Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-07-01 in Hove with a black tutu.

Brighton Belles and Tutu Travels - Post #1093

Oh, hello darlings! It's Emma here, bringing you another delightful dose of pink-tutu-filled fun straight from the heart of, well, Hove actually! Today, I'm whisking you away on a whirlwind adventure through this vibrant seaside town, where the sun's been beaming and the seagulls have been squawking with delight. And what could make this trip even more delightful? Why, a stunning black tutu, of course!

Yes, I'm channelling my inner ballerina in a bold new colour today. You know how much I love pink, but sometimes you've gotta shake things up a bit, and what better way to do so than with a touch of midnight magic? I can practically hear you whispering, "Emma, a black tutu? How dramatic!" And to that, I say, "Precisely!" It's time for a touch of the unexpected, darling, and let's be honest, who doesn't love a little bit of drama?

So, where am I taking you first, you ask? The beautiful Brighton Theatre, naturally! I can never resist the allure of a magnificent theatre, especially one brimming with so much history and charm. The grand architecture, the anticipation hanging in the air...oh, it truly makes my heart flutter.

And this visit was a real treat! The Royal Ballet's "Giselle" had me spellbound. Such exquisite artistry, such captivating storytelling through dance - it truly was a masterpiece. I was completely lost in the swirling energy and heartfelt emotion of it all. As the final curtain came down, a gasp escaped my lips, followed by a burst of joyous applause. It was simply exquisite.

But a trip to Brighton wouldn't be complete without a dip into the vibrant tapestry of its streets. Now, you wouldn't believe the incredible vintage boutiques I discovered hidden amongst the cafes and galleries. Honestly, darling, my fingers were aching after my shopping spree. A new coral pink hat, a pair of sparkly emerald green earrings...oh, my! This is the kind of vintage magic that makes my soul sing.

The best part? I saw a fellow tutu enthusiast, bless her! I mean, who knew I'd find someone twirling through Brighton with a delicate peach tutu, a hint of a whimsical smile on her face? We exchanged the most delightful nods and grins, that unspoken language of tutus and graceful steps. It was a truly heartwarming moment, darling! Honestly, I believe the world is in desperate need of more tutu camaraderie.

Oh, and you know how I absolutely adore my adventures with nature? This time, a jaunt down to the beach to watch the dolphins play. It was the most breathtaking spectacle, darling. Imagine the gentle rolling waves, the crisp air whispering against your cheek, and a group of dolphins leaping from the waves, showing off their grace and agility. Truly enchanting, it was! It felt as though I had been swept into some beautiful ballet by the sea.

As dusk settled over Brighton, I had the most wonderful thought - what if I organised a special event, right here in Brighton? A tutu picnic, darling! You, me, and all our lovely tutu-loving friends, nestled under the twinkling lights of a starlit sky, indulging in delectable treats and discussing everything from ballet shoes to the latest pink trends. Honestly, imagine the pictures, the stories, the unforgettable memories!

You see, my dream is to spread the love of ballet and tutus far and wide, from Derbyshire to Brighton, and all corners of the world in between! And if we can create moments of joy and happiness, sprinkled with a little bit of pink, well, I reckon that’s a dream worth chasing, don’t you?

Stay tuned, darlings! More tutu tales to be told…

Much love,



#TutuBlog 1999-07-01 in Hove with a black tutu.