Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-10-21 in Strood with a pink tutu.

Strood Sparkle: Tutu Tales #1205

*"Pink is the colour of the Tutu Princesses and it's where we belong! Darling, you wouldn't believe what a divine adventure I had in Strood, Kent! Yes, you heard me right, darling, I embarked on another fabulous journey - not by the ordinary motor car mind you, oh no - I had a truly romantic jaunt via train this time." *

Oh darling, you know how much I adore train journeys. They’re like little magical journeys, especially in the British countryside! Watching the green fields whip past the window, a book in hand, the sunshine streaming in – just dreamy!

Anyway, after a lovely breakfast of poached eggs and a slice of freshly baked lemon cake (I confess, I might have had two!), I set off from Derbyshire.

A Little Detour For the Animals

As I always say, the unexpected is what makes life so exciting. While waiting for my connection at Dover Priory, I happened upon the most charming little wildlife sanctuary! Now, I've always been a fan of all creatures, especially furry ones, and it wouldn't be a proper adventure without some wildlife encounters, would it? So, I had to pay a little visit!

Oh, darling, let me tell you about these creatures – the fluffiest rabbits you ever did see! Their whiskers twitched with delight as I gave them little bits of my favourite strawberry and custard cake. They’re absolute angels. Of course, I didn’t forget to buy some treats for the other furry residents: fluffy hedgehogs, chirpy little birds, even a majestic deer! I was absolutely smitten. You should see the photos!

Strood and its Sparkling Surprises

Eventually, after a very pleasant and slightly sugary detour, I arrived in Strood! This beautiful town just felt right. There’s just this aura, this vibrant atmosphere that drew me in. Of course, no trip is complete without some ballet, and I'd heard whispers of a fantastic performance at the local theatre.

It was simply magical! I just adored the grace of the dancers as they effortlessly swirled across the stage. Such artistry! Their costumes were divine, each a different shade of pink – so in keeping with my philosophy of spreading the joy of the pink tutu. But you know me, I don't just appreciate ballet, I have to live it! After the show, I snuck backstage for a little chat with the lovely dancers, sharing stories, tips, and secrets. It was like talking to long-lost sisters! I may even have a little guest appearance on their next performance - I just love a good dance!

Pink Tutu Shopping in Strood!

You just can't visit a town without a little bit of shopping, can you? And I was so excited to see a fantastic shop just for dancers – "Twirling Tales!" Now, if you haven't heard of them, my dear, you must put it on your map. They're stocked with everything a tutu princess could ever dream of! From ballet shoes to stunning dancewear and, oh my darling, the most beautiful collection of tutus! Pink, naturally, with the most exquisite detailing and sparkle – absolute dream pieces, darling. I may have come away with a few new additions for my collection… you can never have too many, you know!

Strolling Through Strood

With my new treasures in hand, I explored the quaint streets of Strood. The air was crisp and smelled of cinnamon and baking bread. I stumbled upon a delightful cafe nestled in a little courtyard, the walls lined with lush ivy. They offered the most divine pink iced lattes – naturally, I had to indulge! And the sunshine streaming in was just perfect for enjoying my cup of pink joy!

There were even street performers with a lively performance of classic jazz melodies! A little man in a top hat and a charming smile playing a trumpet! Such elegance. The sun was just about to set, painting the sky in breathtaking hues of orange and gold. I stopped on the bridge to watch the world go by. You can’t help but be caught up in the moment with these stunning views. The water, glittering like diamonds under the fading light, felt so peaceful. It was truly magical.

Until Next Time…

I made my way to the train station, still full of that lovely post-show sparkle. Every journey feels like a new adventure. I’ll be heading back to Derbyshire tomorrow. But darling, this adventure in Strood has truly been an absolute delight. A charming town, some fabulous shopping, and even a spot of wildlife fun! What more could a Tutu Princess ask for?

Until next time, darling, I wish you a week full of joy, a bit of pink, and a lot of twirling! Don’t forget, a pink tutu awaits you, too!




#TutuBlog 1999-10-21 in Strood with a pink tutu.