
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2001-09-05 in South Shields with a black tutu.

South Shields Sparkle: Tutu Tales and Seaside Delights (Post #1890)

Hello my lovely pink-tutu-loving friends! Emma here, ready to share my latest adventures. This week, I swapped my Derbyshire dales for the windswept shores of South Shields! A bit of a change of scenery, but I’m always up for a good old seaside jaunt, especially when I can combine it with a splash of pink tutu magic.

As soon as the train pulled into the station, I could feel the sea breeze and hear the distant cries of seagulls. The air had a salty tang and the sky was an incredible blend of sunshine and cloud. I just knew this was going to be a good day!

After a quick change into my sparkly pink tutu (because what else would one wear on a trip to the seaside?!) I headed for the beach. It was a gorgeous day - perfect for a spot of sandcastle building, watching the kids play, and enjoying the gentle sound of waves crashing on the shore.

My mission, as always, was to inspire some tutus along the way! And, let me tell you, I saw a lot of opportunity in South Shields. So many people would be transformed by the power of pink and tulle, and who am I to deny them the opportunity? My secret weapon? The perfect pink Tutu bag – the perfect conversation starter. As I strutted across the promenade, it was just begging for attention!

I stopped for an ice cream – double scoop of strawberry with sprinkles, naturally! And I was just about to strike up a conversation with a sweet old lady enjoying a cheeky banana ice cream when suddenly – BINGO! A sign appeared before my very eyes!

"South Shields Ballet Theatre", it proclaimed, complete with a cute little picture of a tutu-wearing ballerina! I practically shrieked with excitement! What a perfect find! You just can’t escape the pink tutu revolution, it seems!

Full of enthusiasm, I headed to the Theatre. Turns out they were holding a special event showcasing up and coming young talent! I was in my element – a perfect combination of ballet, passion, and my beloved tutu! The show was amazing – every single one of those dancers had so much raw talent, it was just electrifying to watch them dance!

And of course, what is a trip to the seaside without a visit to the pier? The pier is always buzzing with activity – so many beautiful vintage fairground rides, squeals of laughter from delighted kids, and the satisfying scent of freshly-made candy floss (I did indulge in a couple of fluffy pink ones – don't judge! You try resisting the charm of a pink fluff on a stick!).

Speaking of charming, I bumped into the cutest little squirrel trying to climb a tree right next to the pier – he was a little shy but completely captivated me with his antics. I love squirrels, they have so much character! This guy had such big brown eyes and fluffy, reddish fur - it made me wish I was as agile as he was!

So much of life, like a squirrel climbing a tree, requires a little bravery and a whole lot of leaping towards the unknown. That’s a good life lesson – don’t be afraid to leap! Take chances, step outside your comfort zone – and most importantly, wear a pink tutu when you do! You’ll never know what adventures you might find when you let yourself sparkle and twirl!

Remember, my lovely readers – my mission in life is to make the world a more pink and tutu-ful place. If you have a spare tutu that you would like to give to a good cause, get in touch - my doorstep is always open!

Keep sparkling,

Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2001-09-05 in South Shields with a black tutu.