Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2000-02-07 in Croydon with a wide tutu.

Croydon Calling: Tutu Tales from the Concrete Jungle! (Post #1314)

Pinkalicious peeps, prepare yourselves for a whirl-wind tour of the urban jungle, Croydon style! This week's Tutu Tales take me right out of my Derbyshire idyll and into the heart of Greater London. And you know me, when I travel, I go in style – tutu, of course!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Croydon? Emma, darling, don't you think that's a bit…concrete?" And let's be honest, dear readers, Croydon has definitely got a reputation (and I'm not just talking about the famous Whitgift Centre!), but honestly, it's just begging for a touch of pink, a sprinkle of fairy dust, and a generous helping of tutu!

Chuffing Along in Style

So how does this Derbyshire girl get to Croydon, you ask? By train, my lovelies! There's nothing like a leisurely train journey to get you in the mood for some serious Tutu adventures. I donned my widest, most magnificent tutu (the one with the pink feathers, you know!) and let the gentle sway of the train carry me away. It's a true joy to see the countryside whizz by, especially when you're wearing something that could give a flamingo a run for its money.

A Ballet Wonderland: Croydon's Secret Jewels

Arriving in Croydon, I felt a delightful buzz of excitement. And honestly, it wasn't all about the shopping centre. The streets buzzed with a hidden energy. Croydon actually has a surprising amount of ballet going on!

Let's talk about The Croydon Ballet Company! These lovely folks put on amazing shows in some quirky local spaces - I spotted an adorable studio hidden above a corner shop. Imagine, ballet above a chip shop! They've got such enthusiasm, you can almost hear the music even before the curtain goes up.

But, my lovelies, that's not all. Croydon has a unique street art scene, and let me tell you, there's a real artistic energy here. It was so much fun spotting ballerinas, sculpted from reclaimed materials and street murals with pink and gold hues. Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a piece depicting a majestic swan on a ballet tutu - the perfect homage to the Croydon swans (a real sight to see on the water!).

Wildlife Wonder and the Grandstand Views

Speaking of the feathered friends, my wanderings led me to the enchanting Croydon Parks. A symphony of colours in vibrant greens and purples, bursting with life! These lush green spaces are not just an escape from the urban hustle but also the perfect setting for a ballet lesson – you just have to find the perfect patch of green. I was tempted to bring my pink pointe shoes (a little impractical on the grass, admittedly) and have an impromptu session surrounded by swans and robins!

And, oh my darling readers, what a view! Imagine, panoramic cityscape and sprawling greenery, all framed by the imposing silhouette of the Croydon Grandstand! (A grand structure indeed – and you know what makes it even more impressive? Its vibrant pink façade! Yes, Croydon, you're starting to make a real splash in the world of tutu!).

Tutu Tales End With a High Tea

Of course, no visit to Croydon would be complete without a proper afternoon tea! Now, dear readers, you know I don't shy away from a little extravagance, and Croydon has some divine delights to offer. Imagine, fluffy scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam, dainty finger sandwiches, and a mountain of beautifully decorated cakes - the ultimate indulgence, and you can't deny the delightful, girly charm.

It was the perfect way to end a truly fascinating day, reflecting on the charm of this often-overlooked corner of London. And yes, it’s true, even Croydon can hold a certain captivating elegance - if you've got a pink tutu and a passion for dance, it’s definitely a city worth discovering.

*Till next time, dear readers, and remember, you can always add a touch of pink tutu magic wherever you go! *

**Your loyal Tutu fairy,



#TutuBlog 2000-02-07 in Croydon with a wide tutu.