Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-07-16 in Dudley with a wide tutu.

Dudley Dares - Post #1108

Oh my darling readers! Did you think you’d escaped the pink tutu vortex for even a single day?! No chance, darling, no chance! I’m back, bigger and better than ever (and, yes, possibly a little more tutu - but more on that in a bit!). Today’s adventures took me all the way to Dudley, a little gem of a place that really charmed me. It’s certainly a lot further than my usual Derbyshire-based flitting about, but I was determined to bring my brand of pink tutu joy to this lovely town.

How did I get there, you ask? Well, I started the day like most ballet ballerinas should, with a beautiful horse ride through the hills - that’s how we do in the Peak District! But it was my train journey that really stole the show. Now, you know how much I adore our trusty railway system – especially first class with a steaming mug of Earl Grey. But today, the carriage was an absolute delight. I was seated right next to this elderly gentleman wearing the most vibrant floral tie you can imagine. He had an infectious laugh and a whole host of wonderful stories about his travels in Italy – you see, he was a dancer, but not of the ballet kind! Turns out, he had been a passionate tango dancer for years! I must confess, he even persuaded me to dance a bit in the aisle, all to the rhythm of the train wheels. (No tutus required, luckily, but it was still a brilliant surprise!)

Finally arriving in Dudley, my senses were tickled. Now, I know Dudley isn’t the most glamorous of places, but darling, trust me – you should really get to know it. Its charming little streets and quaint houses are something special. And oh my! Have you ever seen such exquisite rose bushes? They are truly a riot of color – pinks, peaches, yellows, oh, so many glorious colours. Even though it was a warm summer day, those vibrant blossoms just cheered me right up!

Of course, my trip was all about ballet – and spreading my love of twirling! The first thing I did was pop into a local tea shop called “The Butterfly.” Oh, it’s truly a treat. Now, this tea shop has nothing to do with butterflies (though they have adorable little cakes shaped like them, don't you worry). Instead, it's all about tea. Seriously, a whole wall devoted to various teas – green, black, oolong, herbal… they’ve got it all. The owner is absolutely adorable and the smell was just so delicious, all fragrant and calming. I picked a perfect green tea, which was just divine with a little sliver of lemon cake.

Feeling completely re-energized, I decided to take on the challenge of Dudley's ballet scene! Now, you might think Dudley wouldn't have much to offer in the ballet department, right? Well, dear friends, you'd be wrong. There's this little treasure called "The Dudley Dance School." And wouldn’t you know it? They offer ballet! Not just ballet, mind you, but "classical, contemporary and musical theatre." What a trio, my darlings! Oh, how I wanted to fling myself right into the middle of that classroom, but sadly, the classes were all full, much to my dismay. However, I had a wonderful chat with the instructor – she is such a sweet lady with a real twinkle in her eye – who promised to share her dance space with me when the next term started. (Remember this promise, darlings - I will not rest until I can twirl my way through Dudley with them.) I'm so looking forward to getting involved with them.

That evening, my ballet pilgrimage culminated in an amazing, must-see theatrical production at Dudley Castle. I simply had to be there! You know my penchant for anything a little old-school and regal, and this was definitely a grand affair! The setting was truly magical – with that old castle looking absolutely stunning all lit up with fairy lights, you could hear the excited whispers and gasps all around as everyone took it in. And, guess what? It wasn’t a dance production! No, this one was “Romeo & Juliet” – such a wonderful, timeless tale, wouldn’t you agree? There was just something so intimate about watching such a tragic story being performed under the vast starry night sky – it was just divine!

Now, my outfit? Well, how could it possibly be anything other than a pink tutu? Oh, but this was no ordinary tutu. It was a dream – big, bold, with yards and yards of frilly pink fabric! Imagine the joy on my face when I saw a little girl dressed in a miniature version, looking adorable and excited about her "new" pink tutu. Of course, I offered a big hug and had a lovely chat with her mother. They were lovely, lovely people, who I felt sure would be embracing their little ballerina’s passion in every way they could.

Back on the train, still humming a little "Romeo & Juliet" melody (yes, even though it was a Shakespearean production, I couldn’t help but tap my toes to its rhythms!) I caught sight of the most magnificent pink sunset in the sky. A breathtaking display of reds, oranges, and, you guessed it, pink! And oh, what a reminder of how colour and beauty can be found in even the most unexpected of places!

Dudley, darling, you have won a place in my pink tutu-loving heart. Thank you for showing me a different kind of beauty.

And now, darling, tell me: Where in the world should I be taking my pink tutu next? Don't hesitate, let me know in the comments! Remember, ballet is for everyone, every size, shape and age, and don’t be shy – twirl on, darlings! And if you want to add a bit of pink into your lives (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t?), you’ll find some delicious pink tulle goodness on my website, www.pink-tutu.com.

See you all tomorrow,
Emma xx

#TutuBlog 1999-07-16 in Dudley with a wide tutu.