Post #1056 - 25th May, 1999
Hello my lovely readers! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, signing in from a sunny Croydon, with a twirl and a smile. Today, I'm bursting with excitement as I finally get to share the details of my most recent adventure. Yes, darling, that's right! I took the train, no, not the London Underground – I mean the real train! With a capital T! 🚄
You see, ever since my grandma took me to a local steam railway line on a family holiday, I’ve been totally obsessed with steam engines, particularly the “Spitfire” train which runs right through Derbyshire. It's been on my bucket list for ages to ride one all the way to London and, finally, it was happening!
This morning, I donned my brightest, most-sparkly pink tutu - a vibrant pink silk number I've had specially crafted for just such an occasion - and jumped on the train at Derby station. I made sure my luggage contained the absolute essentials: my trusty ballerina flats, a stack of glossy ballet magazines for the journey, a book of Shakespearean sonnets to impress the passengers, and, of course, a large bottle of pink lemonade – for refreshment and for taking fab Instagram pictures with the pink tutu, naturally!
The journey itself was just pure bliss! It’s amazing to me how much scenery I can miss on the faster, more modern train. All the tiny villages whizzed past, all the sheep and cows dotted the fields like fluffy pink and brown marshmallows, and, every now and then, a cheeky squirrel would scamper up a tree beside the tracks! Watching those adorable creatures was enough to send me straight back to my childhood memories of playing in the fields back home.
My eyes were particularly glued to the beautiful countryside vistas when we were speeding past Kent – just picture endless, rolling hills dotted with apple orchards, and quaint, brick-walled cottages! So gorgeous! Oh, I did tell you how I adore wildlife, didn’t I? I have to say, however, that my favourite encounter was with a friendly little lamb in a field, which let me give it a big, fluffy cuddle – I swear, it almost tried to sneak a cheeky nibble of my pink tutu, and I don’t blame it, really, who wouldn’t be tempted by something that pretty? 😄
Eventually, I arrived at London Bridge station, feeling like the most fashionable ballet dancer to ever set foot on these grand platforms. I knew it was important to dress the part for my arrival in London, you know, really own that “I’m a glamorous ballerina with a serious sense of style” look. That said, the excitement, however, nearly outshone my good intentions! My ballerina bun came out completely undone after I danced through the platforms to get to the Croydon line, with the big pink tutu spinning and swirling as I moved. Who needs a dancer’s warm up, honestly, when the platform has you hopping up and down with pure joy? 😉
So, after a quick pit stop to check my reflection and fluff out my pink tutu in the toilets (I might have, just possibly, twirled in the reflection for a moment…), I boarded the suburban train and finally made it to Croydon! I might only be a small-town girl from Derbyshire, but I felt like I was on top of the world in that moment, my heart filled with sunshine, excitement and pure pink tulle bliss.
I'm already in love with the atmosphere here in Croydon - so much more than just a quick commuter stop! There's a bustling sense of community and history in this vibrant, diverse town. From the gorgeous Victorian architecture to the buzzing high street, I knew I needed to see it all through the eyes of a ballerina.
Which is precisely why, my darling readers, I plan on spending the whole weekend exploring the most amazing hidden gems and ballet treasures this amazing town has to offer. And don’t even get me started on the gorgeous boutiques – all that vintage clothing! The local shops are overflowing with cute things just begging to be worn. Think, vintage lace dresses, gorgeous brogues, and vintage hats! You might even see me leave a piece of my pink tutu on every hat I try – in case you weren’t sure how the hat looks on a real ballerina (wink, wink!). I shall, of course, post all my fabulous adventures on this here blog. But for now, I need to get on with making the most of this exciting adventure in Croydon! So, until next time, my dearest readers, stay sassy and fabulous, and always remember: every day is an opportunity to put on a pink tutu and dance through life with joy.
Yours in sparkly pink,
Emma x
P.S. For all you fellow pink tutu-lovers, be sure to catch my Pink Tutu's Top 10 Favourite Vintage Boutique in Croydon post next week. You can get my next post exclusively at my official website You can find links to my latest fashion choices for the week and also links to all my favourite ballet shops in Croydon! And don’t forget to check my Instagram for all my adventures with pictures! Let’s be honest, pink tutus just look phenomenal on Instagram. Just remember, all ballet starts with a pink tutu!