Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-11-15 in Bridlington with a white leotard.

Bridlington Bound! 🩰 Pink Tutu Travels #1230

Hello my gorgeous darlings! 💓 It’s Emma here, ready to whisk you away on another magical adventure! This week I'm taking you all the way to the stunning coastal town of Bridlington! 🌊 Now, you may be thinking "Emma, Bridlington? Why on earth would you go there?" Well, I'll tell you, darling - a little birdie told me about an absolutely divine ballet performance happening there this weekend, and who am I to resist the allure of twirling on the stage? ✨

Now, I know what you're thinking - "A ballet show in Bridlington?! Surely there are no tutus to be found there?" Wrong, darling! You underestimate my flair for the dramatic, and my insatiable thirst for the fabulous! I even wore a gorgeous white leotard and my absolute favourite pink tutu for this little jaunt. Isn’t it lovely how a little pink can bring even the dullest of trains alive? 🚄 This particular leotard is a bit special, I got it for a bargain at a vintage shop in Nottingham, just look at that sparkle! 🌟 You know me, always on the hunt for the perfect outfit to brighten up even the dreariest of days.

Speaking of brightening up the day, how could I possibly pass up an opportunity to see the beautiful seagulls in Bridlington? Seagulls may not be everyone’s favourite but they really do make you appreciate the beautiful sky. I swear the sea air is like magic on the skin! ☀️ They’re quite funny creatures you know - always darting around and squawking about this and that. Makes me wish I could fly just like them! Imagine soaring over the Yorkshire countryside in a fluffy tutu. ☁️ 🩰 You’ve just got to embrace the crazy and let your dreams fly, just like the majestic seagulls!

The show itself? Well, it was just glorious. We had breathtaking pirouettes, leaps that seemed to defy gravity, and smiles that could melt the iciest heart. It reminded me of the importance of passion, grace and love in life, the kind of love that makes your heart sing! 💕 It was all I could do to stop myself from leaping up onto the stage and joining them for a twirl, my pink tutu twinkling under the stage lights.

Now, darling, you all know I love to explore wherever I go. So of course, I took a lovely stroll along the harbour, and stumbled upon a little shop tucked away on a cobbled side street, selling handmade pottery. You guessed it - they had a stunning pink vase shaped like a dancer, it even had a tutu around it! 💅 You’ll be shocked to know I practically snatched it right out of their hands. This little beauty will find a home on my pink-tutu-tastic dressing table, for sure! 💖

Did you know that Bridlington also has its very own “Little Prince” statue? Oh, he was adorable, and of course, I couldn't resist dressing him in a little pink bow tie from my stash of accessories! 😉 The tourists seemed absolutely thrilled - they'd stop and take photos with him, which is when I always make sure I pop in the photo, naturally! It just proves that a bit of pink can make even the most unexpected places delightful.

You know, one of the things that makes travelling so exciting for me is that there’s always something new to discover. Even on a seemingly mundane train journey, there's always the possibility of a captivating story or unexpected inspiration. I even made friends with a young lady who was a professional dancer, she was from London but had a family connection to Yorkshire so was taking a train trip up for the weekend! She’s really inspiring. It’s been lovely hearing about her dreams. What makes a ballet dancer so exciting, and this is something I live by, is that you can be the character and just be whoever you want to be, express yourself, get up on the stage and twirl! You don't need a microphone or an album to let your creativity flow, you just need a leotard and a pink tutu! 💗

Of course, this weekend trip was not complete without my favourite activity: shopping! You know me - always on the lookout for the perfect new pair of ballet shoes. And, wouldn't you know it, a shop in Bridlington called 'The Dance Den' was hiding a real gem! ✨ I found a pair of satin pointe shoes in a shade of pink that literally made my heart skip a beat. Now, who can say no to a pair of gorgeous pink ballet shoes? 👠

You guys, the sheer joy of it all - a breathtaking ballet performance, stunning sea views, a sweet little town brimming with character, and a new pair of pink ballet shoes. My heart is overflowing! 💝 What’s even more incredible about Bridlington? Well, it’s easily accessible! I opted for the train journey, a little slower paced but allowing me time to people-watch, sketch the countryside passing by, and get lost in a captivating novel (it was the newest Jane Austen - totally worth it!).

But let's be honest, darling, this trip is about so much more than just the sights and sounds of Bridlington. It's about the feeling - that feeling of freedom, excitement, and limitless possibilities. The feeling that comes from knowing that you can do absolutely anything you set your mind to! 💖 You all know my aim - a pink tutu for everyone! 😉 Every time I step onto a stage, or just stride through town in a dazzling leotard and pink tutu, it reminds me of how much power we have to make a positive impact on the world. Even something as simple as embracing the magic of ballet can be an act of defiance, a rejection of negativity and a celebration of beauty, both inner and outer. 💖

So, what are you waiting for? Step into the spotlight. Embrace your inner dancer. Put on a pink tutu, spin around and tell the world: “I’m not afraid to be myself, to be fabulous, to be free! 🤸🏼‍♀️

Join me again soon, darlings, for more pink-tutu-filled adventures! 💖

Keep twirling,



#TutuBlog 1999-11-15 in Bridlington with a white leotard.