day was full of moments that made my heart flutter: the sweet black cat that looked like a miniature ballerina, the vibrant and welcoming school of dance, and the graceful horses who had been working hard all day and had deserved a well-earned treat. Sometimes, the best adventures happen when we step outside our comfort zones, embrace the unexpected, and of course, wear a fabulous pink tutu!

And just one last thing before I sign off! Did I tell you about the fabulous antique shop we stumbled upon in Strood? It was packed with treasures and so full of character! I'll definitely write a whole blog post about that - you wouldn't believe the quirky little vintage items we found. But more about that in another blog, darlings! For now, I have to leave you with one last thought:

Let’s all try to add some more pink and twirling to our lives! 🩰💖

#TutuBlog 1999-02-05 in Strood with a yellow tutu.