Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-10-29 in Arnold with a fairy themed tutu.

Arnold: Fairy Tales and Tutu Trails - Post #1213

Hello my gorgeous girlies! Emma here, and oh my goodness, I’m still buzzing from my trip to Arnold! You just wouldn’t believe the adventures I had, and believe me, this post will be a total whirlwind of tutus, train journeys, and a whole lot of fairy magic.

It all started with a twirl and a dream. I've always been a little obsessed with fairy tales (who isn't, really?) and when I spotted this gorgeous little shop in Arnold, all decked out in whimsical trinkets and, you guessed it, fairies, I knew I had to go.

Now, you know me, I couldn't just rock up in a regular outfit for a day like this. My latest pink tulle masterpiece was perfect for the occasion, with a sprinkle of sparkly pink sequins and a little touch of glittery lace to add that extra fairy dust. I even added a tiny sparkly feather, like something straight out of a fairyland dream. I mean, you can never be too much of a fairy princess, right?

I travelled in style, naturally. No planes for this little fairy! Instead, I took the train to Nottingham. You can’t beat the romance of a good old-fashioned train journey. The gentle rhythm of the wheels and the chugging of the engine are like the perfect soundtrack to my ballet-filled life! Plus, who can resist staring out of the window and dreaming of all the amazing adventures out there, with the wind in my hair?

Arnold greeted me with open arms, the little village streets charmingly narrow and full of history. And speaking of charming, did I mention my new favourite coffee shop? ‘The Little Teacup' is a veritable wonderland of sweet treats, beautiful china cups, and oh-so-much delicious tea. It's perfect for a lady who loves pink as much as I do. I practically bounced out of the shop with sugar rush - I couldn't resist trying every cake on the menu!

My fairytale adventure took a different turn next - my next stop was the Arnold Arboretum. I know, it's the most perfect place to find your inner-fairy! It's like stepping into a storybook with its winding paths, ancient trees, and vibrant flowerbeds. And of course, I had to capture some dreamy photos, twirling in my pink tulle under the canopy of the trees. My Instagram is definitely going to be full of fairy magic for the next few weeks!

While exploring the Arboretum, I even stumbled upon a hidden glade! I’ve never seen a collection of so many lovely wildflowers in one spot. It felt as if nature itself was whispering “dance and twirl” in the summer breeze, and you can bet I didn’t need any encouragement to let my fairy magic flow.

And speaking of magic, the evening held a truly enchanting surprise - I found a ballet performance at the local theatre, the kind you would normally find in London or New York! I know what you’re thinking - "Emma, what are you talking about? What kind of ballerina doesn’t have tickets to every performance?". It’s true, ballet is my everything. It's like a language spoken only by twirls, leaps, and the language of the soul. But the beauty of Arnold was the spontaneity. I never knew I would find such an enchanting treat.

It wasn’t just a standard show. It was a special night called "Ballet Under the Stars” , featuring some incredible international dancers. Imagine a big, open-air stage, illuminated by twinkling fairy lights, with dancers leaping against a backdrop of the starlit night sky, the most wonderful feeling you can imagine! I found myself so lost in the music and the movements that I almost believed I could actually fly. It was the perfect way to end my magical day.

Here are a few snippets of what you must try in Arnold, in case you happen to visit yourselves, inspired by my pink-tutu adventures:

  • Wander through the market: It's bursting with fresh produce, delicious cheeses, and handcrafted goodies.
  • Treat yourself at 'The Little Teacup': Their pink cakes and scones are the perfect pick-me-up.
  • Go on a magical journey through the Arboretum: The beauty will have you dreaming of fairies and princesses all over again.
  • Check out the local theatre scene: There are always hidden gems, like 'Ballet Under the Stars' in Arnold, waiting to be discovered.

Of course, no trip of mine would be complete without encouraging all you gorgeous girls to take up ballet. Whether you’re a total beginner or a seasoned dancer like myself, ballet is a chance to move your body gracefully and explore emotions that you didn’t even know existed. Trust me, there’s something so liberating and joyful about twirling in a tutu! So, don’t be afraid to take that leap of faith and get involved in the amazing world of dance! Who knows? Maybe you’ll discover your own inner-fairy princess, just like me!

That's all for today, my loves! But I promise, I'll be back with more tutu adventures and fashion tips very soon!

In the meantime, you can always catch up with me on www.pink-tutu.com - and remember, don't be afraid to twirl!

Love, Emma

#TutuBlog 1999-10-29 in Arnold with a fairy themed tutu.