Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2000-03-25 in Edmonton with a german tutu.

Edmonton Adventures: A German Tutu Takes Flight (Post #1361)

Oh my darlings, it’s Emma here, reporting live from the wonderfully vibrant city of Edmonton, Canada! As you all know, I adore a good adventure and I’m especially partial to train journeys, and my recent trip to Edmonton was no exception. I love watching the world go by as I settle into my comfy seat, munching on my trusty travel biscuits, gazing out at the ever-changing scenery. There’s a certain magic to being on a train, a feeling of boundless possibility that always lifts my spirits.

Edmonton welcomed me with open arms and a breezy, slightly crisp Canadian air. I’ve been itching to visit this wonderful city for ages, having heard whispers of its fabulous ballet scene and the stunning beauty of the Canadian wilderness.

Before we delve into the details, a quick confession: my trusty travelling companion for this trip is none other than my new German Tutu! You might remember from my last post how excited I was to pick it up in Berlin. Well, she’s made her Canadian debut, and darling, she is a sight to behold. A shimmering, blush pink masterpiece with exquisite details that would make even the most discerning fashionista swoon. You just wouldn't believe how much attention we got at the station – every passing gentleman seemed to give us a double take!

Speaking of a sight to behold, my first stop in Edmonton had to be the gorgeous Winspear Centre for Music. Can we just take a moment to appreciate the architectural marvel that this building is? With its stunningly modern lines and breathtakingly sleek facade, it’s a testament to artistic ambition.

My mission in Edmonton was to immerse myself in all things ballet. Naturally, my first stop had to be the Edmonton Ballet Company's Spring Season. I am simply besotted with these brilliant performers – their grace, their technical brilliance, their passion! They literally brought the house down with their rendition of Giselle, and the sheer beauty and artistry of their choreography left me breathless. Afterwards, I indulged in a pot of tea and a slice of delicious homemade cake at a charming café near the theatre. Pure bliss!

The following day, I embarked on an adventure into the great Canadian wilderness, exploring Elk Island National Park. Now, my darlings, let me tell you, I'm a huge wildlife enthusiast and I simply adored my time there. Imagine lush forests, sparkling lakes, and skies filled with the songs of birds, all against the backdrop of majestic snow-capped mountains! It was simply magical. And as if that wasn’t enough, we were fortunate enough to spot a majestic bison herd! Talk about breathtaking, right? It was almost as breathtaking as the view of those magnificent mountains. You know what would make that scene even more spectacular? Every bison sporting a pink tutu! What a glorious sight that would be. Perhaps I should start a petition for bison tutus?

It wasn’t all tutus and bison though, you know. My journey in Edmonton wouldn't be complete without venturing into the city's thriving arts scene. A visit to the Art Gallery of Alberta left me completely spellbound. I wandered through galleries showcasing breathtaking works by renowned Canadian and international artists, my eyes wide with wonder at their artistic vision. The gallery was bathed in sunlight streaming through large windows, the perfect environment to experience the colours and textures on display. And to add to the magic, I actually met a real live artist painting in the gallery - can you believe it? We had a wonderful conversation about the art and I bought a gorgeous watercolour piece featuring a graceful swan gliding through a serene, mirrored lake. I feel like this will be a permanent resident on my wall back home, just beside my picture of the Derbyshire hills!

In the evenings, I immersed myself in the city’s nightlife. It seemed every corner buzzed with energy, whether it was in a lively pub, an eclectic restaurant or a cosy little bookshop filled with literary treasures. As I said before, Edmonton has such a vibrant atmosphere - I think it comes from its history as a centre of commerce and agriculture. You could say the city is a bit like the ballet world, in a way - it's all about bringing people together to experience beauty and artistry.

The food in Edmonton, my darlings, is an absolute revelation. I tried some truly mouthwatering Canadian delicacies, like Saskatoon berry pie and butter tarts. These are pure decadence - a delightful blend of tartness and sweetness. I dare you to resist, and I know you won't be able to! The highlight was a beautifully presented lobster dinner at a seafood restaurant right on the banks of the river. Imagine fresh-caught lobster paired with a crisp Canadian white wine under a starlit sky. Pure perfection!

It is simply unbelievable how many ballet schools there are here - it makes me long for all those hours in the studio. You just know there is going to be a lot of talented dancers coming out of here! I couldn’t resist indulging in a few classes myself, you know me, I just couldn’t stay away. I ended up taking a contemporary class in the studio of the Edmonton Ballet company. The energy and the creativity in the space were electric. A little more practice and maybe I'd be ready to join the ranks of the ballet stars... although, darling, who needs that when you can wear a pink tutu?

One evening, I attended a ballet performance by a group of local high school dancers, and oh, the passion they had! These talented young souls were truly mesmerizing, dancing with such enthusiasm and skill. I could feel their joy for the art, a reminder of why I love ballet so much - the passion, the dedication, and the pure expression of human spirit. They definitely gave the professionals a run for their money.

One afternoon I indulged in a bit of afternoon tea at the grandly decadent Hotel Macdonald - a historic building that stands as a testament to Edmonton's opulent past. We were treated to dainty finger sandwiches, homemade cakes and steaming mugs of Earl Grey tea. The ambience, the atmosphere, and the delectable treats - everything about this experience was divine. Just think, darling, you could be right here with me, enjoying the sweet decadence of life. All it takes is a little bit of ballet and a little bit of pink.

Before I know it, the time had come to say farewell to Edmonton. But not before I had a delightful walk through the pedestrian-only shopping district. A whole host of delightful shops lined the street – each with a unique character. The shops were bursting with personality – with beautifully-arranged displays featuring the latest in fashion and a myriad of intriguing local crafts. And darling, I couldn’t leave Edmonton without indulging in a few new tutu additions! I’m thinking maybe a navy tutu with some sequin embellishments to go with a sleek black outfit…or maybe a hot pink tutu for when I go dancing! Oh, the possibilities are simply endless!

I boarded the train back to Derbyshire with my heart brimming with joy and a smile etched on my face. The Canadian plains stretched out before me in all their splendour as I reflected on my time in this charming city. I discovered new things, made some beautiful memories, and, of course, acquired yet another fabulous tutu!

Edmonton, you will always have a special place in my heart. You are a true gem - a city of incredible beauty, culture, and hospitality. As the train pulled away, I waved goodbye, vowing to return soon to discover more of your hidden treasures.

My darlings, if you're seeking a getaway where culture meets adventure and charm, then Edmonton awaits! Do tell me all about your travels in the comments.

Until next time, stay bright and keep those tutus twirling!


Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2000-03-25 in Edmonton with a german tutu.