
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-09-16 in Hitchin with a bright pink tutu.

Hitchin Calling! (Post #2266) πŸ©°πŸ’–

Hello my darling Tutu Tribe!

It's Emma here, ready to share another delightful adventure with you all!

Today, I'm hopping off the train (first class, of course!) in the charming town of Hitchin. Now, if you know me, you know that a pink tutu and a trip by train is my definition of a perfect morning.

Just imagine the scene: a bustling train platform, sun dappling through the station's grand Victorian roof, and a pink tutu standing out amongst the crowd like a blooming cherry blossom. And, I have to say, there was a definite twinkle in the eye of that lovely gentleman checking tickets, too! πŸ˜‰

A Ballet-Centric Day

Today, I'm off to experience a truly special event – a "Ballet Under the Stars" performance at Hitchin's stunning Priory Gardens. I've heard such amazing things about this little gem of a town. It's nestled in the heart of Hertfordshire, surrounded by green fields and bustling with quaint shops and charming cafes. My kind of place, darling!

But of course, no trip is complete without a little bit of ballet training, even on my travel days. Thankfully, there's a delightful ballet school right by the station – "The Danceline School". So I snuck in a quick barre class this morning and let me tell you, the energy in the studio was just electric! I’ve got a feeling Hitchin's dancers are going to be a real force to be reckoned with – the dedication here is simply inspiring.

Pink Tutu, Wildlife, and a Pinch of History

Now, the true charm of Hitchin isn't just about ballet (although, I confess, that's a large part of it!), but about exploring its rich history. Later, I'm planning a little trip to Hitchin Priory. They say there are incredible gardens with some of the oldest trees in the area. And you know what? I have a hunch a pink tutu would look rather splendid amongst all those towering trees.

I’ve also heard whispers about Hitchin's secret haven for wildlife, the "Ickleford Nature Reserve". Imagine the joy of spotting a graceful deer amidst those lush meadows – the perfect picture for my Instagram! Just picturing it gives me all the feels… the calm and stillness of nature.

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

Here’s the thing, Tutu Tribe, every place I travel, I try to spread a bit of pink tutu magic. It's my mission to convince everyone, everywhere, to experience the joy of ballet! Even if it's just slipping on a tutu for a few minutes. You'd be surprised at the confidence and the sheer sense of wonder that comes with it.

Of course, if you can't get hold of a real tutu (although, frankly, why wouldn't you!), anything pink will do! It's a colour of pure magic.

**So, what are you waiting for?

Get out there and embrace your inner ballerina, unleash the sparkle, and live your best pink tutu life!**

See you tomorrow for another ballet-filled adventure, darling!

Lots of love, Emma πŸ©°πŸ’–

#TutuBlog 2002-09-16 in Hitchin with a bright pink tutu.