Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2000-10-06 in Liverpool with a european style tutu.

Liverpool, Darling! Tutu-ing Around the City of Beatles and Ballet 🩰

Post 1556

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! Your daily dose of all things pink, tutus, and of course, ballet! It's Emma here, writing to you from the beautiful, vibrant city of Liverpool. Oh my, this city is just teeming with life, a real melting pot of culture and energy, and it's got me feeling utterly inspired!

I arrived here yesterday afternoon, the journey from Derbyshire was utterly delightful. Travelling by train always feels so glamorous and chic, don't you think? I couldn't resist popping on my favourite pink tutu for the journey, it's so incredibly comfortable and it just makes everything feel so much more magical! The carriage was quite full, so of course I got a few curious glances, but who wouldn't? It's such a wonderful way to spread the joy of ballet, and trust me, every single glance I received turned into a smile. Honestly, my favourite thing in the world is seeing people's faces light up when they see a tutu, especially in a place as unexpected as a train station!

Once I arrived in Liverpool, I found myself wandering the bustling streets. It was a delight, soaking up all the charm and energy. The architecture here is just exquisite, the buildings with their lovely colours, it's like stepping into a storybook. It felt almost as though I was wandering through a ballet set! The cobbled streets, the charming shops and cafes - everything feels so historic and full of character. You could almost imagine yourself strolling by in a grand Victorian gown, twirling like a graceful ballerina under the lamplight!

One of the first things I had to do in Liverpool was find a charming cafe with delicious coffee and a little corner to settle down with a good book and my trusty journal. As a ballerina, I am, of course, a keen journal writer, scribbling down my daily adventures and thoughts and jotting down any amazing ideas that flit through my mind. Plus, I am utterly addicted to my caffeine! (Is there a tutu-wearing ballerina alive who isn't?) It felt just too tempting not to capture the beauty of the city in my notes! The perfect café to do this was tucked away down a little alleyway - it felt like discovering a hidden gem, a total dream! The scent of coffee and pastries was just too tempting to resist, and I tucked into a delicious Victoria sponge with my afternoon latte. It was heaven!

With my energy fully recharged, I set off to explore more of this magnificent city, eventually ending up at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. This breathtaking building has always been one of my dreams to visit! It's been one of the main theatres and performance venues since the 1800s. You can practically feel the history emanating from the bricks. In fact, the building’s very presence was like a welcoming stage, an unspoken invitation to dance and enjoy a performance, and it definitely got my feet tapping!

Liverpool, darling, truly is the home of some world-class performances. Tonight, I have a treat waiting for me: the ballet adaptation of The Greatest Showman. Just picturing the gorgeous music from that film brought to life by talented ballet dancers makes my heart flutter with anticipation. And I'm positively sure the theatre itself will only enhance the performance, giving it even more charm and allure. After tonight’s performance, I am absolutely determined to head over to the Empire Theatre, the iconic venue where a young Paul McCartney himself worked. Imagine, my darling, having witnessed the magic of a young Beatles’ concert - that is truly legendary!

This trip, however, isn't only about the glamorous world of ballet. Liverpool also has a surprising, wonderful side – the wild side! This city has a great love for the natural world, with the majestic Mersey River and its numerous waterfront parks. Yesterday, I found myself in Sefton Park, an absolutely gorgeous oasis of calm right in the heart of the city. I simply adored spending the afternoon admiring the ducks, swans and geese waddling around. Seeing them gracefully gliding across the lake was so captivating! I truly love seeing nature like that, it's always a reminder to embrace those quieter moments in life. Even the gentlest sway of leaves, a little dance for its own.

As a ballet dancer, my heart truly resonates with the movement of nature. The dance of the leaves in the wind, the graceful flight of birds, the fluid rhythm of a river… it all seems to mirror our ballet movements so perfectly, with an underlying grace and precision, making life, even in its simplest forms, feel magical.

Of course, I cannot leave you without some fashion tips! This week has seen me fall head over heels for a stunning new shade of pink. It's the most glorious blend of vibrant coral and warm peach – and I just know I have to share it with you. This is my latest fashion must-have, the colour of sunshine in a cocktail shaker! It truly makes my heart sing!

So, my darlings, this week has been filled with so much beauty and adventure, from ballet to nature, from a charming cafe to the breathtaking world of theatre, and of course, more stunning pink tones to inspire! And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Stay tuned for more adventures next week. I promise to continue to bring you my unique brand of pink-tutu inspiration. You know how it is, darling! A tutu a day keeps the boredom away.

Until then, keep twirling!




#TutuBlog 2000-10-06 in Liverpool with a european style tutu.